Marc kindly invited me to listen to his system in his wonderful Victoria Chapel. I enjoyed an afternoon of music punctuated with a pub lunch with Marc and Irana.
I personally find it really difficult to assess a system when played unfamiliar music and especially when that music is generally of a genre that I don't often listen to. Anyone who knows Marc's tastes can sympathise here

Although I've added Keith Richard doing reggae to Marc's list of pet hates. Equally, when playing vinyl and I'm not aware of the quality of the pressings - I'm not sure if I'm listening to features of the system or possible limitations to the recording.
I've been attending a number of demos recently looking to build a system speakers first. Room size is modest and not dedicated hence my very deliberate audition selection. Speakers I have recently listened to include the Tannoy Kensington, Cheviot, Devore O/93, Wilson Sabrina, Wolf Von Langa SON, Cube Audio Nenuphar. I've also had fun listening to Blue58's Avantgarde Duo Omegas but they are just not going to fit my living room or marriage.
The Druid VI popped up on my radar as a sensitive speaker that may be room friendly and so Marc suggested I listen to his Definitions to get a feel for their 'house sound'. Marc and I have been chatting about my speaker search and corresponding amplifier matching for some time. He's been an extremely helpful sounding board and has thrown me a number of curve ball ideas which have been very useful.
I brought along a few CDs, I've mostly been using Tidal/Qobuz for all my auditions so I have a limited selection of music on CD.
Marc said he had recently tuned the bass on his Definition subs and I think this was immediately noticeable. On Fink's live recording of 'Trouble's what you're in', the bass of the guitar on some systems can sound loose and obscure the rest of the music, here it was tight and tuneful allowing the remainder of the frequency range to play its part. The treble was well extended when it needed to be - cymbals were nicely metallic with air. Again here Marc commented that he thought the super tweeters he had added played their part.
Since I was mostly playing CDs it was an obvious test of his Eeera CD player and I have to say I've listened to a lot of digital recently ranging from the dCS Rossini to a Mola Mola Tambaqui and I think it equipped itself really well. I'm not about to pass judgement and compare any of these because completely different systems and to be honest, I think I'm one of those listeners who has to listen to a component for a while and then switch to notice more subtle changes. However I really like the Eeera digital playback - it didn't sound cold or sterile, quite the opposite, a nice level of detail, rich timbre and tone.
Marc's NAT amps do something very special with vocals, they just seem to carve out a three-dimensional tactile vocal projection right there in front of you with the rich textures of the person's voice. I experienced this on recordings that frankly I wouldn't have expected - Marc's vinyl version of Peter Gabriel being one example. Most 80's 'pop' is normally so compressed and flat and whilst this won't be competing with Decca or ECM, Peter's vocal was just floating free, sculpted with more texture than I would have expected. Given the limitations of the recording, this was really enjoyable. Sometimes this is exactly what you want from a system, to allow you to enjoy music to the full.
Marc often talks about the Zu's ability to work well with Rock providing energy and pace to recordings. I played a track from Spoon, 'Everything hits at once' - again not a particularly well recorded. I've heard this sound pretty flat on some systems which made me feel a little unengaged. But not hear, propulsive, foot-tapping drive and thoroughly enjoyable, again the NATs sculpting the vocals combined with some nice texture on guitars.
I want to thank Marc for inviting me over to listen to his evolving decade (and more) labour of love. I very much enjoyed the listening session, the lamb and apple pie wasn't bad either. A big thanks for your counsel over the past few months in trying to narrow down my speaker/amp choices.