Going from your book I did a quick calculation that the P60 is 30w/L, very similar to the P120, which suggests to me that going with the 80% rating for the wash that Tim uses seems reasonable.However, keep in mind that the P60 us a powerful unit for its size and will heat up pretty quickly.
Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment!Your requirements are most the severe of anyone I have ever worked with cleaning records.
Anyway, so far so good. The machine seems to perform extremely well - a combination of power and optimal rotation (the Kirmuss, I now see, really spins the disc - I'll measure it but I'm guessing 1.5 - 2.0 RPM: edit it’s 2 1/4 RPM). Heating the water is slower than the Degritter, although it's cold here at present, so ambient temperature is low which may help, but which means more work time is available. The ease of cleaning the unit between sessions is a joy and removes all residue anxiety I have with the Degritter.
Tim, how long have you been running yours - any signs of reliability issues? I'm on my 3rd and 4th Degritters. The Kirmuss continues to plod along. Elma note that the transducers and tank are "wear items", but, rather like the Kirmuss, I hope to get years from these machines...
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