I also congratualte both camps to stand their ground and simply state their belief.
On this I am now and staunchly Pro digital .. a few years ago, I wasn't
My relationship with digital and analog has been complicated.
I have always been pro-digital in the sense that since a long time I have listened to digital only.
Two reasons:
1) CD was a blessing for me -- no more clicks and pops that had driven me crazy
2) Almost all of the new classical avantgarde music that interests me, as well as jazz avantgarde, some favorite classical performances etc. are only available on CD
At the same time, since being an audiophile beginning in 1990 I always have known about the shortcomings of digital and the sonic virtues of analog.
Some concerns had been solved over the years. For example, I always knew that digital had a problem with rhythm & timing, the foot-tapping quality of music, something that comes much easier and more naturally to analog. I finally got jazz to work on my old Wadia 12 DAC as it was fed through a Tice power conditioner (clean power is critical for digital). Yet rock remained a problem. Then came along the Berkeley Alpha DAC 2 that I bought for other reasons (you of course have that DAC too). At some point, about two months after purchase, I discovered that it was a total rhythmic bad-ass, a veritable rock & roll beast. CD had bridged the gap with analog in this area. Since then I have listened to much more rock on my system than I ever anticipated. It's just so thrilling! -- Also, the Berkeley DAC revealed timbral resolution from CD that previously I didn't think possible.
Yet then I discovered again in other people's systems (mainly Peter A. and Madfloyd) how good great analog really is, and that it can often sound timbrally more convincing than my and all the other digital that I had heard thus far, e.g., on solo violin or sax (tenor, baritone), both in tone and resolution. Yes, the Berkeley DAC could sound great on solo violin too, but only on a few select recordings, and it still did not quite have the resolution, and sax was just never quite convincing.
Were there undue limitations to the CD medium? As for digital theory, I became convinced --- helped greatly by knowledgeable people on WBF, Amir and others -- that it had to be sound, and that Nyquist sampling theoretically must be correct, but what about digital in practice? Could it ever sufficiently approach theory?
Yet finally, I discovered that the dCS Rossini solved all the timbral issues brilliantly, and that the aforementioned solo violin and sax sounds were, at least to my ears, as convincing in tone and resolution as great analog (Peter A. who only listens to analog at home and was with me at the session was impressed too). And what is more, standard Redbook CD was sufficient for all this, opening up the vastest catalog of music for reproduction with tremendous tone and timbral resolution, provided that basic good care was taken in recording and mastering techniques. (And now I also had audible proof of the soundness of digital theory! Sure reproduction perhaps can be even better, but it was convincing enough.) Glad that I skipped all the high-res craze (I never owned a single SACD either). Will analog on some things still be better? Perhaps. But I am not sweating it. Given how far we have come, I am confident these potential issues will be solved.
The digital future is bright.