Main reason is that the designers and manufacturers of digital equipment have only very recently understood, really understood, what they need to worry about, to eliminate subtle artifacts in the end sound. These aberrations are hard to measure, hence the spec's for gear have always been "brilliant", but unfortunately do much damage in the subjective hearing - those makers of digital components, no matter how expensive, who don't "get" it will keep producing models that won't satisfy people who can hear those problems interfering with the music that they want to hear. The massed strings "problem" of CD playback is a classic example of where there is audible distortion, but no-one is measuring it happening - you need to hear a rig where this issue is sorted to properly appreciate the difference.
Until recently only someone who was willing to do a lot of internal fiddling and use other techniques as necessary, like myself, could get CD to sound as good as it should - I knew that eventually real movement forward in the industry would occur - and it's pleasing to see it happen at last ...
Perhaps this is why the measurement crowd keeps touting hi rez, quad DSD, the NADAC and other modules etc. They all measure great, but all sound different. There is no end to the search for "perfect sound forever". It keeps improving. If they actually listened to classical music, live and then recorded, different DACs and the difference between redbook CDs and hi rez files would be more apparent. I have seen little to nothing on the science threads about digital mentioning dCS gear. Perhaps it is dismissed because of price and fancy casework as typical high end. Those who have actually heard it, think it sounds different, solves some of these issues that are difficult to measure, and is perhaps the current SOTA of digital.
Another thing that I'm confused about is if digital, in theory, is the better copy, and this is confirmed through measurements, why are there so many different filters and algorithms designed to shape the sound and make it more pleasing to the listener? Does the copy need to be altered to the preference of the listener? Why not just present the copy as is?