This Corona Virus Mania is Just Too Much, We All Need to Chill!

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The article in the NYT that explains about cyclotine storm says ferritin level should be used to determine if it is the storm.
Actually, for critically ill COVID patients ferritin (normally a good marker for inflammation and cytokine storm) does not seem to be reliable, often is low even as the patient is dying. But really, discussing this degree of detail in an audiophile forum is inappropriate.
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My son in law also made the point that the most serious time when the virus is disseminated is at the time of intubation as the fomites are released into the air. As a result unless the OR has negative pressure room ventilation they will not do an intubation under those circumstances due to the high risk of them acquiring the virus. In the ICU the circulation is negative pressure and if a patient with covid requires emergency surgery the intubation is done in the ICU in a hazmat outfit and is then transported to the OR for surgery.

Interesting. I couldn't agree more. But we don't go to that extreme. If intubating a Covid for OR, rather than for ICU care, we limit the number of people in OR to 3 ( patient, anaesthesia and tech). The intubation are done by the MOST SENIOR anaesthetists available , and being done all with videoscope ( normally I almost never use them). Reason- trying to give the optimal chance of getting tube in right pipe first time. Theatre staff enter once tube in.As far as I know, the guys are using rocuronium for almost all intubations ( I just mention it because it causes more anaphylaxis cases than any agent I've ever used). I would also hazard a guess that your son in law is taking as much care at time of extubation- coughing there just as dangerous if not more so. the guys here are extubating all deep , or using remifentanil. In the unit, when I tube, I do something similar but not all done in negative pressure rooms. If I have one , I'll wear a N95 mask plus PPE but until yesterday we didn't have any N95's.
The renal failure is interesting- we're seeing it but we saw that with bad multi organ failure prior to Covid. If they need rinsing we just get on and do it.
No N95’s until yesterday? That is a travesty imo. :( Thank you for your courage in this hour of need.
We ran out a few days ago. Got more in yesterday. Some recommendations state w should be using P20 So we were using surgical masks if needed. when I wasn't playing around with silly ventilator designs, i drew up a sketch for a full face shield with a plastic hood so entire head enclosed. A clever acquaintance of mine sourced some plastic , he already had a laser cutter. Made up a whole bunch which is a damn sight better than nothing. Don't look very cool but pretty effective.
We ran out a few days ago. Got more in yesterday. Some recommendations state w should be using P20 So we were using surgical masks if needed. when I wasn't playing around with silly ventilator designs, i drew up a sketch for a full face shield with a plastic hood so entire head enclosed. A clever acquaintance of mine sourced some plastic , he already had a laser cutter. Made up a whole bunch which is a damn sight better than nothing. Don't look very cool but pretty effective.

Looking cool is definitely out. I was getting weird stares in January wearing a half face mask with P100 filters and eye goggles to the local supermarket. Not anymore!
Looking cool is definitely out. I was getting weird stares in January wearing a half face mask with P100 filters and eye goggles to the local supermarket. Not anymore!

We are down to 33 new additional cases here today. Yesterday was 45 the day before was 50. It was coming down from three figures 10 days ago. Total accumulated we have 2,551. Treated and gone home 1,218. 33 dead. I remember Massachusettes had a low two figure in the same period as Thailand. We pretty much follow how Taiwan, HK and China control it. People here are now looking at one another with a look in their eyes saying don't you fuck it up. My mood is good. Time to buy more cartridges. :)

But we have 5,000 more Thais to come back from abroad and needed to give up their freedom for a few weeks.
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Just one glaring example; in the last thread (the closed one) you attempted to blame the poor response of our government to the COVID threat on Obama (!) and some of his appointments at the FDA and CDC. Any of the few Obama appointees left in high positions in those agencies have been re-appointed and in some cases promoted by the current administration. Moreover, during the Obama administration there was a Pandemic Response Team formed, since defunded and disbanded (again by the current administration.)

Your posting a link to a website is not what I refer to as representative of your disinformation; rather, as I posted, it is your misinterpretation of data from those websites, as well as egregious falsehoods such as the one I mentioned above. You keep trying to derail this thread, claiming that the current US social distancing guidelines and economic shutdown are unnecessary, attempting to support this opinion both by saying other countries are not doing it (totally false, at most a handful of countries are not shut down or shutting down as the virus hits them) and then claiming that like all pandemics this one will follow a Bell curve of cases and deaths without any special measures (there is not a shred of historical or epidemiologic evidence to support this). So yes, I said it, and I will continue to say it as long as you keep posting demonstrable falsehoods. No one is well served by your actions of this kind. Keep it honest and verifiable and I will "lay off".

Let's get something straight here grasshopper, it's my thread and I'm allowing you to buzz around and make little noises!

Now to the bullshit you tried so hard to make up:

All my link mentioned was that testing was delayed because of some CDC & FDA regulations put in place during previous administration stopping independent labs and hospitals to conduct tests. Here are some other ones saying the same thing and since you're such a little know it all go to CDC site and do your own research on the regulations and date that they were put in place.

MIT Technology Review



The Bell Curve you're having a hissy fit over was only mentioned in context of this virus, covid19. Go back to the post and read it again! The rest is what you made up! Here's a real giant talking about the cover-19's Bell Curve, let him enlighten you little grasshopper.

Dr. Ben Carson,

It’s funny that trails are not banned. If anywhere that’s where you’re going to get the virus. Impossible to stay 6 ft apart on single track and if someone coughs or sneezes you’ll be riding right through it.

All popular offroad riding and hiking destinations have been closed now in Southern Ontario. With so many bored folks being off work and school, there was a massive (and unsafe for the reasons djsina2 mentioned) uptake in usage. This forced land manager's and ultimately municipal governments' hands. Just road or indoor riding left for us now. I'm bummed.
All popular offroad riding and hiking destinations have been closed now in Southern Ontario. With so many bored folks being off work and school, there was a massive (and unsafe for the reasons djsina2 mentioned) uptake in usage. This forced land manager's and ultimately municipal governments' hands. Just road or indoor riding left for us now. I'm bummed.

I've heard it's an issue here in CO for sure, both local trailheads on the front range and mountain towns are being crowded by folks looking to get out. Cars parked illegally, locals getting upset, etc. Destinations like Moab and some CO towns are now "locals only".

At this time I ride mostly unofficial trail in a local national forest, there's a wide fire road climb and trails are too steep for hikers or uphill traffic... or beginners... so appeal is limited. :) I have rode some popular xc-ish singletrack on off-hours and it wasn't too busy. I hope they can simply limit parking and turn away folks if parking isn't available, maybe close every other parking spot at trailheads... a total closure is going to upset a lot of people and there will be a lot of noncompliance.

Just before the pandemic hit I invested in an indoor smart trainer, my enduro race team is going to start a Zwift training program. Not exactly my idea of fun, but it's necessary to stay in shape, especially if outdoor cycling isn't allowed. Hope it doesn't come to that. I have seen a ton of people on road bikes too...
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We are down to 33 new additional cases here today. Yesterday was 45 the day before was 50. It was coming down from three figures 10 days ago. Total accumulated we have 2,551. Treated and gone home 1,218. 33 dead. I remember Massachusettes had a low two figure in the same period as Thailand. We pretty much follow how Taiwan, HK and China control it. People here are now looking at one another with a look in their eyes saying don't you fuck it up. My mood is good. Time to buy more cartridges. :)

But we have 5,000 more Thais to come back from abroad and needed to give up their freedom for a few weeks.
That's great Tang. when there is public pressure to comply it works. Today we had 4 new cases. I hope we none soon. People coming back to HK drove our cases through the roof and they then did not comply with Quarantine which really pissed me off. If it was up to me anyone who breaks quarantine should be made to clean hospital toilets for 6 months.
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In my town, there are reports of people calling the police to report neighbors who are not observing "appropriate" social distancing measures. I did not think that we would reach a time again when neighbors are reporting each other to the authorities. The only explanation I can think of is fear. Fear of the unknown.

I just read a report by CNN this morning that police responded to gun shots at a party in CA. Apparently lots of people were gathering and a fight ensued, followed by gun shots. No social distancing in that house. Six people were taken to the hospital and treated for shooting injuries. Crazy times.

Cultural differences exist. Compliance with social distancing seems related to culture. Some cultures seem more cohesive than others and this cohesion may help with fighting this virus.
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Let's get something straight here grasshopper, it's my thread and I'm allowing you to buzz around and make little noises!

Now to the bullshit you tried so hard to make up:

All my link mentioned was that testing was delayed because of some CDC & FDA regulations put in place during previous administration stopping independent labs and hospitals to conduct tests. Here are some other ones saying the same thing and since you're such a little know it all go to CDC site and do your own research on the regulations and date that they were put in place.

MIT Technology Review



The Bell Curve you're having a hissy fit over was only mentioned in context of this virus, covid19. Go back to the post and read it again! The rest is what you made up! Here's a real giant talking about the cover-19's Bell Curve, let him enlighten you little grasshopper.

Dr. Ben Carson,

None of these links say what you say they do, which has been the main reason I am continuing to harp on this. Read them again, then reconsider your posts. I don't know what kind of filter you put on your consciousness to draw the conclusions you do, but they aren't the conclusions to which your links lead
In my town, there are reports of people calling the police to report neighbors who are not observing "appropriate" social distancing measures. I did not think that we would reach a time again when neighbors are reporting each other to the authorities. The only explanation I can think of is fear. Fear of the unknown.

I just read a report by CNN this morning that police responded to gun shots at a party in CA. Apparently lots of people were gathering and a fight ensued, followed by gun shots. No social distancing in that house. Six people were taken to the hospital and treated for shooting injuries. Crazy times.

Cultural differences exist. Compliance with social distancing seems related to culture. Some cultures seem more cohesive than others and this cohesion may help with fighting this virus.

Why crazy, as long as the right of people to shoot each other is observed, it is all fine. 6 is quite a small number, if not for social distancing, US has been hitting a much higher number in group shootings almost every month
Cultural differences exist. Compliance with social distancing seems related to culture. Some cultures seem more cohesive than others and this cohesion may help with fighting this virus.

I agree, but I am not sure how you are defining "culture." The differences in both compliance and even the need for social distancing seems to have a divide along political (or maybe ideological) lines as well.
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I agree, but I am not sure how you are defining "culture." The differences in both compliance and even the need for social distancing seems to have a divide along political (or maybe ideological) lines as well.

The US is well known for welcoming different cultures and for celebrating diversity. As a result it seems to me that our culture is less cohesive than most others and lately it is increasingly divided. Politics is only one measure but we should not discuss that here.

The result of this cultural diversity is a lack of homogeneity which benefits smaller and less diverse cultures when they are trying to deal with such a crisis, in my opinion.
In my town, there are reports of people calling the police to report neighbors who are not observing "appropriate" social distancing measures. I did not think that we would reach a time again when neighbors are reporting each other to the authorities. The only explanation I can think of is fear. Fear of the unknown.

It seems insane to me to call the police on individual neighbors. However, were I to see a close gathering of 10 to 15 people on the street, I would have no qualms calling the police on them -- after they had ignored my personal exhortation to disperse. But this a hypothetical, here I have not seen it happen.

On the other hand, we cannot have a police or surveillance state. The last thing I want is having a police officer in the grocery store making sure that rules are followed. Also, digital tracing by phone app of people that might have been in contact with a positive person, as is tried in some countries, seems unacceptable to me. There must be a right balance between individual freedoms and public health.
In my town, there are reports of people calling the police to report neighbors who are not observing "appropriate" social distancing measures. I did not think that we would reach a time again when neighbors are reporting each other to the authorities. The only explanation I can think of is fear. Fear of the unknown.

I just read a report by CNN this morning that police responded to gun shots at a party in CA. Apparently lots of people were gathering and a fight ensued, followed by gun shots. No social distancing in that house. Six people were taken to the hospital and treated for shooting injuries. Crazy times.

Cultural differences exist. Compliance with social distancing seems related to culture. Some cultures seem more cohesive than others and this cohesion may help with fighting this virus.
Dear Peter,

To fight the virus more successfully you need unity. See if there is any unity in this forum in how to tackle the crisis. Do you realize that countries that are more in control of the situation have their people mostly go in one direction and comply with their government's measures to control the virus. They make it national agenda pulling everyone together like cheering for their country in olympic. Virus controlling strategies come from doctors and the country commander in chief whip the ministers to execute them accordingly. Doctors become superhero because they do things without politic and make sacrifice saving lives. Doctors only ask in return for us to please stay home enjoy Netflix listening to stereo drinking wine while they are risking their lives treating patients. Nationalism is raised so people feel they want to contribute and make sacrifice for the country like doctors to win this virus war. I dont hear much sacrifice in this forum. Most people seem to want to exercise their freedom and let someone take care of the problem. People ask and want so much from the country but when they are asked to make the tiniest sacrifice sitting their asses at home for just one month it becomes the unbearable thing to do. Is this cultural or something else Peter?

Kind regards,
My youngest daughter is an RN in the pediatric oncology unit of Children’s Hospital Orange County. She was exposed at work 3 weeks ago to a sick nurse. My daughter self quarantined for 2 weeks and returned to work a few days ago. She heard last night that they lost a 32 yo nurse on their floor to Covid. This brings home how severe this virus is along with the high risk to those health care workers on the front lines
I agree, but I am not sure how you are defining "culture." The differences in both compliance and even the need for social distancing seems to have a divide along political (or maybe ideological) lines as well.
I don’t see social distancing as political or ideological divide it’s something that people practice or not on their own, basic fear and self preservation. The divisions you mentioned are over other things.

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Living in the Western world we have this notion of having rights and sense of entitlement that nobody can tell me what to do. BUT, in Asian people act differently and will listen to the recommendations of their governments. Wearing mask has been going on for years there. We know that physical distancing works. Be a part of the solution and not the problem. When someone "invaded"my space I let them know with my eyes or I say something.
As a traveler in Asian countries , you land at their airport, have an app installed on your phone so you can be tracked. Violate this and there are real consequences. Would love to have this here so I could avoid any potential contact.
Tokyo is now getting travelers to quarantine at the airport.
Canada implemented a Quarantine Act for all returning Canadian travelers., Person picking up travelers has to go into self quarantine for 14 days. RCMP will check on your residence where traveler are going into self quarantine. If travelers isn't there a fine of up to $750,000 plus 3 years of jail time. Our government was to relaxed and too slow to implement this.

As a custom home builder before we start a project we notify all of the trades , suppliers consultants, engineers etc.
This is so that all people involved know what is coming down the pipeline. I really do not understand why our Canadian gov or others didn't act earlier knowing the facts.

Most pandemics come in waves, Spanish flue had multiple waves. So how many will Covid-19 have, won't know till it's over. Singapore, Korea HK seeing more reports now.

Japan wants to bring back all of their manufacturing back to Japan . Japanese government is now offering funds of 2 Billion to bring companies that have relocated to China to move back. This means no dependence on China for their goods. Won't be long before other countries do the same. After the N95 mask issue.

Hope this is over with soon and we can start getting used to our new normal, mask, physical distancing etc
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