Enough with all the graphs and figures.. its becoming incredibly boring to see them repearted ad infinitum and as a newbie to this forum , it feels that these figures and graphs and even polls are being used to bludgeon everyone into a direction they not all that willing to go. Dead horses come to mind....
I cannot be bothered to read some of these long rambling threads on this part of the forum... nothing really about enjoying the system but more about presenting personal positions and defending them and attacking those that dont subscribe to your point of view.. sandpit arguments with a ton of flowery prose and mental masturbation attached.
As an aside , As a newbie to here the peter swan song and his original postings were incredibly offensive and patronising.. he came across to me as an absolute prat..
I cannot be bothered to read some of these long rambling threads on this part of the forum... nothing really about enjoying the system but more about presenting personal positions and defending them and attacking those that dont subscribe to your point of view.. sandpit arguments with a ton of flowery prose and mental masturbation attached.
As an aside , As a newbie to here the peter swan song and his original postings were incredibly offensive and patronising.. he came across to me as an absolute prat..
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