Yes, due to his writing skills he has influenced a generation of audiophiles...but to what end? HP was the big influencer of a generation before but seemed genuinely interested in the actual pursuit but I think JV is interested in his influence and what goodies he can collect. I got really turned off by JV when the cable selling scandal broke and also his endless cheerleading brands that, to my ears, were not sure what he claimed.
Prior to that, I too was impressed with the clarity and style of his writing. But I stopped reading him once I felt he was not putting honest opinions out.
Sure, I am not aware of Valin’s work on cables…
What’s he into these days? Ansuz ? Synergistic? Some other magical cable that costs even more than all the real estate on his entire block for 1 meter? I got several systems in play, and I’m not that into cables. Not that I seek them out , but every cable guy I met doing their A/B presentations makes my skin crawl and gives me the heebie jeebies. But I am sure there are many good guys in that field, including some very knowledgeable and helpful guys on this site….
Anyways, as to why Valin is significant in the context of economics of our industry/ hobby … Economics is a hidden order. Like reality itself, it exists whether people choose to realize that or not. Although there are many intelligent and successful people in this expensive, luxury hobby, people such as attorneys, physicians, business people, engineers, scientists, etc., the understanding of economic concepts that drives this industry is close to nil… Surprisingly, even industry leaders, who are intelligent - at least on paper - don’t get the economics that makes this industry really work. Or likely, don’t want to. After all, it’s easier to accept the status quo and confirm one’s biases than to challenge oneself to think and see the situation from a different perspective…
So there goes the herd with Wilson, dCS, etc.… (the herd effect where popular sounding popular brands become even more popular as people gain knowledge of them from experienced influencers, friends, dealers, online boards, etc…. We see this in luxury and entertainment industries all the time…)
Very few in this hobby care to stretch their mind to understand social networks that shape and reinforce the tastes/ sonic signatures that Intellectualized Sound that dominates… and the industry IS in MAJOR decline…
Anyways, incentives are the keystone of life. Understanding them and illuminating them is key to understanding the Actions of the reviewers and other players in our hobby / industry. And the incentives are perverse for the reviewers to lie exaggerate, and mislead the fans, so the manufacturers will keep feeding them with more expensive toys …
With all that background, I have no illusions that Valin likes all of his toys. And I’m sure he’s Inebriated (Bombed! Smashed!) with the Power he can wield (creating Magico and Raidho from virtually nothing from a marketing perspective as mentioned above AND Equally by determining the fate of the brands he chooses to ignore).
But because of the breadth of his work and comparisons, the Recent Valin is NOT that repugnant mother fukker, like the guys who don’t compare experiences but tell the reader what is best for the reviewer’s taste and best for the reviewer to say - so the reviewer can get even more expensive toys from manufacturers, to feed the reviewer’s dopamine rush and ego trip…
and in this hobby/ industry with very small sales volumes, manufactures are
[moderator deletion due to gross language] desperate to stay alive…
Instead of badges, show organizers need to provide these guys with cheerleader costumes with logos of the brands they represent…. Amazing that so many guys can have such contempt for their readers , in the wide open..
Some readers are dreamers, audio imaginalists, and audio masturbationalists. Any story will be good enough for them, and they will just accept it - "just imagine a singer right in front you".
But the ones that pay these guys’ bills and allow manufacturers to make a living are looking for useful information that will make their life better. Because of Valin’s breadth of experience and communication style, he is able to communicate to fans of different experiences, assumptions, perspectives, and backgrounds. To his credit, “Great Yoda” Valin has been able to step out of the echo chamber and is thus able to expose the reader to different technologies, share his experiences, and help narrow the buying choices, and guide the reader to Their Own bliss.