power cables are essential/required to hear music. they come in all shapes and sizes just like electronics, but are required for music reproduction. so not a tweak.
not to say that an expensive power cord cannot be as crazy as tweaks can be. but it's still essential to have one.
an added box, or added transformer into the power grid is not essential. you can have music without it. so i view it as a tweak.
just my personal viewpoint and how i think of it.
I agree.
If we take pieces that are required for the system to function and call them tweaks then the entire system might as well be one big tweak. Including all the parts inside our components. Many people just look at them as boxes, but they are filled with parts and you could consider the selection of what parts to use tweaks, especially if they are chosen on the basis of subjective sound quality. If this is true then resistors, caps, amplification devices, inc tubes and transistors...are all tweaks. Wires are all tweaks, plugs are all tweaks, etc...
The term "tweak" is applied to doing things and using devices we don't understand. Once we understand them then we name them for what they do. Like "power cord" or "amplifier". It's just that with vibration control/damping and many other things we don't have a clear understanding of what they do, or at least exactly how they effect the sound we hear, so they fall into the "tweak' category.