Peter, the EU has no say in matters like that. We are individual nations with separate constitutions and laws.
I have lived many year in different European countries and also in 4 different states in the US. America is much more homogeneous in culture and mindset than European countries ever where. We have separate languages, politics , upbringing, education heroes and celebrities every time you cross a boarder.
Americans are much more alike from state to state.
Lagonda, I'm not familiar with the legal authority governing the EU. We have individual state constitutions also, plus many restrictions about the authority of the Federal government. I just think that comparing the US response to the EU is more analogous than comparing it to a small country like Sweden, Italy, or South Korea. This is more of an observation than a comment on the national government structure.
There also seems to be much resistance to the notion of declaring English as the official language in this country. The local town in which I work has 30+ languages in the school system, and material is printed in at least five different languages, and this town only has 80K+ people. I regularly see multiple national flags hanging in tenant's windows all over this town, with only moderate efforts at assimilation. Other regions are more homogenous, but it varies greatly, IME.
The idea of the US being one homogenous country with one shared culture is not accurate, IMO. As a sailor, I see it as more weather related with sunny days, cloudy days, and tumultuous storms ever brewing, only occasionally becoming a nice melting pot with a beautiful rainbow of colors on the horizon.
Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.
"Incredible pressure" is no excuse for failings that could have been easily avoided had early warnings been taken seriously.
Yes, and we can all compare how we acted as individuals after we became aware of the situation, knowing roughly the same reports. You and I for instance, based on the same or very similar knowledge, chose to respond differently concerning the stay at home recommendations. One of us responded sooner, the other later, but we both responded. And I know people who acted sooner than either of us.
I'm just saying people are making different choices. Our leaders are people, and their advisers are people. And people certainly know more with the benefit of hindsight, and they then pass judgement differently with that hindsight.
I'm with Folsom. Do we think of our response and ask what if? Do we focus on the origin and ask what if? How far back to we go, and what does it accomplish? I think we should focus on where we are, and how we should proceed.
That's a false equivalent. I as an individual, and speaking for most of us here, are NOT experts on infectious disease and pandemics. However, many people are, and they gave A LOT of warning to those who lead us (not just the USA). Trump said this was unexpected and came out of nowhere at one point, but this is absolutely not true. It's expected, and warnings have been vehement and have come from many sources. Previously, I posted a vid that gave 8 specific warnings to the US Federal Government since Trump took office in 2016, it was removed for being political but this is the truth, the response from our government as well as others has been nothing but massively negligent and incompetent.
Yes, and we can all compare how we acted as individuals after we became aware of the situation, knowing roughly the same reports. You and I for instance, based on the same or very similar knowledge, chose to respond differently concerning the stay at home recommendations. One of us responded sooner, the other later, but we both responded. And I know people who acted sooner than either of us.
I would like to point out that expert worry-worts "that we all should have listened to" are the same type that will push a vaccine out 2 years.
Not going to happen, the public pressure will be too great.
I would like to point out that expert worry-worts "that we all should have listened to" are the same type that will push a vaccine out 2 years. Sometimes you need something in-between or an outside perspective that encompasses more things.
I would like to point out that expert worry-worts "that we all should have listened to" are the same type that will push a vaccine out 2 years. Sometimes you need something in-between or an outside perspective that encompasses more things.
as I've said before, you don't come to an audiophile forum searching out medical opinions or even worse audiophiles giving medical opinions when they have zero medical knowledgeSometimes we need qualified opinions and not emotional reactions by people who have no idea WTF they are saying while casting aspersions on folks who have studied the subject for their lifetimes and refer to them in ridiculous terms like "expert worry-worts(sic)".
That approach could work in less dense portions of the US. Sweden's population density is 64 ppl/sq mile. NYC's is 66,940, or 1000 times greater.
We also don't know their ultimate outcome will be. Hopefully it will stay low.
Also, the self-identification of Americans as "Americans" is much stronger than the self-identification of members of individual European nations as "Europeans".
I don't understand this Al. Why are you comparing individuals in one case identifying with as members of their country to nations identifying as individuals in a larger group made up of separate countries? "Europeans" is referring to individuals, right?
Do you mean to contrast Americans (meaning individuals) identifying as "Americans" and Europeans (meaning individuals) identifying as "Europeans"? Or something else?
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