Trinity DAC

Forum reality. Hidden agendas, etc.

Some people do not want to start arguments I guess.
well there isn't a reason for him to feel intimidated. I would encourage him to take a moment and post as we are all interested

Well Steve, let me be honest with you. I can fully understand that people are not willing to post on the WBF. The aggressivenesss and preconceived opinions of quite a number of members here are, let me put it very mildly, discouraging. All products that in the eyes of some members are (too) expensive, are being attacked without exception. May I remind you of your own reaction when I wrote on this thread that - after talking to Dietmar - I made the decision to buy the Trinity dac, including mentioning the retailprice of it? People are judging products on this forum without having any clue of the technical merits, without having heard the products, let alone having heard them under controlled circumstances. Look only at the Tripoint threads that I started and you can hopefully understand what I mean.

The only reasons that I remain on this forum are (i) that some outstanding products like Trinity and Tripoint deserve imo much more attention than they actually get in the regular press and (ii) some members like eg Lloyd and Wisnon are real gentlemen with an open (audio) mind. Actually Wisnon visited me last weekend (as Lloyd has done before) and we had a lot of fun exchanging experiences and offcourse listening to music.
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Well Steve, let me be honest with you. I can fully understand that people are not willing to post on the WBF. The aggressivenesss and preconceived opinions of quite a number of members here are, let me put it very mildly, discouraging. All product that in the eyes of some members are (too) expensive, are being attacked without exception. May I remind you of your own reaction when I wrote on this thread that - after talking to Dietmar - I made the decision to buy the Trinity dac, including mentioning the retailprice of it? People are judging products on this forum without having any clue of the technical merits, without having heard the products, let alone having heard them under controlled circumstances. Look only at the Tripoint threads that I started and you can hopefully understand what I mean.

The only reason that I remain on this forum is (i) that some outstanding products like Trinity and Tripoint deserve imo much more attention than they actually get in the regular press and (ii) some members like eg Lloyd and Wisnon are real gentlemen with an open (audio) mind. Actually Wisnon visited me last weekend (as Lloyd has done before) and we had a lot of fun exchanging experiences and offcourse listening to music.

Thanks again for the hospitality. I had a memorable time listening to your truly reference class system that has been tuned to the extreme, and also to the wonderful company of your family and friends. You are a terrific host and I feel very privileged.
Yes, and very likely his own demo set. As Gideon was fired as distributor it seems that the explicit mentioning that the units were traded in is his last 'revence act' towards Dietmar.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what you are suspecting. I have spoken with two gentelmans who have sold their CH combos (C1/X1) after they heard the Trinity DAC. One is on this forum and has previously contributed on this matter in this thread.

It remainds me of similar situation, when one of the distributors have listed a pair of Magico Q7 speakers, claiming they were 'traded in' for a $30k speaker he sells...
I wonder who the lucky egg will be that will pick up Trinity in the US.
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Why is it that this industry is so malicious?

If Gideon has dropped the Trinity line, there is no reason to say that he has been fired unless there is cause. It isn't "revenge" to go back to your customers and sell them your new line. If he has gone back to his old customers, and some of them prefer the new line over the old line and as a result trade in the old product, he's gotta sell it somewhere. If you read the ad, he says that the Trinity DAC/Server will ship directly from the owner's home in Arizona so it isn't a demo..... and in addition to the DAC and server, he's also got two Trinity preamps listed as trade-in. So, three Trinity owners trade in their Trinity for CH Precision. So what? Isn't that the nature of this hobby?

I don't have a horse in this race, but I have to admit that I having heard the CH Precision line at many of my customers homes, and I've been very impressed.
Anybody know anything about the tentative/impending Trinity loudspeaker?
Here is an in interesting Trinity review by an actual owner, posted on another forum yesterday:

I've had a Trinity DAC in my system for a little over two weeks now. I can say unequivocally that the Trinity DAC has made a significant improvement in the sound quality of my system.

The most significant gains were in the clear and transparent delineation of individual components of the music within a realistic soundstage; the lifelike reproduction of timbers especially voices; and the effortless and coherent nature of the presentation in a three dimensional soundstage.

I can't explain the technical basis for the performance of the Trinity DAC other than to repeat the technical jargon in their webpage, but the underlying result for me is a reduction in noise that allows not only the fundamental notes to be presented with accuracy, but also, and most importantly, the associated harmonics in a coherent and realistic manner.

Background piano or bass or percussion or vocals that could be heard before to a certain extent, are now presented in a distinct, clear and fully articulated way within the soundstage; and not in an etched and artificial way, but in a natural, coherent and effortless manner.

My current system is pretty revealing. It includes Magico Q7 speakers, Soulution 725/711pre/pwr combo, Robert Koda K15 preamp, and the Trinity DAC together with significant power conditioning and isolation components in a dedicated listening room.

I've had other well regarded DACs in my system. But the Trinity DAC took it to another level. And although I can not unequivocally say that Trinity will be the best option for any system or musical preference, I can recommend, without hesitation, to anyone looking for a high performance DAC to seriously consider the Trinity as a must-try option.
2CH: Magico Q7mkI Speakers; Soulution 711/725 amp/preamp; Robert Koda K15 preamp; Trinity DAC; CH Precision C1 DAC/; MacBook Pro/NAS; Synergistic Research Galileo ICs and Speaker Cables; MIT PCs and Conditioners; Stillpoints Racks; Rives Designed Dedicated Room.
Why is it that this industry is so malicious?

If Gideon has dropped the Trinity line, there is no reason to say that he has been fired unless there is cause. It isn't "revenge" to go back to your customers and sell them your new line. If he has gone back to his old customers, and some of them prefer the new line over the old line and as a result trade in the old product, he's gotta sell it somewhere. If you read the ad, he says that the Trinity DAC/Server will ship directly from the owner's home in Arizona so it isn't a demo..... and in addition to the DAC and server, he's also got two Trinity preamps listed as trade-in. So, three Trinity owners trade in their Trinity for CH Precision. So what? Isn't that the nature of this hobby?

I don't have a horse in this race, but I have to admit that I having heard the CH Precision line at many of my customers homes, and I've been very impressed.

Well Gary, first of all Gideon did not drop the Trinity line but was indeed fired as distributor.Nothing malicious about mentioning this as it is a pure fact. secondly, as you know very well one cannot always write on a forum all the (hidden) facts. I use to choose my words carefully as that is exactly what I did in this case as well.
Gary, imho agree that a degree of maliciousness pervades in this industry but especially in this thread. It appears that a few people, imho, have a vested interest in pushing Trinity and will defend at all costs. Trinity has lost two distributors in one year which is not a good sign, regardless of what happened. And whatever did happen should remain between the parties. It was the Trinity life support system on this thread that initiated who fired whom,which was unnecessary and malicious indeed, smelling of PR spin. Someone mentioned that Trinity lost its NA distributor and the response from this camp was completely uncalled for and ugly. Gary demonstrated how others falsely characterized the Trinity Audiogon sales, again ugly conduct. I heard Trinity early on and agreed on some of its merits but ultimately decided against it. And now, after reading all this toxic content, I'm glad I did not. Nobody talks about music in this thread; it's just a ceaseless rant pushing a product which is growing old and tired...
Gary, imho agree that a degree of maliciousness pervades in this industry but especially in this thread. It appears that a few people, imho, have a vested interest in pushing Trinity and will defend at all costs. Trinity has lost two distributors in one year which is not a good sign, regardless of what happened. And whatever did happen should remain between the parties. It was the Trinity life support system on this thread that initiated who fired whom,which was unnecessary and malicious indeed, smelling of PR spin. Someone mentioned that Trinity lost its NA distributor and the response from this camp was completely uncalled for and ugly. Gary demonstrated how others falsely characterized the Trinity Audiogon sales, again ugly conduct. I heard Trinity early on and agreed on some of its merits but ultimately decided against it. And now, after reading all this toxic content, I'm glad I did not. Nobody talks about music in this thread; it's just a ceaseless rant pushing a product which is growing old and tired...

Apparently you have no idea what you are talking about. A real pity that ignorance leads to such an ugly and malicious reaction. Gary demomstrated nothing because he does not know the real facts. Not gonna waste my time on such a pitiful reaction.
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Gary, imho agree that a degree of maliciousness pervades in this industry but especially in this thread. It appears that a few people, imho, have a vested interest in pushing Trinity and will defend at all costs. Trinity has lost two distributors in one year which is not a good sign, regardless of what happened. And whatever did happen should remain between the parties. It was the Trinity life support system on this thread that initiated who fired whom,which was unnecessary and malicious indeed, smelling of PR spin. Someone mentioned that Trinity lost its NA distributor and the response from this camp was completely uncalled for and ugly. Gary demonstrated how others falsely characterized the Trinity Audiogon sales, again ugly conduct. I heard Trinity early on and agreed on some of its merits but ultimately decided against it. And now, after reading all this toxic content, I'm glad I did not. Nobody talks about music in this thread; it's just a ceaseless rant pushing a product which is growing old and tired...

Hello Guidon !
I'd concur with Gary. My experience with Audio Arts nyc, hearing both brands, was balanced, and spectacular. The room and ancillary equipment were top tier, as was the expertise. If trinity is no longer in the line up, well, not just CH precision, but also Nagra and Audio Consulting more than make up for that imho. AA nyc seems to have a house sound, an overall gestalt, that is reflected in the line up (I'd characterize it as wide bandwidth, correct timber and texture, and lightening transients).
Hello Guidon !

That would certainly explain the really bizar and outrageous reaction of redsquare. Steve, I think that it is time for the Whatsbestforum organizers to check this out and inform us: the WBF community has the right to know whether redsquare is double crossing us.
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It's too bad your friend feels concerned enough that he won't post about the amp. I know all of us are interested

Steve, Can you investigate (or let investigate) whether redsquare is actually Gideon of Audio Arts? I would appreciate an answer in the sake of finding out the truth.
Gary, imho agree that a degree of maliciousness pervades in this industry but especially in this thread. It appears that a few people, imho, have a vested interest in pushing Trinity and will defend at all costs. Trinity has lost two distributors in one year which is not a good sign, regardless of what happened. And whatever did happen should remain between the parties. It was the Trinity life support system on this thread that initiated who fired whom,which was unnecessary and malicious indeed, smelling of PR spin. Someone mentioned that Trinity lost its NA distributor and the response from this camp was completely uncalled for and ugly. Gary demonstrated how others falsely characterized the Trinity Audiogon sales, again ugly conduct. I heard Trinity early on and agreed on some of its merits but ultimately decided against it. And now, after reading all this toxic content, I'm glad I did not. Nobody talks about music in this thread; it's just a ceaseless rant pushing a product which is growing old and tired...


I have heard Trinity DAC with Trinity PC drive in their dealer room. It is good but nothing special as trumpeted by the owners here. It seems the owners here cannot accept people choosing other DACs over Trinity. There are many ways to skin a cat. At this price and performance level, there are no THE BEST. It is all about taste and system synergy.

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