Tripoint troy signature grounding device

Dm, can't help, sorry. Entreq is more signal grounding biased. Troy more applicable here. I guess you need to find a tonearm-related chassis screw, or via the tonearm cable. May well be worth investigating.
Spirit, having had Equi-Tech, PS Audio, IsoClean, Syn. Res., Acoustic Revive, Weizi, and the best High Fidelity Cables Waveguide for cleaning up my ac, I can tell you that the Troy Signature continues to add greatly to the sound.

I'm going to abandon this thread as well as that for the Troy as adding nothing.
Dm, can't help, sorry. Entreq is more signal grounding biased. Troy more applicable here. I guess you need to find a tonearm-related chassis screw, or via the tonearm cable. May well be worth investigating.

My understanding is that this is in addition to the grounding through the tonearm cable and done through a screw on the tonearm base. It would be very interesting to hear from somebody who has done this.
Hi Spiritofmusic,

Total agree with you! I am taking a system wide approach - I have earthing sorted out for now with my Tripoint signature. Next, I plan to evaluate various Troy and Dalby Earthing cables to see if these truly do make a significant difference in my system and worth the money. I also plan to try some VertexAQ products to see if their Grounding components will work well in conjunction with my Tripoint system with additional benefits. I also have a VertexAQ Hirez Taga on order as well which will get passive filtration via my Lessloss Firewall- Hope to have this in place by Christmas.

Finally, I would like to compare Stillpoints isolation philosophy vs VertexAQs Leading Edge Platform which drains vibrations/noise into the platform labyrinth as opposed to isolating.

Honestly, I don't really care what I use. If it improves my system substantially, I am game. Lets hope we have succeeded in taking the first steps towards world peace!!! ;)

I look forward to hearing your results. Should be interesting and helpful,
I look forward to hearing your results. Should be interesting and helpful,

+1 , yes do please keep us posted , especially keen to know how much further the Dalby and Tripoint cables push the envelope .
Will do guys. This will be my Christmas project! I am just disturbed by the idea that the 2nd from top of the line Dalby Celestial earthing cables could end up being real winners but am secretly hoping that the Pearl sounds close...(I am not going to even bother with the newest Dalby Rueben reference Earthing cables as they are too stratospheric in price) Potentially already, I would have to abandon all wine purchases for 2015!!! Any one want my Harlans for next year?!!!
My understanding is that this is in addition to the grounding through the tonearm cable and done through a screw on the tonearm base. It would be very interesting to hear from somebody who has done this.

I understand from Chris of AE that we can just attach an earthing cable from the Tripoint Sig to the tonearms- not sure if its via a special screw or just any contact? I will see how this is done when the Analogue Master installs the Thales arm onto my table, hopefully this week and report back!
DRC. If it helps, I now integrate a dedicated consumer unit, radial main, Westwick 8kVA balanced power transformer, Entreq grounding and a Burmester 948 power conditioner into a really successful package. My power components only, come off the transformer, so there is no chance of peak current limitation, and source components/mono preamps/AV rig only, off the Burmester (which itself comes off the transformer), so I get the benefit of conditioning to kit where peak current is not an issue. This is giving me full bass weight and substance (the transformer), midtrange and treble clarity (Entreq grounding, and Burmester). At this point I'm happy to stick, but will investigate a little further to complete the power treatment cycle by grounding/filtering the mains PASSIVELY via Entreq Cleanus from Westwick to Tellus via an Apollo lead.
I very nearly went down the Vertex route, but somehow Entreq loomed into view at the same time, and my ability to get the decisive home trial happened more easily w/Entreq. The rest is history.
Take a look at the AE forum, it seems a lot of perfectionist Asian high end consumers are combining Troy w/Pranawire Linebackers, and the French JLS conditioners. May be worth considering.

Hi Spiritofmusic, you are hardcore in your pursuit of sonic excellence! That's great! I am going to have to read up on all your gear to better understand your setup but it certainly sounds very pro. I know all about the AE's path and I have to admit, these guys are "pretty darn good" based on my recent experiences with them and certainly, they know their S* no BS! I am just choosing to go a slightly different path right now with Lessloss. I do plan to check out JMF and Pranawire over the holidays and should I have time, would def like to AB against my Lessloss system. For me, I feel the finish line is within sight! I already have the best system that I have ever had before and more importantly, I am happy and just plain satisfied! At least I will be after the final face off between Thor vs Celestial vs Ode!!! :D
I understand from Chris of AE that we can just attach an earthing cable from the Tripoint Sig to the tonearms- not sure if its via a special screw or just any contact? I will see how this is done when the Analogue Master installs the Thales arm onto my table, hopefully this week and report back!

DRC, I have an Ikeda silver DIN to RCA tone arm cable with a grounding wire. But I know there is no ground of the turntable other than through the ac cord. I have yet to attach the ground of the tonearm to the Troy Signature as the spade on the ground wire is tiny in comparison to the spade on the silver ground cable. I know better than to solder the two together. Perhaps I can find a small brass bolt and nut along with two washers to clamp them together. Also since the BMC MCCI phono stage is not grounded to its chassis, I could use a chassis screw to hold them together. I will probably try that. Incidentally, when I grounded the MCCI chassis to the Signature, the sound improved, so chassis also need to be grounded.
Hi Spiritofmusic,

Total agree with you! I am taking a system wide approach - I have earthing sorted out for now with my Tripoint signature. Next, I plan to evaluate various Troy and Dalby Earthing cables to see if these truly do make a significant difference in my system and worth the money. I also plan to try some VertexAQ products to see if their Grounding components will work well in conjunction with my Tripoint system with additional benefits. I also have a VertexAQ Hirez Taga on order as well which will get passive filtration via my Lessloss Firewall- Hope to have this in place by Christmas.

Finally, I would like to compare Stillpoints isolation philosophy vs VertexAQs Leading Edge Platform which drains vibrations/noise into the platform labyrinth as opposed to isolating.

Honestly, I don't really care what I use. If it improves my system substantially, I am game. Lets hope we have succeeded in taking the first steps towards world peace!!! ;)

great stuff...good luck and look forward to reading your impressions!
DRC, I have an Ikeda silver DIN to RCA tone arm cable with a grounding wire. But I know there is no ground of the turntable other than through the ac cord. I have yet to attach the ground of the tonearm to the Troy Signature as the spade on the ground wire is tiny in comparison to the spade on the silver ground cable. I know better than to solder the two together. Perhaps I can find a small brass bolt and nut along with two washers to clamp them together. Also since the BMC MCCI phono stage is not grounded to its chassis, I could use a chassis screw to hold them together. I will probably try that. Incidentally, when I grounded the MCCI chassis to the Signature, the sound improved, so chassis also need to be grounded.

Interesting...I intend to try grounding the racks also. The AE crowd actually likes to run Troy Signatures in series. Sounds crazy I know but I am not sure if in fact ... 2 Troys are superior than 1...Next, they could be attaching 1 Troy Sig per component!!!! :p
Because my Tidal Sunrays are gone I am able to insert two Tripoint signatures in my Kondo/Genesis set up. My experiences so far are that individual components benefit most if they are connected to just one binding post (sorry Lloyd). This was one of the reasons I ordered the Tripoint emperor with eight binding posts. According to Miquel the emperor beats even a combination of more than two Troy signatures.
Because my Tidal Sunrays are gone I am able to insert two Tripoint signatures in my Kondo/Genesis set up. My experiences so far are that individual components benefit most if they are connected to just one binding post (sorry Lloyd). This was one of the reasons I ordered the Tripoint emperor with eight binding posts. According to Miquel the emperor beats even a combination of more than two Troy signatures.

Sounds for single binding post, my findings are specifically that it is better to use separate binding posts under 2 specific circumstances which are both different from your setup: 1) Entreq grounding wires should be on separate binding post from Tripoint wires 2) Entreq Altantis wires each have a split end on the grounding box side...that is, 2 terminations...and it is better imho to separate those 2 ends across 2 binding posts which is also advised by Entreq's distributor.
Audiocrack, I have certainly discovered that one must keep all grounding wires on the Signature off the floor. It is also the case that which two grounding cables use the same grounding post matters, and it is entirely trial and error to decide.

I think that the Emperor is more than having eight binding posts. Have you heard one?
TBG, the emperor grounding has 8 binding posts and two powercords. Have not heard it myself yet but had already intensive contact with Miguel about the emperor grounding and emperor ac before it was launched in Hong Kong. I trust Miguel's craftmanship en he considers the emperor his masterpiece. It will be ready about mid December.
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I'm really somewhat to worried about hearing the Emperor. Given its weight and cost, it really isn't something I can afford or ever move about. Given what I've read in audioexotics, everybody was shaken by the sound and the Emperor was a good part of that sound, with some hearing with and without the Emperor.
Audiocrack, please don't take this post as one of my previous Miguel criticisms (I'm so enamoured by grounding it's great to hear about the bleeding edge), but surely Emperor should have the potential to ground more than 8 components, esp if it's not advised to double up on grounding posts. A typical high end analog and digital system w/monoblocks and subs would need at a conservative estimate 9-10 posts to allow for grounding each powered component separately, esp w/psus needing grounding too, and then if you want to ground tonearms etc, a couple more for good measure would be handy.
For such a statement piece at $70k, surely Miguel could provide 12 posts. I can see in due course the uber grounder on AE running TWO Emperors, to allow 16 separate posts and 16 boxes grounded. Are the obsessive out there really going to be happy running a single Emperor doubling up on posts, or an Emperor along a Troy SE, e.g.? Esp since there seems to be a trend to ground single components sometimes 2-3 times.
Tbh, at such an exalted price, a box a third bigger w/12 posts, close to $100k+ would not be outlandish wrt the the 8 post Emperor at $70k (i.e. I can't see any not affording/being open to a $100k+/12 post version if you're ready to put your cash down on the $70k/8 post).
Same comments apply w/his high end Orion and Emperor AC conditioner units, they're all 8 o/l versions. Who in this day and age of multi component systems is going to find 8 sufficient?
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Audiocrack, please don't take this post as one of my previous Miguel criticisms (I'm so enamoured by grounding it's great to hear about the bleeding edge), but surely Emperor should have the potential to ground more than 8 components, esp if it's not advised to double up on grounding posts. A typical high end analog and digital system w/monoblocks and subs would need at a conservative estimate 9-10 posts to allow for grounding each powered component separately, esp w/psus needing grounding too, and then if you want to ground tonearms etc, a couple more for good measure would be handy.
For such a statement piece at $70k, surely Miguel could provide 12 posts. I can see in due course the uber grounder on AE running TWO Emperors, to allow 16 separate posts and 16 boxes grounded. Are the obsessive out there really going to be happy running a single Emperor doubling up on posts, or an Emperor along a Troy SE, e.g.? Esp since there seems to be a trend to ground single components sometimes 2-3 times.
Tbh, at such an exalted price, a box a third bigger w/12 posts, close to $100k+ would not be outlandish wrt the the 8 post Emperor at $70k (i.e. I can't see any not affording/being open to a $100k+/12 post version if you're ready to put your cash down on the $70k/8 post).
Same comments apply w/his high end Orion and Emperor AC conditioner units, they're all 8 o/l versions. Who in this day and age of multi component systems is going to find 8 sufficient?

Spirit, of course it is not only a matter of the number of binding posts but also how they are isolated from each other inside the emperor. Believe me, Miquel knows exactly what he is doing.
But if you have 10+ components to ground as I do, it seems a shame that this true cost no object SOTA grounding solution won't be sufficient wrt number of ground points available. If 2 components per post were ok, I'd have no issue, but it seems this isn't the recommended option. So what happens if you want to ground one component per post and you have in excess of 8 items? And the AE way seems to be multiple grounding per component, 8 seems more and more insufficient. Emperor won't completely satisfy grounding OCD. Two Emperors will, but :eek::p:eek: covers my thoughts on the expense!!! LOL!
I was actually hoping you were all going to tell me the Emperor was so powerful that 3+ components per post was cool, this would certainly cover signal/chassis grounding, more than 1 per component, in a dozen component rig. And would be on the fringe of affordability. But from this it seems a little lacking in potential system coverage in a neat SOTA one box solution.
But if you have 10+ components to ground as I do, it seems a shame that this true cost no object SOTA grounding solution won't be sufficient wrt number of ground points available. If 2 components per post were ok, I'd have no issue, but it seems this isn't the recommended option. So what happens if you want to ground one component per post and you have in excess of 8 items? And the AE way seems to be multiple grounding per component, 8 seems more and more insufficient. Emperor won't completely satisfy grounding OCD. Two Emperors will, but :eek::p:eek: covers my thoughts on the expense!!! LOL!
I was actually hoping you were all going to tell me the Emperor was so powerful that 3+ components per post was cool, this would certainly cover signal/chassis grounding, more than 1 per component, in a dozen component rig. And would be on the fringe of affordability. But from this it seems a little lacking in potential system coverage in a neat SOTA one box solution.

Of course you can connect two or more items on one binding post of the Troy signature and it works well (see the experiences of Lloyd). But using one binding post for only one audio device is imho the most ideal situation because you avoid any 'crosstalk' between components. The results are in the latter situation startling in both my systems. See also one of my earlier comments in which I describe that one combination of components on a single binding post sounds in my view better than another combination of components on a single binding post. Of course I am talking about my experiences with the Troy signature as I have not used and heard the emperor yet.
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