Trinity DAC

My understanding is that the US distributor dumped Trinity because of many issues, namely reliability amongst others - despite good sales and that they felt CH Precision to be the superior product in the top tier digital segment.
My understanding is that the US distributor dumped Trinity because of many issues, namely reliability amongst others - despite good sales and that they felt CH Precision to be the superior product in the top tier digital segment.

I don't know who informed you Redsquare but the info is wrong. Gideon was dumped by Dietmar for various reasons. Trinity is (indeed) a boutique brand but imho one that delivers outstanding quality, craftmanship and service: the Trinity drive and dac still sound awesome and I do not recognize the realibity issues. My current drive was sent back to Munich once some time ago in order to change it from a four terrabite in a six terrabite unit. Btw, Dietmar informed me that meanwhile eight terrabite drives are available.
Limited sales success in the US I guess...

Not really, but I do not want to go into details.

Sometimes it is better not to have a distributor, than have a bad one.
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My understanding is that the US distributor dumped Trinity because of many issues, namely reliability amongst others - despite good sales and that they felt CH Precision to be the superior product in the top tier digital segment.

Both parts of your sentence are incorrect. If this is what Gideon had told you, then well ... why I'm not surprised ?
Apparently Trinity lost its UK distributor as well....

They changed their distributor to Absolute Sounds. This is #1 distributor in the UK (and probably in Europe), carrying only the very best brands (Wilson, Magico, SF, Jadis, ARC, Siltech, ML, TechDas, Koetsu, Metronome, Dag, darTZeel etc).

To many, the very fact that Ricardo decided to add the Tinity brand to his portofolio, tells more than the very best review.
They changed their distributor to Absolute Sounds. This is #1 distributor in the UK (and probably in Europe), carrying only the very best brands (Wilson, Magico, SF, Jadis, ARC, Siltech, ML, TechDas, Koetsu, Metronome, Dag, darTZeel etc).

To many, the very fact that Ricardo decided to add the Tinity brand to his portofolio, tells more than the very best review.

Had not mentioned this (distribution) fact because the non believers will accuse us of definding Trinity against (apparently) all odds. But I suppose it is good that this fact is in the open afterall.
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They changed their distributor to Absolute Sounds. This is #1 distributor in the UK (and probably in Europe), carrying only the very best brands (Wilson, Magico, SF, Jadis, ARC, Siltech, ML, TechDas, Koetsu, Metronome, Dag, darTZeel etc).

To many, the very fact that Ricardo decided to add the Tinity brand to his portofolio, tells more than the very best review.

Speaking of darTZeel, their soon to be released LHC-208 is "da bomb" and at the $13K price point, WATCH OUT. Killer one box solution.. Just add NAS and spekaersand you are all set for high end analog like sound.
They changed their distributor to Absolute Sounds. This is #1 distributor in the UK (and probably in Europe), carrying only the very best brands (Wilson, Magico, SF, Jadis, ARC, Siltech, ML, TechDas, Koetsu, Metronome, Dag, darTZeel etc).

To many, the very fact that Ricardo decided to add the Tinity brand to his portofolio, tells more than the very best review.

That is very true, with the guy taking personal financial risk, spending time, and tying up resources to represent it. But at the same time I am surprised they did not do anything and everything to get it to TAS. Those guys like to be the first kid on the block with a new expensive toy. Maybe Harley didn't want it?....

And I know many guys will say,"I don't buy on review. I use my own ears". Yet over the holidays, it was virtually impossible to even hear the Berkley Ref dac at a dealer after the glowing TAS review, let alone try it in your system for a week. Production was backed up for 3-4 months, so guys were just buying based on an authority opinion. The publicity of a good review doesn't hurt a company. Influence of human behavior works in many way, and usually these factors work in combination.
Call me old-fashioned, but I am still dependent on the dealer, in my case Goodwin's High End. I don't buy stuff without prior listening to it *) (that has saved me from costly mistakes), and I think it's fair to buy from the dealer from whom I got the gear to take home for trying out. But then, while Goodwin's High End also features absurdly priced stuff, my future planned purchases will be more 'normally' priced. Unless of course you find a Berkeley Reference DAC absurdly priced at $ 16K (three times less than the Trinity DAC for sure). I find it reasonably priced, especially if it is reportedly state-of-the-art, or at least close to it if you take away potential hyperbole. And I have to say my current Berkeley Alpha DAC 2 (also from Goodwin's High End) is to my ears a ridiculous bargain at $ 5K, given its stellar performance. Berkeley Audio is most definitely not a 'boutique' company.


*) at least I try to avoid if possible. The BorderPatrol MB power supplies for my amps necessarily were a 'blind' buy, but boy, did I get lucky with that one. Also a bargain at $ 2K each.

I am old fashioned in that respect as well and wish the dealer was not going extinct. However, I think the writing is on the wall and we, the consumer, are part of the problem. Plus the "dealer" you refer to is not the typical dealer and few like him anywhere.

When it comes to most things, with the exception of LARGE speakers, amps, etc most of these things can be sent for home demo via shipping from the manufacturer, no? Just to explain my position, I am not endorsing the practice, just stating the obvious. I am not sure Trinity was well served in America. I understand the manufacturer wanted his product not discounted, shown in its best light under optimum conditions, but doing such kind of limited its appeal no matter how good the thing is. I admit to never having heard it but many on this thread love it and sold the DAC I own to buy it so I am assuming it is quite a spectacular piece that unfortunately few in the USA will ever hear. Others are now taking the direct approach, including PSA (for years), Lampi, TotalDac just to name a few.

Last point. You cite Goodwin, who is one of the largest dealers in the world with probably the best selection of equipment here in the USA. He is successful, not so much because of high end but because of the installation business and home mechanization business he gets. But that aside, look how much he has had to spend to get demo equipment. Take the multiple other Wilson, Magico, etc dealers across the country who do not have the consumer traffic of Goodwin and the investment they have to make in Demo equipment. First point, the best customer as I said for most manufacturers are from the dealers they "anoint" and second the biggest issue behind why so many brick and mortar stores going out business is the capital they have to invest and lastly while they are investing in demos and bricks and mortars their competitors are dumping stuff to anyone anytime through other means via the NET, at shows, etc. Yeah it may not affect Goodwin but it sure effects others.
Goodwin's sells mainstream brands. Some people love those mainstream brands. Yet some think they suck, "meh', or are not good enough, and enjoy the hunt for the boutique brands that matches their tastes and desires.
Goodwin's sells mainstream brands. Some people love those mainstream brands. Yet some think they suck, "meh', or are not good enough, and enjoy the hunt for the boutique brands that matches their tastes and desires.

Yes, Goodwin's have very good stuff, but not all of my own tastes are served by what they have either. I am into low-powered tube amps and highly efficient speakers, which they don't have, with perhaps some exceptions. Sure, technology has advanced, and great SS amps with suitable speakers can now do, for example, microdynamics just as well as aforementioned combos, which would have been unthinkable, say, 20 years ago. But if I would want to change amps or speakers in my system, I'd have to redo my whole system concept if it would have to fit into what Goodwin's has to offer.

Fortunately, in terms of power conditioning, cabling and digital they have precisely what I am looking for, and those are the areas I am most interested in for future upgrades.
Last point. You cite Goodwin, who is one of the largest dealers in the world with probably the best selection of equipment here in the USA. He is successful, not so much because of high end but because of the installation business and home mechanization business he gets.

Interesting. What is your source for that?

First point, the best customer as I said for most manufacturers are from the dealers they "anoint" and second the biggest issue behind why so many brick and mortar stores going out business is the capital they have to invest and lastly while they are investing in demos and bricks and mortars their competitors are dumping stuff to anyone anytime through other means via the NET, at shows, etc. Yeah it may not affect Goodwin but it sure effects others.

It may not affect them very much, but Goodwin's did sever ties with at least one brand that was undercutting them through other sales channels -- a very respectable mainstream brand that is.
Interesting. What is your source for that?

It may not affect them very much, but Goodwin's did sever ties with some brands that were undercutting them through other sales channels -- very respectable mainstream brands that is.

My source is someone who knows him very well also in the business.

Goodwins place is like a candy store for us nuts. The fact that he has had to sever ties with some brands is more proof of my point. Amazing that brands with such "integrity" don't enforce and protect their dealers who they encumber with restrictive covenants.

Incidentally, I have seen Berkeley products sold through shady methods, online, and Berkeley is one of the better companies at protecting their dealers.
My source is someone who knows him very well also in the business.

Ok, thanks.

Goodwins place is like a candy store for us nuts.

Yeah, you could say that ;)

Incidentally, I have seen Berkeley products sold through shady methods, online, and Berkeley is one of the better companies at protecting their dealers.

This kind of problem seems to be an old one. About 20 years ago a guy who worked in audio offered to get me the Wadia transport/DAC combo that I wanted at the time considerably cheaper through back channels. Call me dumb, but I declined, for ethical reasons, and got it from the dealer where I auditioned. I guess now with the web some of those back channels may manage to operate in a somewhat more 'open' manner.
Ok, thanks.

Yeah, you could say that ;)

This kind of problem seems to be an old one. About 20 years ago a guy who worked in audio offered to get me the Wadia transport/DAC combo that I wanted at the time considerably cheaper through back channels. Call me dumb, but I declined, for ethical reasons, and got it from the dealer where I auditioned. I guess now with the web some of those back channels may manage to operate in a somewhat more 'open' manner.

YUP, the "new" old thing are "buying clubs", which are just another way of saying, I have a 10 people who want to buy your product if you can give us 40% off. Most manufacturers are not going to say no.
It was quite a while since I last visited Trinity webpage. I have just noticed that have added quite a few very favourable reviews of their line and phono preamps, all translated into english:



They have also introduced a poweramp, which is already making some waves in HK (there are two folks on AE forum that sold their Gryphon Mephisto amps). Anyone heard this new amp ?

My friend tried to borrow a preamp/poweramp set from Dietmar (our distributor doesn't have it), but Dietmar is backordered till late May and doesn't have any demo units.

Even though we were both a bit unhappy about this, I fully understand Dietmar - why to waste time on prospect clients, if you already have people that paid for the amp in full and you cannot make the amps fast enough (this doesn't mean he sells a lot of them, only that he is heavily backordered).
In my previous post, I have asked about the Trinity amp. Noone replied to my post in public, BUT I got a PM message, which I will quote in full here:


I own the Trinity amp. Since you want to know more about it, I can share a little with you. The reason why I'm writing privately is I want to avoid arguments with some of the members here who always want to pick a fight. More ego than anything else.
Before I begin, I'd like to congratulate you on your Trinity DAC. It is by far the best DAC in the market. In my estimate, at least 30% ahead of everything else, if I may use percentage as a comparison. I own the CH C1 and X1 and while this combo is excellent, it can't touch the Trinity DAC.
Back to the amp, again, it is the best amp I have ever heard and I've heard quite a few of the very best amps...the latest Soulution, the Mephisto mono, the Dartzeel 458s, the top Vitus, the top Goldmunds, FM 118s (plus 268C), the top VTL's, ARCs, Jadis, and many many more. Nothing can touch the Trinity amp. If I were to write this on the forum, [name deleted] will be the first to attack me as he owns the [name deleted] and I'm sure many more will join in as well. One can here a lot more information through the Trinity amp; it is a clear window to the music. Vocal realism, bass control, top top class sound staging, name it and there are all there in spades. Only one caveat...if you have a huge room (bigger than about 600 sq ft) or if the speakers are a very difficult load, you WILL need to go mono, otherwise, the amp can be overdriven and the speakers may clip. I told Dietmar about this and he agrees with me. (...) I will go mono soon.
Hope this helps a little.


In bold - my edit.

I have to say I'm even more intrigued now. I already talked to Trinity distributor in Poland ... hope he will get one eventually.
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