I am really looking forward to this device, actually the software-based version. Thanks for posting!
Me too now that I joined the 21st century with an iPad
I am really looking forward to this device, actually the software-based version. Thanks for posting!
Myles, it doesn't sound to me as though you have actually used the counter-intuitive. It is a good idea, but in practice is only a marginal improvement over not having it.Really valuable information! I don't think that all vinyl lovers realize adjusting tonearm height affects VTF. Kinda sucks but needs to be accounted for That's why I love Peter Lederman's Counter-Intuitive for the VPI arm. Allows for superfine adjustments in VTF almost on the fly (0-0.3 gm) without having to mess around with the counterweight. The Counter-Intuitive even allows for precise tuning of the VTF while listening eg. set the cartridge's VTF to the manufacturer's recommended value and then slide the ring back or forth. Very easy to get 0.005 to 0.01 gm adjustment (eg.more or less at the limit of reliability of most meters).
Myles, it doesn't sound to me as though you have actually used the counter-intuitive. It is a good idea, but in practice is only a marginal improvement over not having it.
The reason is that it is virtually impossible to make small precise movements any direction that result in accurate repeatable results when measured. Worse, it is also quite difficult to make a change in VTF without affecting azimuth (sometimes significantly) or vice versa because the CI is not movement restricted in any direction.
I drank the kool-aid for awhile, but upon starting to check my assumptions (those being what was implied by sales-speak) with measurements, it didn't hold up. Settings could be wildly off but look correct on the applied adhesive strip.
No, I'm not kidding, Dude.Are you kidding me dude??? I reviewed it. Actually it sounds like you never used it correctly. Perhaps you put the CI on backwards or didn't use it properly. Not only that but HW also recommends the CI. Doubt he would if it didn't work.
You're telling me you couldn't slide the CI a fraction of a mm without disturbing azimuth? I never found that the case and azimuth was set and rechecked using my AT 6020. Marginal? Hardly.
And actually I don't have one but four CIs, one for each arm wand.
No, I'm not kidding, Dude.
It is remarkably simple to install, and operates the same forward or reverse. But it is dreadfully easy to nudge the CI ring forward or back just slightly as you turn it left/right for az, or vice versa. It most cases (especially az) it is far too coarse for accurate adjustments that are being tracked with measurements. And forget about returning to a previous setting based on viewing the marker ring. You could be way off in azimuth or VTF.
So you can honestly say that your VTF hasn't changed *at all* after making azimuth adjustments? You must be using different CI's than I did.
My attitude? I just parroted your attitude towards me in your first response, back to you! Don't like it? Don't dish it out.No I'm lying. You know it might serve you better to tone down your accusations since you don't know me or been to, heard or seen my system. It might do you good to look for other explanations other than the person is incompetent or lying. Your attitude is growing old very quick.
Mine didn't. The only thing different was the Soundsmith logo on the right side.1. Actually the piece fits differently front or back.
Boy mine never did. They were snug, but could easily be moved without much effort. This was on two wands, one with a standard weight and the other with the heavier 16 marked weight. The adhesive label (which on mine was too coarsely marked to be anything other than a rough guide) was slick and glossy and probably contributed to at least part of the ease of movement.2. Perhaps you have a defective CI because mine grabs and holds onto the CW like an iron glove. In fact I've turned the CW before the CI and always check now that the CW is really tightened down.
This was about 1.5 yrs ago on a (then new) Classic 2 table with 10.5 arm and two wands. I have since gotten rid of all my VPI stuff.3. Perhaps you have an older, slightly different (HW is known to have some variability between gens of gear and since you don't list your system (???), it's hard to tell) diameter CW from VPI.
My attitude? I just parroted your attitude towards me in your first response, back to you! Don't like it? Don't dish it out.
Hi,Bblue i am still curious to the sound the decca makes in your system , you must have an opinion by now , and also where the rest consists off .
greetings hj
FWIW, I am working on a new discrete-semiconductor phono stage that introduces more sophisticated circuit concepts and topologies than the Lyra-Connoisseurs that Roy and Chris reviewed, but would hopefully retail for perhaps half of the previous Lyra-Connoisseur 4-series (thanks to a one-box structure rather than two-box, no air-dielectric etc.).
Target launch date is either within this year, or the beginning of 2013.
kind regards, jonathan carr
Sorta like that joke about heaven and hell where the cooks are British, the Italians are the administrators, etc....{no offense to British cooking, that has improved; as to italian administration, well....}
Thank you for the kind words, Sam. The Atlas took about two years from inspiration to production, including the development of a completely different design which I ultimately decided not to release as a product, yet provided important contributions to the Atlas. So it's something of a relief when people say that they like how it performs and sounds.
Regarding the phono stage design that I am working on, how it operates is radical or downright bizarre, depending on whether you have a glass half-full or half-empty kind of mentality. The big problem with attempting radical things is that there are no existing examples that you can look to for guidance - you have to make your own experiments and suffer your own failures to learn what is possible and what isn't.
For the above reasons this project is not easy, but I believe that it will have a unique sound of its own, and hopefully be able to provide some unique insights into the performances that are recorded on LPs. Maybe it will even sound half-way decent (smile).
best regards, jonathan
THis is not about kids and failure but failure in general .
Dave Slagle has some interest comments regarding SRA on the HiFiHeroin blog: