Labeling the WBF environment as "toxic" is an exaggeration. It is good to have dissent that is what forums are for. You disagree , you tune out the person or use the ignore button or avoid his/her threads ... What is the big deal?
On that many posts are directed to Blizzard (Mike).. I have learn quite a lot from him and his spirit should be commended.. True he, Blizzard is at times (Often ?

) overbearing ( Sorry Pal) but do take the good and reject the bad . Loathe him if you want but do admit that he comes up with fresh ideas and provide a lot of help to us, that it willbe or already are a dealer or manufacturer is his ways to market his wares a different cringe-worthy way but his way and so far many his ideas are quite interesting.. Presently listening with some irritation to DSD-fied PCM and it sounds good .. better than I would like it too

so far it seems better than straight-PCM.. euphonic ? Well.. maybe but os far interesting and it is coming from a lowly $499 DAC/headphones/amp Phone charger which does all known form of DSD iFi iDSD micro something .. so a little bit of praise or maybe experimentation would lighten the mood. On that I have learned a lot more from contentious threads than from "congrats" ones. I am willing to bet it is the same for the vast majority here.
Now getting back to the scheduled discussion ...
Whether we want to admit or not we want to share ... something, else we wouldn't be posting on a Forum. A public , open one at that. We must however be willing to learn from others and
that is difficult for many.
The question about the Sate of High End Audio which brought this thread was asked in all seriousness. There is a growing disconnect between the
faithful reproduction of what is in the medium and people idea of what sounds good. And in the absence of clear metric many have revered to more expensive = better. And that is the most visible path taken by the industry. However loud we claim of progress many seriously old systems or components manage to elicit a torrent of admiration from many who have heard them (Ddk horns and TT come to mind) .. FM Acoustics products do not change for decades and yet could well be the most prized items in all High End ... Burmester doesn't change either so I ask .. Where is the progress? I do believe there has been progress in speakers and in digital it is too rapid to even (from my point of view) considering spending more than $5k on a DAC but elsewhere, electronics in particular .. variations on a theme with one constant : Prices go up by the day...