Dear friend: your post obligated me to return to give you an answer. Please let me explain why about the tonearm paste info:
Dear Raul - you don't need to explain. All I'm saying is THE INFORMATION IS IN THE WRONG THREAD.
Dear friend: your post obligated me to return to give you an answer. Please let me explain why about the tonearm paste info:
Raul you never give anything as your opinion, you give it as "facts." There are few fact in psychoacoustic models, all humans hear differently and imperfectly. You might not like the SME 3012, and that's your right to do so. To say that it is an interior product, and state it as a "fact" is laughable.Dear friend: that statement is not true and I don't know your reasons behinds it because was the OP whom brougth here when he asked me:
" How is that tonearm design of yours coming along? "
Something is weird down here because seems to me that always I have the " culprit " of everything and that's why almost all of you " blame " with your posts. Go figure ! !
Same happening with that gentleman ddk and several others . Why?
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS.
to be very argumentative and
Raul, we are not talking about the weather or time of day here, we often discuss subjective matters and not absolutes. When you quite often claim that your opinion is a fact, MM is better than MC, or digital is better than analog you are trying to turn your preference(at the time) into something factual. In this forum you have a high percentage of knowledgeable audiophiles with very good systems, don’t expect them to have the same patience as on Audiogon where the level of knowledge is a lot lower.
I would like to report some progress with my Grand Cru cartridge. Mr. van den Hul advised me to lower tracking force by 0.05 gram every thirty or so hours as the cartridge suspension breaks in.
I now have about 35 hours and I lowered it from 1.50 g to 1.45 g. The minimum recommended value is 1.35 g.
The lighter tracking force has resulted in an opening up of the sound. It sounds a little bit lighter and freer and slightly more nuanced.
I find this to be a subjective improvement in performance. Have others tried this?
Very interesting Joe. Thank you. How do you measure the tracking force on your cartridge? Is the surface of the scale the exact same as a regular vinyl LP?
I use the Ortofon scale - had to break out the micrometer but the weighing surface looks to be 0.145” - so a bit higher than where a 180g LP would sit (I measured one around 0.09” thick). Are you concerned about this affecting the VTF measurement?
Hi Peter - understood. I just checked the VTF with and without a 0.115” (2.9mm) spacer on the scale. I measure 1.33g without (0.145” height) and 1.40g with (0.260” total height) for reference. This is with an FR64s tonearm as the VTA dependency will be a function of the tonearm design.Yes I am. I once shared a table showing data where I measured in half millimeter changes of arm height and how that affected VTF.
Hi Peter - understood. I just checked the VTF with and without a 0.115” (2.9mm) spacer on the scale. I measure 1.33g without (0.145” height) and 1.40g with (0.260” total height) for reference. This is with an FR64s tonearm as the VTA dependency will be a function of the tonearm design.
Even so, ignoring whether the absolute VTF value is accurate, the trend is pretty clear and consistent with your observation.
Listening to Clapton Unplugged and the sound is captivating even with a few hours on this cart ;-)
And since we can’t ever be too anal when it comes to analog, if you extrapolate the 0.07g/2.92mm factor and correct for the difference between the scale height of 0.145” and a 180g LP at 0.09”, then you get a 0.033g correction for my numbers given above. That’s assuming a constant g/mm slope, which it probably isn’t, but a close enough approximation for small displacements such as these imo.
Cheers, Joe
I’ve got a CGC on loan and ran through the setup with Analog Magik and found that the distortion did indeed drop with reduced VTF. Here are the results I got for my cart;
Left = -31.10
Right = -30.88
VTF = 1.30g
7KHz = 2.11 & 3.28
300Hz = 0.70 & 1.10
VTF = 1.35g
7KHz = 2.25 & 3.85
300Hz = 0.74 & 1.10
VTF = 1.40g
7KHz = 2.80 & 4.14
300Hz = 0.72 & 1.11
VTF = 1.47g
7KHz = 2.55 & 3.68
300Hz = 0.85 & 1.08
As you can see, I even went beyond the 1.35g minimum recommended VTF and found it continued to improve. I should note that the cart only has a few hours on it.
I’ve got a CGC on loan and ran through the setup with Analog Magik and found that the distortion did indeed drop with reduced VTF. Here are the results I got for my cart;
Left = -31.10
Right = -30.88
VTF = 1.30g
7KHz = 2.11 & 3.28
300Hz = 0.70 & 1.10
VTF = 1.35g
7KHz = 2.25 & 3.85
300Hz = 0.74 & 1.10
VTF = 1.40g
7KHz = 2.80 & 4.14
300Hz = 0.72 & 1.11
VTF = 1.47g
7KHz = 2.55 & 3.68
300Hz = 0.85 & 1.08
As you can see, I even went beyond the 1.35g minimum recommended VTF and found it continued to improve. I should note that the cart only has a few hours on it.
Did you get a frequency response, if you did would you be so kind to share it?
Are you adjusting the VTA accordingly?
I never had VTF below 1.4g on any Colibri, but had mostly lifted the Tonearm to a higher VTA instead.