Trinity DAC

Sorry Keith, but I am pretty sure Dietmar would not appreciate it when I would put some photo's of the inside of the Trinity dac or Trinity media pc on the internet.

We had a great and enjoyable thread with the participation of Dietmar debating the technicalities of the Trinity. Although the information was sometimes a little encrypted ;), any one with a technical background in DACs and instrumentation could easily understand how the Trinity DAC works and what is inside the boxes. BTW, I have now seen photos of the inside of the Trinity in some sites - we just have to know how to look for them. But IMHO voyeurism is not enough to appreciate a great high-end component.
I too would be curious as to owners' experiences with cables and other accessories for both the Trinity DAC and Trinity PC. I have both as well. upon reading others' experiences, I got the TotalDAC USB cable to use between the 2 and concur with some of the opinions. Great cable. I had the Wireworld Platinum and liked the TotalDAC better although the Wireworld is an excellent cable. Need to experiment with more power cable options. Have tried Shunyata Digital and Wireworld Platinum but not extensively as I'm just getting settled in with the PC. Kept the Shunyata on the PC for now.

The comment on Linebacker was interesting. I saw those and thought about experimenting. Love to hear experiences. Curious if the improvement was greater using on the PC or the DAC (or both?). So far, I'm incredibly impressed with the Trinity DAC and PC sound. I've had Burmeister and Esoteric and although those had great resolution, I am finding things like harmonics of strings for example are just breathtaking on the Trinity combo. I notice most on strings and vocals. Sounds less digital than other DACs I've tried. Also in my opinion, doesn't take high res to show its capabilities; there are many many redbook that sound unbelievable. I've found myself going thru old CD collection and listening to many recordings I had written off as unlistenable.

Anyway, love this forum and appreciate others' experiences as none of us ever have enough time to hear all the options for ourselves.
Thanks much for you info. Can you explain in more detail please what the linebacker extreme brings extra to the table, that is in what way did it improve the performance of the Trinity combo?

Hi Audiocrack,
The improvement Linebacker Extreme brings about is on almost all aspects but IMO most significantly on the soundstage size, image density and microdynamics.
It simply makes the music more analog and real-like.
I too would be curious as to owners' experiences with cables and other accessories for both the Trinity DAC and Trinity PC. I have both as well. upon reading others' experiences, I got the TotalDAC USB cable to use between the 2 and concur with some of the opinions. Great cable. I had the Wireworld Platinum and liked the TotalDAC better although the Wireworld is an excellent cable. Need to experiment with more power cable options. Have tried Shunyata Digital and Wireworld Platinum but not extensively as I'm just getting settled in with the PC. Kept the Shunyata on the PC for now.

The comment on Linebacker was interesting. I saw those and thought about experimenting. Love to hear experiences. Curious if the improvement was greater using on the PC or the DAC (or both?). So far, I'm incredibly impressed with the Trinity DAC and PC sound. I've had Burmeister and Esoteric and although those had great resolution, I am finding things like harmonics of strings for example are just breathtaking on the Trinity combo. I notice most on strings and vocals. Sounds less digital than other DACs I've tried. Also in my opinion, doesn't take high res to show its capabilities; there are many many redbook that sound unbelievable. I've found myself going thru old CD collection and listening to many recordings I had written off as unlistenable.
Anyway, love this forum and appreciate others' experiences as none of us ever have enough time to hear all the options for ourselves.

Hi vjayh,
The Linebacker Extreme is very expensive so most Trinity users here in Hong Kong own only one and the effect seems most prominant when used for the Trinity Media PC.
However, a friend of mine bought a second Linebacker Extreme and after some testing, he uses it for his Robert Koda Takumi K15 preamp.
CKK and Vjayh, TBG on my Entreq Grounding thread is strongly alluding to Troy being "true grounding" only, and Entreq closer in execution to Acoustic Revive and Pranawire Linebacker. If this is true, it would follow that your favoured gear would likely work v.well w/Entreq, and the combination would be worth trialling. From what I can see on the AE forums, they're going gaga running Linebacker/Linebacker Extreme w/Troy into favoured components like the Trinity and Koda.
I too would be curious as to owners' experiences with cables and other accessories for both the Trinity DAC and Trinity PC. I have both as well. upon reading others' experiences, I got the TotalDAC USB cable to use between the 2 and concur with some of the opinions. Great cable. I had the Wireworld Platinum and liked the TotalDAC better although the Wireworld is an excellent cable. Need to experiment with more power cable options. Have tried Shunyata Digital and Wireworld Platinum but not extensively as I'm just getting settled in with the PC. Kept the Shunyata on the PC for now.

The comment on Linebacker was interesting. I saw those and thought about experimenting. Love to hear experiences. Curious if the improvement was greater using on the PC or the DAC (or both?). So far, I'm incredibly impressed with the Trinity DAC and PC sound. I've had Burmeister and Esoteric and although those had great resolution, I am finding things like harmonics of strings for example are just breathtaking on the Trinity combo. I notice most on strings and vocals. Sounds less digital than other DACs I've tried. Also in my opinion, doesn't take high res to show its capabilities; there are many many redbook that sound unbelievable. I've found myself going thru old CD collection and listening to many recordings I had written off as unlistenable.

Anyway, love this forum and appreciate others' experiences as none of us ever have enough time to hear all the options for ourselves.

Äs mentioned before I am using the Taralabs grandmaster pc with my Trinity combo. I have only one available that I am using right now on the media pc. On the Trinity dac I am using my trusted Taralabs cobalt pc. Like them both and will swap them in the near future because the grandmaster is really a better pc than the cobalt in order to find out if the effects are even greater on the Trinity dac. Hope to receive an additional Taralabs grandmaster ic somewhere next week to use between the Trinity dac and the Kondo m1000 preamp. I am still flabbergasted what the Taralabs grandmaster cables are doing in my systems. See the separate thread that I started on the Taralabs grandmaster cables. Opted for the Taralabs cables because I believe in grounding (they are supplied with 'grounding boxes') and connected them to my Tripoint Troy signature se and on short notice to the Tripoint emperor. My racks are standing on Halcyonics (active isolation) devices and those bettered the performance of the Trinity combo imho in a significant way.
Hi Audiocrack,
The improvement Linebacker Extreme brings about is on almost all aspects but IMO most significantly on the soundstage size, image density and microdynamics.
It simply makes the music more analog and real-like.

Thanks again CKKeung. Saw that you mentioned somewhere on the AE website your experience with a Dalby grounding cable. Have you listened yet to the Tripoint Thor se grounding cable? I am highly impressed with Miguel's Thor se grounding cable.
Thanks again CKKeung. Saw that you mentioned somewhere on the AE website your experience with a Dalby grounding cable. Have you listened yet to the Tripoint Thor se grounding cable? I am highly impressed with Miguel's Thor se grounding cable.

I am not a Tripoint owner so not very familiar with their grounding cables.
I was told the older original Tripoint cables is black in colour with a red ring near the connectors.
The newer and better Tripoint Signature cables have blue rings.

I auditioned the Dalby Pearl ground cable (third in their series) and ODE ground cable (the second in the series).
Direct comparison showed that both are obviously better than the blue Tripoint Signature cables.
However, they are insanely expensive. The ODE is in fact more expensive than a Tripoint Signature.
I am not a Tripoint owner so not very familiar with their grounding cables.
I was told the older original Tripoint cables is black in colour with a red ring near the connectors.
The newer and better Tripoint Signature cables have blue rings.

I auditioned the Dalby Pearl ground cable (third in their series) and ODE ground cable (the second in the series).
Direct comparison showed that both are obviously better than the blue Tripoint Signature cables.
However, they are insanely expensive. The ODE is in fact more expensive than a Tripoint Signature.

Ok, you apparently listened to the 'stock' Tripoint cables that come standard with the Tripoint Troy. It seems there is little attention in the AE community fot the Tripoint Thor se grounding cable. That is a pity because the Thor se is so much better than the Tripoint 'stock' grounding cables. Hopefully you will be able to listen to the Thor se grounding some time in the future. I am confident you will be amazed how good it is. Three words come to mind: 1. Transparent 2. Fast 3. Explosive
Ok, you apparently listened to the 'stock' Tripoint cables that come standard with the Tripoint Troy. It seems there is little attention in the AE community fot the Tripoint Thor se grounding cable. That is a pity because the Thor se is so much better than the Tripoint 'stock' grounding cables. Hopefully you will be able to listen to the Thor se grounding some time in the future. I am confident you will be amazed how good it is. Three words come to mind: 1. Transparent 2. Fast 3. Explosive

Hi Audiocrack,

I have been watching all the recent posts with interest as always. When does your Emperor arrive? Will you be ordering Tripoint SE cables to go with it...or trying Dalby or some of these other grounding cables?
Hi Audiocrack,

I have been watching all the recent posts with interest as always. When does your Emperor arrive? Will you be ordering Tripoint SE cables to go with it...or trying Dalby or some of these other grounding cables?

Hello lloyd,

Good to hear from you. Ok if I give you a call early next year? Quite some developments on my side. Hope to receive the emperor at the end of this month or (very) early January 2015. It will come with two Thor se grounding cables. Really looking forward to it. Let's talk soon. Enjoy your holidays.
Hello lloyd,

Good to hear from you. Ok if I give you a call early next year? Quite some developments on my side. Hope to receive the emperor at the end of this month or (very) early January 2015. It will come with two Thor se grounding cables. Really looking forward to it. Let's talk soon. Enjoy your holidays.

Merry Christmas! Yes! Definitely give me a ring...and i have [some] updates for you as well. Look forward to speaking. Best wishes from us to you and your wonderful family.

I have various systems, but this one is Trinity Pre, Trinity DAC, Trinity PC, CH Precision M1s, Wireworld Platinum cabling and power, Tripoint Troy (original not the SE...yet), YG Sonja, Trinity Phono Pre, Wave Kinetics NVS table with Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement.
I have various systems, but this one is Trinity Pre, Trinity DAC, Trinity PC, CH Precision M1s, Wireworld Platinum cabling and power, Tripoint Troy (original not the SE...yet), YG Sonja, Trinity Phono Pre, Wave Kinetics NVS table with Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement.

A very good system it is! :)
I have no doubt that this is an excellent product, or at least excellent in to a certain target market / taste/ synergy situation. However, it seems they have lost their distributor in USA.
I was told by Dietmar that they have dumped the distributor they had.
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Unfortunately or "fortunately" few manufacturers get the new and soon to be pevasisve paradigm in "high end audio" namely the elimination of distributor and "dealer" as unfortunate as it is.

Selling direct is going to be the model with the exception of LARGE speakers and even then flying a customer to hear XLF's or Q7s will be infinitely easier than the current modus operandi.

The manufacturers of course are fighting this tooth and nail as their biggest customers are their respective dealers who are forced to buy their product for "demo".

But with the stratospheric pricing we are seeing today more and more people (yes even in the coveted "ASIAN market") are being eliminated as potential customers and as a result less and less dealers hitting the bottom line especially of boutique companies like Trinity.

Too many products at absurd prices competing for a dwindling number of customers; yes even in the coveted ASIAN markets.
Unfortunately or "fortunately" few manufacturers get the new and soon to be pevasisve paradigm in "high end audio" namely the elimination of distributor and "dealer" as unfortunate as it is.

Selling direct is going to be the model with the exception of LARGE speakers and even then flying a customer to hear XLF's or Q7s will be infinitely easier than the current modus operandi.

The manufacturers of course are fighting this tooth and nail as their biggest customers are their respective dealers who are forced to buy their product for "demo".

But with the stratospheric pricing we are seeing today more and more people (yes even in the coveted "ASIAN market") are being eliminated as potential customers and as a result less and less dealers hitting the bottom line especially of boutique companies like Trinity.

Too many products at absurd prices competing for a dwindling number of customers; yes even in the coveted ASIAN markets.

Call me old-fashioned, but I am still dependent on the dealer, in my case Goodwin's High End. I don't buy stuff without prior listening to it *) (that has saved me from costly mistakes), and I think it's fair to buy from the dealer from whom I got the gear to take home for trying out. But then, while Goodwin's High End also features absurdly priced stuff, my future planned purchases will be more 'normally' priced. Unless of course you find a Berkeley Reference DAC absurdly priced at $ 16K (three times less than the Trinity DAC for sure). I find it reasonably priced, especially if it is reportedly state-of-the-art, or at least close to it if you take away potential hyperbole. And I have to say my current Berkeley Alpha DAC 2 (also from Goodwin's High End) is to my ears a ridiculous bargain at $ 5K, given its stellar performance. Berkeley Audio is most definitely not a 'boutique' company.


*) at least I try to avoid if possible. The BorderPatrol MB power supplies for my amps necessarily were a 'blind' buy, but boy, did I get lucky with that one. Also a bargain at $ 2K each.

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