Hey Neil, hey Tim,Andreas,
1. First - in the back of the book the very last Table XXV, UCM Pump-Filter System Parts List, provides a complete parts list for 3-different filter options.
2. For the pump, which will be 12VDC, you have 2-options: either will work. You need to mount these on a block of wood with rubber grommets. They are both be a bit noisy, but the Seaflo may be noisier.
-The better Shurflo SLV - SLV Fresh Water Pump - Shurflo.eu
-The cheaper Chinese SeaFlo - Seaflo 12V 4.3 LPM Wasser System Pumpe : Amazon.de: Sports & Outdoors
3. For the 12VDC pump you need a decent power supply - MEAN WELL™ GST60A12-P1J 12V 5 Amp 60W - MEAN WELL GST60A12-P1J Tischnetzteil, Festspannung 12 V/DC 5A 60W : Amazon.de: Computer & Accessories. This is for universal AC voltage input, and you may need an adapter for your AC power but being sold in Germany it should come supplied.
4. You will need a simple wire converter to connect the power supply which comes standard with 2.1mm male to whatever the pump is terminated with - it is probably just bare wires. just be careful of the polarity cablepelado DC Female Connector 5.5 x 2.1 mm Black: Amazon.de: Electronics & Photo,
5. The Pentek 10" filter housing with 3/4" connections can be purchased here: Pentek Water filter housing 3 G standard, 10 inch, with mounting device | Kwerk Online Shop. Make sure you buy the wrench - buy 2 they are kind of flimsy and just tape them together.
7. For filters, contact this company PP Polypropylene Filter Cartridges | Dorsan (dorsanfiltration.com). You want 10" with DOE connections, 0.2-micron for the cleaning tank and you can use 0.45 or 1.0 micron on the rinse tank. Let them know what filter housing you are using, and they should know exactly what model to sell you.
8. For your installation, for now you can operate w/o the filter inlet pressure gauge - or you can search & source the parts from Amazon. As the book states: Monitor pump motor housing temperature. When hot >120°F, replace the filter.
9. There is a bunch of small parts, fittings for the housing Quickun Plastic Hose Fitting 3/8" Barb to 3/4" Male Thread White Connector Adapter (Pack of 5) : Amazon.de: Business, Industry & Science, for the hose sourcing map Braided Reinforced PVC Hose 10 mm ID 15 mm OD 1 m Transparent High Pressure for Water Hose : Amazon.de: Garden you will need 3 pieces of 1-M each, and clamps. In Table XXV, there is a detailed list - just work down the list of parts in either the low or medium column.
Good luck,
I want to give some feedback about your great, at which I am still working. Nowadays not every part is so easy and quick to get here in Germany as I expected.
The small parts as hoses and fitting are quick ordered at amazon, but after three weeks even some is under shipment by supplier. Also the Tergitol was funny because the companies did only supply commercial clients. So I asked the owner of a cleaning company to do, voilá:

I will keep it in cardboard to protect against daylight. This will keep for many years.
The better pump took me too more than 3 weeks to finally get them.
At least IPA and DIW were the first products to reach my home.

Because Elma is a german company, I thought I will get the baths within a week. No way. Due to some commercial it took me over 4 weeks. But finaly, here they are:

Not expected, but getting the filter solution is really the worst horror. Getting the plastic housing was not so easy. They asked me first the 4 times the price due to small quantity fee and shipping costs. I finally bought 4 pieces, if one housing would break and the ratio housing price to total costs sounds a bit better. But now the story with cartridges...first no one could offer me cartridges fitting to the housing. Than they were out of stock, than they offered only 5 micron filters. After some discusions at least the sales company of the housing organized 0,2 micron filters fitting to the housing, but only in quantity of 48 pieces at over 800 EUR. This was not funny. But finally I gave up and ordered.
Resumed, this purchase list is a great support, but purchase is a wonderland.