I meant it more in the way that , amir is alsoa dealer of Harman products
It's good to put one's money behind one's mouth
I meant it more in the way that , amir is alsoa dealer of Harman products
in the past I defended having a relatively balanced forum where objectivists had some foothold, and felt it worked in the big picture. from time to time I did not care for lack of respect for listening opinions, or posts demeaning listening opinions about things that those posting could not support ever even experiencing. yet, the forum worked.
what changed for me was one of the forum's owner's shift in degree of energy used to promote his agenda. in my mind this shifted the balance away from an audiophile one to something else where the listener perspective is under siege. he was honest about his agenda to cause change. actively.
it's one thing for Frantz or Tim to go down that road. it's another thing altogether for Amir to do it. and do it. and do it.
that made it not fun for me and if it's not fun i'm gone. negative energy is a waste of time. and i'm not a bridge burner.
it's a matter of balance.
and Amir got a bit personal with me and that tipped me over.
WBF will be what those in charge decide it should be. those that no longer enjoy it will go where they fit in. it's not a life and death issue.
but it can also become tiresome. I find this passive/aggressive approach distracting
…, it's like people's mothers got insulted here or something.![]()
...Isn't it all just about the music?
I spent 5 days at a member's house and am at the airport on my home thinking to myself that in my over 50 years of involvement in this hobby I have never heard a system as perfect in every way as the one I just left. No measuring tools in my pocket or DBT's or crap like that. We played album after album from start to finish and never once tried to isolate parts of the system to analyze. Why? Because everything IMO was so wonderful that there was nothing to do but relax and enjoy the music and the friendship. This for me is why I am an audiophile. Call me crazy I guess but I can't wait to post about this member's system and give him what Frantz calls a "congrats".
I think this points out the basic divide we're seeing. As a designer I'd be very interested in WHY this system was so good as well as appreciating it's superior sonic qualities through simply listening to it. If I could I think it would be very interesting to see acoustic measurements of the system/room with some attempt to correlate them to what's heard in the sweet spot.
I'm not sure I understand why there isn't room for both. Seems like this is heading towards a forum where science and measurements are fair game for discussion and a forum that only cares about subjective observations. Or the thread starter has to say in the first post what type of discussion is allowed. All because people on either side can't put their egos aside and keep an open mind?
I think there is certainly room for both as seen in the poll results of this thread. For me it is about the tone of the discourse. If there is an openness and willingness to respect the different sides of an argument, all should be fine. The content can be valuable from both an audio science perspective and from a subjective listening perspective. Arrogance and condescension are best checked at the door.
I think this points out the basic divide we're seeing. As a designer I'd be very interested in WHY this system was so good as well as appreciating it's superior sonic qualities through simply listening to it. If I could I think it would be very interesting to see acoustic measurements of the system/room with some attempt to correlate them to what's heard in the sweet spot.
I'm not sure I understand why there isn't room for both. Seems like this is heading towards a forum where science and measurements are fair game for discussion and a forum that only cares about subjective observations. Or the thread starter has to say in the first post what type of discussion is allowed. All because people on either side can't put their egos aside and keep an open mind?
I think Steve's point is that we forget to simply sit back and enjoy the musical experience, alone or in company of others we appreciate…
The most important thing, is if even the slightest aspect of vitriol or put down, or undertones of superiority and pushing... enter into a discussion, then cut that member out like a cancer.
Send them along.
This is discussion, not war, where people fight to get their way.
Dogma exists in science, wholesale. The very heart of the conflated problem.
It is vital to understand that engineers are trained to use laws.
Laws do not exist in science. Science is wholly built of and on theory. If there be laws in science then we have social punishment, execution,and so on. Laws are about punishing people in a social-cultural perspective.... for injuring the flow of the whole.
Engineers use laws as they can't build things for people to use, based on theory. So they are taught laws.
IF....Science cannot change itself, if it cannot modify itself, if it is has laws..well...laws lead only to a circular black pit of a black hole where nothing changes. And that.. is dogma, that is religion, that is church and papal bulls, diktats and fatwas.
From what I can tell, there was a recent eruption of the insanity of the dogma aspect of engineering here, on this forum.
Do not mistake engineering law for science theory they are 100% different. Take that home and never forget it. Science:theory --- ---engineering:laws.
Science is all theory, subject to change... and all of the world has but one single fact in it. Just one freaking fact exists: There are no facts. Paradox, and it is exactly as quantum physics tells you.
The engineering linear, rationalist mind has been with us for along time and it is deeply tied to ego expression. Desires, feelings, coming out of the person as sureness and facts, to fluff up the animals comfort zones with walls. All creations of the mind.
And that mind was with us in the middle ages, it was the cleric level of the given churches or religious systems, the nuts and bolts of the system, and we call them engineers, in today's times. as..when you've got laws.. you've got dogma.
When you have only theory, with no facts of any kind...only then, do you have actual 'real as can be'...science.
The rest...... is dogmatic emotionally projected misinformed ill will thrown at other people, as a fear filled game, of trying to have one's way. Where one begins the misstep into soicopathology.
And that, is apparently what happened to this forum, in the past few weeks.
The good, kind, easy going people, which is the vast bulk of people, had nastiness projected upon them; hidden and slyly delivered vitriol of the linear minded rationalist.... who is really... just a mid level cleric from the dogmatic church of engineering.
If one adds in any form of crypto-fascism of self interest from forum governance.... then you have an even more serious problem.
I would be far more interested in people's ideas than their listening experiences or the measurements they've made. Most of all I would be interested in people's thoughts on what, in scientific terms, the perfect hifi system is supposed to do, and why they think there is some impediment to achieving it in the 21st century - and I think most audiophiles and audiophile designers do believe there is still some unsolvable mystery there. (Personally, I don't.)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Mike. So if you were to define how you want the forum to change as to make it a super comfortable home for you, one where you contribute broadly and constructively, with nary a complaint to management, how would the forum look different from where it is now?in the past I defended having a relatively balanced forum where objectivists had some foothold, and felt it worked in the big picture. from time to time I did not care for lack of respect for listening opinions, or posts demeaning listening opinions about things that those posting could not support ever even experiencing. yet, the forum worked.
what changed for me was one of the forum's owner's shift in degree of energy used to promote his agenda. in my mind this shifted the balance away from an audiophile one to something else where the listener perspective is under siege. he was honest about his agenda to cause change. actively.
They have said more than that but let's let them speak up per my last post.It's not about what was presented but rather how it was presented. I've learned in life that it is all about doing things in moderation. The way things were done recently were a far cry from delivering it in a proper fashion before people stood up and said "enough already"
Here is the list of our founding members Steve, their date of joining and last activity in the forum (viewing or posting). At least that is what the system is telling me:As far as the change in direction of the forum, showing those threads to me are meaningless. What people fail to see is that driving out "founding members" (or any member for that matter) serves only to remove all of the valuable content and life experiences in this hobby that people bring with them. Rather than looking at the threads as a data driven person, I suggest you look at our founding members list and see from your data driven perspective how many still post here
in the past I defended having a relatively balanced forum where objectivists had some foothold, and felt it worked in the big picture. from time to time I did not care for lack of respect for listening opinions, or posts demeaning listening opinions about things that those posting could not support ever even experiencing. yet, the forum worked.
what changed for me was one of the forum's owner's shift in degree of energy used to promote his agenda. in my mind this shifted the balance away from an audiophile one to something else where the listener perspective is under siege. he was honest about his agenda to cause change. actively.
it's one thing for Frantz or Tim to go down that road. it's another thing altogether for Amir to do it. and do it. and do it.
that made it not fun for me and if it's not fun i'm gone. negative energy is a waste of time. and i'm not a bridge burner.
it's a matter of balance.
and Amir got a bit personal with me and that tipped me over.
WBF will be what those in charge decide it should be. those that no longer enjoy it will go where they fit in. it's not a life and death issue.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Mike. So if you were to define how you want the forum to change as to make it a super comfortable home for you, one where you contribute broadly and constructively, with nary a complaint to management, how would the forum look different from where it is now?
That was not for your sake, it was for oursas my first paragraph above states; I'm not looking for 'super comfortable' or 'nary a complaint'.
That has not been my experience. Multiple times I have seen you quite unhappy leaving the forum for some time, none of which was due to any interactions with me.I think some degree of pushing comfort zones is healthy. for most of 5 years the balance of things on WBF mostly has been workable.
So the Davey comments was not anti-you? You seem to take it that way.it did not completely cater to my sensitivities, but was not 'anti' me. some who share my perspectives did not stay on WBF when I did stay.
I am willing to grant you any wish you have. But you need to express it clearly Mike. What is your wish list that gets you stay here, post productively and not complain, quit, etc. For starters, I am happy to not ever respond to you. If I do that, is that sufficient for you to be so situated? If not, what else is on the list?my post above already comments on what changed for me from that previous environment. no need to beat that dead horse again. the words are there to re read should you desire.
I have little faith in the dynamics of an open web forum to find the right path for WBF. I'd recommend discussing it among the moderators. and maybe it's just me and all is ok as it is now.
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
~ Albert Einstein
I voted dead center in the poll. Science can be good thing, but if the science isn't relevant, it is a waste of time. Then, I see "science" being discussed that is intended to address a known problem, but the problem hasn't been quantified. (There is one of those on here now.) That's worthless, too. At other times, it is on point and quite relevant. Most of all, it should be presented in a way that is easily grasped. Otherwise, many people are turned off because any benefit escapes them.
Summary: Give me something I can use.
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