That is not my read of the situation. Indeed, ack's last post in MEP's debate thread caused me to stop dead in my tracks as I value his membership and I could sense his immense frustration with the discussion that impacted the products he loves. I am being direct here to make forward progress. If you are going to get upset, threaten to leave the forum, express dissatisfaction with the forum, etc. over discussion of audio science, then you do not "like" to see such discussions. Because there is no way we can have these discussion if they need to be free of stepping on the combined audio beliefs of every subjectivist in the forum. That would leave zero areas of science we can discuss.
I would listen to what PeterA is saying. You and Steve may not be used to me coming out with such fortitude, but he has, numerous times in fact as he pointed out regarding his Transparent Audio cables - I just have not posted the same caustic comments on WBF, that's all. It is true that I don't do it often, unless I perceive something to be quite out of line and so off the wall - like a test involving just one loudspeaker of each pair, when the subject is "stereo" or so I thought; no need to discuss this further.
It's important to always stick to the content of the posts and the point of discussion, I will only post regarding things I have quite an intimate experience with, and when I said "stuff the research" I meant "you Harman, stuff the research" - you don't own the research, they do. In addition, I happen to be listening to panels AND dynamic speakers for my entire audio life (my TV speakers are those I made 30 years ago or more using KEF drivers and a custom crossover - and they still sound fabulous; and my second system elsewhere uses Monitor Audio - see this thread and I will make sure I post pictures of both sets of speakers in a few days, and keep in mind before the Monitor Audio I had those Magnepans MGIIIa's I am referring to, until 5 years ago). For some weird reason, I like keeping that second system frozen in the '80s so to speak (save for the speakers), if not for any other reason but to gauge the advancements since then. I may, in fact, be the only one I know of who's doing this - talking about being the "exception" in that Harman "research".
So don't be afraid to tell me I am full of it, but it may make for a very interesting discussion, and we must always stick to the point, not the poster - PeterA has debated me oh so much... BTW, I am no fool to ever threaten quitting over these things, and when I did that once - over at the MartinLoganOwners site - it was done privately to the admin and over political reasons, and I mean real politics and the whole gun debate.
Finally, to inject some fun and food for thought [and I can't really resist at this point]: those Transparent speaker cables sport an inductor, which, according to Transparent, start to
roll off at ~1.3Mhz in order to reduce noise; but think about this: most solid state amplifiers (like PeterA's) - and excluding unfiltered designs like Spectral's - use an output inductor for stability, which according to magazines' measurements (and really, by pure design need of SS ampls) roll off frequency steeply around 100-300kHz. So I would ask those who buy into the Transparent "research", what does an inductor like that in a cable box buy you in that context of said solid state amplifiers, when the amps themselves roll off much sooner. Start a thread if you want to debate on this.