Tinnitus and our hobby.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2013
I have recently been diagnosed with tinnitus. Beyond the persistent tone, it is masking my ability to distinguish sound from 11k-15k. It’s possible it could go away over time but there isn’t enough data at this point (related to covid). My ears themselves are working correctly and the testing showed they can in-fact hear well up to 20khz as soon as I get out of the tinnitus band. The doctor is recommending that I listen to background noise (streams, rushing water, wind, etc…) for 2+ hours a day over headphones to try and retrain my brain from hearing the tinnitus. Of course, for someone who has been actively listening for tiny nuances for a very long time, it will take a lot to convince my brain not to hear it.

What have other audiophiles done that have faced having tinnitus? Looking for advice from the community…
I've just learned to live with mine.
There is no cure....
just learn to live with it. for me some days are better than others. the bad days i just dont listen to music.
I've been dealing with Tinnitus for 25 years now. I don't really notice it that much unless there is no other sound. So I am generally listening to music whenever possible. It has certainly reduced my ability to hear certain nuances in audio systems, but hasn't diminished my ability to tell when something sounds good or made it any easier on my wallet in selecting gear.
Count me in this club as well. I just deal with it...
Yes, dealing with it, too, for years, as a matter of fact. Audiologist said some cases come from frequent ear infections as a child. I had frequent ear infections as a child, but to attach cause and effect in my case is pure spectulation.
Just dealing with it also although mine is very minor but it is there all the time .... worst is at night when I'm trying to go to sleep! Uuugh

I have it in my left ear. Spent way too much time listening to loud music with headphones. Fortunately, music from the speakers drown it out.
I have it too. I just live with it. Some days it's worse than others but I'm so used to it I can go weeks without noticing it.
Me too, just live with it and the benefit is less money spent on high end equipment because I can’t hear the difference in sound over the ringing haha.
Got mine from using firearms with poor ear protection when i was very young.

It only flares up when I am sleep deprived or am under the weather so I make sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep and generally be in good health. Moderate exercise everyday helps in this regard.
Fascinating topic. I'm surprised the topic hasn't been discussed before. (Maybe its because we were all so much younger back then?:()
The timing of the post is pertinent for me. I experienced some low level ringing in my left ear for the first time about 6 months ago. As a clinician-scientist, I dove into the literature full bore and was terribly disappointed to learn just how little we know about this entity. There are no bonified pharmaceutical treatments and the range of purported therapies is enormous and include everything from acupuncture to homeopathic nutriceuticals (and I use the term loosely). Much to my dismay, as said in post #2, there is no cure! This by itself is a remarkable admission of what appears to be a huge unmet medical need as the condition is relatively common. Tinnitus is a common problem for millions of people; epidemiologic studies have reported its prevalence to range in from 8% to 25.3% of the US population. What I've found helpful personally is that I think the frequency and severity seems to vary significantly with my blood pressure control. I monitor my BP almost daily and have adjusted my hypertensive meds a bit which I found very beneficial. (The literature which suggests that some specific BP meds either cause or cure tinnitus is totally bogus in my opinion.) To be honest, the ringing I experience is either nominal or non-detectable most of the time now. When I listen critically, it doesn't seem to effect the enjoyment of the listening session and my sense this probably true for live music as well (but can't confirm that until the fall classical concert season starts up again). Of course, Billy Joel 10th row center at MSG in January won't be a fair test since that is a mandatory earplug event which I'll go to even if I have to read his lips!

Actually there is one effective treatment but its not an easy one. Don't grow old! My guess is that none of us had tinnitus when we were 40 so there's your answer.

Don't have that dreaded condition but have severe hearing loss in my right ear. Product of age. I've adapted and still enjoy serious music listening.
I was raised on my family's farm and spent summers on an open (no cab) track layers all day and pretty much of my spare time with firearms hunting or just shooting (this was during the 50's). I don't remember ever not having the constant ringing and am accustomed to it to the point it is always there if thought of but not otherwise. I seem to 'hear' right through it as if it were a separate source of sound and can fully enjoy and experience full musical detail except for the higher frequencies which is natural for my age. I truly wish there was a 'cure' or remedy though.
Yep, present and accounted for. I have it very bad in my left ear. Achieved this feat at a Cheap Trick concert in 1979 in a small theater in Chicago. Front row seats and I was deaf when I left. Could not hear anything for days. Ringing started after the show. Been there ever since.

I just deal with it. Only have been to about another 150 live shows since that one. Learned how to control loud concerts with ear protection. 42 years of ringing in my left ear. I listen to music every day. I love music so I just put up with the ringing.
My right ear is abit damaged and I don’t here the vocals in the middle of the sound stage, it’s always to the left side.apparently had this since birth.
me too. The number one drug prescribed for tinnitus are antidepressants (go figure). My way is like others, forget about it.
Got mine from using firearms with poor ear protection when i was very young.

It only flares up when I am sleep deprived or am under the weather so I make sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep and generally be in good health. Moderate exercise everyday helps in this regard.
Good to know. Yes, definitely during long-term sleep deprivation.

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