Check out JPS Labs for aluminum wire....
On silver, I agree on it's particular and undesirable sonic signature but it's obvious you have not tried a cable that uses UPOCC silver. The crystal structure of UPOCC silver keeps it from displaying these faults, and the resolution is far better than with any other conductor material. You can only get so far with copper cables, especially IC cables. I have tested my silver/gold OCC alloy wire vs some pretty high end copper cables from Jorma, Master Built and others and there is no contest... the OCC alloy wire is far superior in clarity and resolution. This allows you to hear the micro detail in acoustic instruments more clearly, you hear reverb trails that aren't truncated and spatial cues that may have been completely lost are now audible. Copper sounds nice, it adds warmth and body, but it's not high fidelity... especially for IC cables. I'll make the same offer to you as NorthStar, if you want to try them yourself I'll send you some cables and I have absolutely no doubt you'll change your mind.
And IMO, if a manufacturer uses silver plated copper wire it's just not high end... sorry. Some, like DH Labs, Wireworld, etc do offer good products made with silver plated UPOCC copper but if you check out their highest end cables they are using UPOCC silver. Silver plated copper is truly compromised way of constructing a wire but for some it makes sense when designing to meet a pricepoint. Even Siltech now uses UPOCC silver in their highest end cables. I am, afaik, the only one that uses an OCC silver/gold alloy and if you want to compare them against any other company's top of the line cables, regardless of price, I'm all for it. Ridicule me later if you think I'm wrong but I've had so many people test these cables I have no doubts as to the outcome of comparisons.
And speaking of NorthStar, true to the form of every objectivist I have ever talked to, won't try anything new and is unwilling to experiment. This is where science becomes religion, the unwillingness to keep an open mind and experiment is possibly the least scientific viewpoint you can take on anything and resembles the faith of the religious. The article previously posted about how bad science is like bad religion is absolutely true. Once we decide we know everything there is no need to keep an open mind anymore and any information that contradicts their beliefs MUST BE WRONG!