Probably the best and most succinct post of this thread which IMO seems to have established that very point. Thank you Rodney. I gave up reading it days ago when that very point was clearly established in my mind
Dare we say more or shall we continue this lame debate and drive away more valued members because they become fearful of posting for this very reason
Doesn't it work both ways? I would say that when we were losing some eminence from the Audio Industry not much was made of that ... Weren't these people valuable too? Why should a person depart a forum if you aren't able to sustain your point of view? No one attacked you in a derogatory fashion. your views and ways of expressing these may have been challenged but I failed to see how anyone diredtly attacked some who have left ( i would like to see them coming back BTW) . Do we want the establishment of Gurus here ? Who will simply anoint something better because ..well.. they say so? Should it become an echo chamber in which a person simply post anything and it should be accepted?
value of what we learn here, if that is the purpose of us being here is in the discussions not in blind agreement. How much have anyone ever learned from a congrats-kind of thread? : You know people I just acquired the MegaSound Absolutabesto ... Congrats! here and Congrats! there .. it is likely ego-boosting but will not improve your system or knowledge (which brings to a better system, thus more enjoyment).
The reality is that those who have left needs to take a chill pill and come back to share their fabulous knowledge of the hobby with us and at times be questioned and challenged for their views and opinions. One in particular Peter Breuniger left with IMO a rather unkind fashion. Disparaging members here before leaving. I do find it odd that he was followed by some who strangely enough have never revert to ad-hominem or/and name-calling.
The hobby may be subjective but this is to a point .. No one here has ever come to tell us that the Bose cubes sounded better than anything they have ever heard ... The research , the scientific research actually points us to ward the fact that there is such a thing as correct reproduction... Science pointed us toward something we intrinsically knew. it validates that view.
So there should be no harm in discussing the value of Science in the WBF. That is not a "lame" discussion. IMO is is a valid one. if the collective choose that Science has no value in the WBF, so be it .. i am not sure, however, the numbers are trending in that direction, quite the contrary