Why CDs May Actually Sound Better Than Vinyl

What is your preferred format for listening to audio

  • I have only digital in my system and prefer digital

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • I have only vinyl in my system and prefer vinyl

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • I have both digital and vinyl in my system. I prefer digital

    Votes: 10 15.4%
  • I have both digital and vinyl in my system. I prefer vinyl

    Votes: 17 26.2%
  • I have both digital and vinyl in my system. I like both

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • I have only digital in my system but also like vinyl

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • I have only vinyl in my system but also like digital

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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But say that you hear artifacts in digital when the measurement performance shows distortions well below threshold of audibility, and theoretical performance that matches that, then the claims of hearing problems in it become like that 80 pound salmon. You need to provide proof and then some. And the first step in that is saving you from yourself by taking away obvious areas of bias in a proper listening test. And some semblance of an accepted science, math or frankly anything real that you can point to back your observations. Mere "I hear it" doesn't carry such weight.
Unfortunately, Amir, you're making the common mistake of saying, I can measure the competence of separate parts of a system, in certain, specific ways - and I can then extrapolate those findings to say that I know what the competence of the overall system is, in every possible way.

In digital audio this doesn't fly - hence the input we're seeing here ...
The moment you hitch a ride with this ancient format inherently being better, the standards of proof become different.

Well just to clarify, I think vinyl is better than CD for classical music but I have absolutely no idea which of the two is better in other genres because I do not have sufficiently developed listening skills in other genres to form an opinion one way or another. That is when I have to rely on other members here with excellent equipment, great listening skills and experience and who prefer other genres to myself. Perhaps more critically, I had a formal practical and theoretical education in classical music so I have a "benchmark" so to speak. Most of my exposure to other genres, however comes by way of TV and the car radio.

But I think 24 bit digital at a sampling rate of 48 KHz extremely close to vinyl for classical music and by 96 KHz digital has surpassed vinyl. So I am definitely not in one camp versus another. I jump around depending on what takes my interest musically, what quality of sources are available and / or what genre I am listening to. Both 24 bit digital and analogue are potentially wonderful and bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table. Or to paraphrase Wilma Cozart-Fine again (when she was discussing the MLP CDs and original LPs), both bring an equally valid but different interpretation of the original to the table.

So far as your graphs are concerned (how naughty of you to produce graphs outside of the measurement forum ;) ) they are infact a perfectly valid and serious criticism of one of the very worst shortcomings of vinyl in my experience. And it makes it even worse again because speed variations exist in analogue tape decks and record cutting lathes. They all add up in the final product and wow is one thing with vinyl that I struggle to live with on occasion, whereas other people have astonishingly high thresholds of sensitivity to it. Michael Fremer recently posted a vinyl transcription of the Reference Recording LP of Copland's Third Symphony (well, he did the Fanfare). The wow was horrible - worse than it was when I play my copy of the disk on my own turntable - even on his billion dollar turntable. If anything, I am actually finding that record cutting lathes these days are adding a higher percentage of wow to vinyl records than our turntables or analogue tape decks put together. I say that because I own some recent records where the source was fully digital (hi-res) and yet the wow on the perfectly flat and centred record is quite audible. Yet I am can play a sine wave on the same turntable with a calibration LP and the wow is far, far less than what I am hearing on the LP. This means the main culprit is the lathe which is equally alarming and disappointing. I have actually noted that the younger the LP in my collection, the worse the wow. This has me speculating that these lathes have churned out so many lacquers over the last two decades that they are starting to fall behind the 8-ball in terms of maintenance. To me this is a huge shortcoming of the whole analogue -thing. It is electro-mechanical and the mechanical side of it requires ongoing, regular maintenance in order to maintain performance.
Bob, good choice to "pick on" Roxy Music - I have a standard quality compilation of tracks, the greatest hits thing - and this is a CD to separate the men from the boys. As in, the tracks can sound like shockers on a less than fully competent setup - interestingly, the Avalon tracks are less of a problem, I find - the earliest material catches out normal systems very badly, one of hardest things is to get the vocals to present as being 'natural', amongst all the engineered instrumental content.

Frank, back when I was finally liberated from the disco years I embarked on Roxy Music's trail. ...That was with vinyls, and dancing was still prevalent but now luv was the drug.
Later in the other bad years...the 80s, music wise, I got them all those Roxy Music albums on CDs...very very big mistake, but I was experimenting with white powder, and didn't know better.

Today Roxy Music is no more what it used to be, the times have changed and with it our evolutionary music passage.
There is simply no way that Roxy Music is going to spin in one of my CD players, just no way. I'll have to get back my TT and set her up; I still have a copy of Avalon on vinyl...my originals were stolen. But like I said, even on multichannel hi-res audio...SACD...I would have to make sure of a solid bass line, invigorating overall addictive quality. ...Avalon is one of the bests. So yeah, good material for 5.1 - but I can spin Patricia (Barber) and it'll be all fine too.

If someone here has a good CD of Avalon please let me know...we'll talk ?
Meanwhile...Patricia...jazzy/bluesy. ...Sex is the drug.
If someone here has a good CD of Avalon please let me know...we'll talk ?
Meanwhile...Patricia...jazzy/bluesy. ...Sex is the drug.
Fair enough ... not the best memories, then - makes the job of getting competent playback even more critical :(.

Bob, the Roxy Music stuff does work on CD - Bev here loves the early material, wound up as loud as it will go - tremendous energy and verve, the feel is there in spades ... trouble is, it can easily go off the rails; the audio friend I've mentioned played some tracks at one time - oh dear, a bit of a mess it was ... but I used that as a means of pointing out where the issues were in the sound, you could easily hear the flaws of the playback chain.
Frank, those early CDs were real bad, even with a $1 million CD player, $1 million mono amplifier, each (you need two), $1 million preamp, $2 million pair of loudspeakers, and $5 million on interconnects, speaker wires and AC power chords. The CDs were simply sounding like a muffled chainsaw in the middle of winter in the northest north of Siberia, @ minus 255° below zero freezing point! You breathe you die instantly.
Bob, that's the mistake made since the beginning of digital - the belief that throwing money at the "problem" would solve things - well, it doesn't ... IME, what all these types of OTT systems do is exaggerate all the artifacts that can make digital impossible to listen to, excessively so.

The assembler of a system has to get back to basics - is this combination of components giving me audible problems or not, it's as simple as that ...
Bob, just for you ... I've put on that CD, playing "Let's Stick Together" right now, at max. (fixed) volume. Bev's sitting in front of one speaker, about 2 feet away from it, working(?) on her computer - and she's bopping away, bouncing on her chair to the vibe - it doesn't have to be bad, ;) ...
May I slice this debate a different way? We have at WBF two recent case studies. And both case studies have the same result.

Let's begin with the high-end audio objective of these two members. The objective of both of these members is objective 1) "recreate the sound of an original musical event."

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that Steve, who was all digital (plus a Studer RTR) for many years, and who spent years refining his system, adds vinyl and has rarely listened to digital since?

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that bonzo, who, having achieved happiness with his Lampizator is digital only, and who has no innate drive to dive into the cost and complexity and madness (ok, tweakiness) of LP playback, and who would have been delighted to conclude after all of his research that the Lampizator is better than vinyl, is pulled inexorably towards the vinyl abyss -- solely because he cannot deny how much more realism and enjoyment he derives from the LPs, rather than from the CDs, of his favorite classical music?

Because both of these members subscribe to objective 1) I think it is predictable that they prefer vinyl to digital.
I am one of those who like both- vinyl and digital, but the latter only as files and on rare occasions - sacds.
My journey has begun in early seventies with very simple turntable and this is a reason I will never stop to listen to analog.
That is true that everything matters in analog chain- deck, arm , cart, phono stage, cables, anti vibrations devices and demagnetizers. But so it is for digital too- transport, server, dac, digital cables, power cables, software ,tweaks and so on.
Then the quality of recording and mastering is of the same importance, if not bigger and can influence the final conclusion.
Hard to say what is better, sometimes I like more vinyl,then I have a period for digital. New elements in the setup also can change the preference as well as our growing experinces and.... deacreasing with age hearing capabilities. I like to believe that I can compensate that with audiophile expertise;)
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Unfortunately, Amir, you're making the common mistake of saying, I can measure the competence of separate parts of a system, in certain, specific ways - and I can then extrapolate those findings to say that I know what the competence of the overall system is, in every possible way.

In digital audio this doesn't fly - hence the input we're seeing here ...

Why doesn't it fly?
Why doesn't it fly?
Well, I'm emphasising that digital components may measure well, but often sound less than satisfying. It's easy to point to technical flaws in vinyl, measure significant distortion components, but it's usually still easy on the ears.

Conventional measurements alone won't guarantee satisfactory digital replay, for people who are fussy about the presence of certain artifacts - a technical way of detecting these "issues" is not readily available.
May I slice this debate a different way? We have at WBF two recent case studies. And both case studies have the same result.

Let's begin with the high-end audio objective of these two members. The objective of both of these members is objective 1) "recreate the sound of an original musical event."

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that Steve, who was all digital (plus a Studer RTR) for many years, and who spent years refining his system, adds vinyl and has rarely listened to digital since?

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that bonzo, who, having achieved happiness with his Lampizator is digital only, and who has no innate drive to dive into the cost and complexity and madness (ok, tweakiness) of LP playback, and who would have been delighted to conclude after all of his research that the Lampizator is better than vinyl, is pulled inexorably towards the vinyl abyss -- solely because he cannot deny how much more realism and enjoyment he derives from the LPs, rather than from the CDs, of his favorite classical music?

Because both of these members subscribe to objective 1) I think it is predictable that they prefer vinyl to digital.


Objective 1 in the abstract is the goal for many. The concrete is How do your define "Real"? id it what you deemed to seem so or? Is there a consensus ? A universally accepted set of criterion? Or is it all subjective? I and other do find CD as real as anything? Are we wrong? Why would we?

The examples you mentioned are occurrences on WBF. They could well be the majority here ( I doubt it). They are , again, preferences which could change. Too often the taste of some is seen as the absolute truth. It isn't so. For a large subset of WBF, which I think has been emboldened by this discussion CD (Digital) is the preferred medium , in my case I'd rather say Redbook since everything digital I have is on hard Drives. My analog are Vinyl not a large collection but 3,000 is more music than time to listen to it all. I
Again preferences, what we like to call subjectives cannot even be debated, they simply exist, mines your, everyone's. On the objectives side of things as it stands now and until proven of the contrary, CD (digital) is superior.
Well, I'm emphasising that digital components may measure well, but often sound less than satisfying. It's easy to point to technical flaws in vinyl, measure significant distortion components, but it's usually still easy on the ears.

Conventional measurements alone won't guarantee satisfactory digital replay, for people who are fussy about the presence of certain artifacts - a technical way of detecting these "issues" is not readily available.


Anything can be made to be easy on the ear , even mp3. That is not a proof of superiority and again, easy on the ear is a vague concept. CD can be made to be easy on the ear too as any medium. That wouldn't be a proof of superiority, we need to come up with a set of metrics and to repeat on those, as it stands, CD is superior.

Anything can be made to be easy on the ear , even mp3. That is not a proof of superiority and again, easy on the ear is a vague concept. CD can be made to be easy on the ear too as any medium. That wouldn't be a proof of superiority, we need to come up with a set of metrics and to repeat on those, as it stands, CD is superior.
I wouldn't like to use the word "superior" - competence is what I'm after, and that combines very accurate reproduction on what's on the media, and, being "easy on the ear" - if significant amounts of information are discarded, so that the sound is not offensive to the listener then I wouldn't give it a tick; both "truth and tonality", as I called it in a thread about my then system, need to be present.

The potential of CD is that of being "superior", purely looked at in a technical sense - and I have certainly heard what it is capable of, at moments of peak performance - but the reality is that a lot of audio people still find it difficult to get everything to fall into place for digital playback. The metrics of "everything falling into place" are what we don't have at the moment, which is why this debate continues ...

Anything can be made to be easy on the ear , even mp3. That is not a proof of superiority and again, easy on the ear is a vague concept. CD can be made to be easy on the ear too as any medium. That wouldn't be a proof of superiority, we need to come up with a set of metrics and to repeat on those, as it stands, CD is superior.

We have to be careful in our use of language - what Frank means by "less than satisfying" is not "easy on the ear" in the sense that you are using it.

Frantz, you asked this above "The concrete is How do your define "Real"? Real in this sense means "realistic sounding" - in other words, is the illusion portrayed sufficiently convincing based on our experience of how things sound in the real world? We all have this same internal model/map/knowledge that we have built from our exposure to the sounds encountered in the world & how they behave. It's this internal model that we all compare a sound to & if there is anything unexpected found in this comparison our attention is drawn to this & we sense it as unnatural

I recently realised that this is very like how we learn to speak. We aren't schooled in grammar before we are able to form grammatically correct sentences. How does this work then? How do we learn how to speak in grammatically correct sentences? How do we internalise the "rules of grammar" without actually being able to state these rules?

We do so by hearing again & again, in the world, many different examples of how spoken sentences sound. At first we simply try to ape the sounds we hear & over time & many corrections later we have internalised this in some abstract model. It's to this internal model that sentences are compared to subconsciously when listening to speech (or forming our own sentences). It's not a conscious thing but when a word is out of place or a non-native speaker uses a slightly incorrect word, we immediately notice it.

This, I feel, is what's happening in our listening to reproduced music - it's being subconsciously compared to the "grammar of sounds" & anything which does not quite fit interferes with our sense of it being "real" & the more of these things crop up, the less "real" it is perceived to be & the "less satisfying" it seems.

I've been looking for a soundbite that explains these concepts & "grammar of sounds" is a good one :)
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We have to be careful in our use of language - what Frank means by "less than satisfying" is not "easy on the ear" in the sense that you are using it.

Frantz, you asked this above "The concrete is How do your define "Real"? Real in this sense means "realistic sounding" - in other words, is the illusion portrayed sufficiently convincing based on our experience of how things sound in the real world? We all have this same internal model/map/knowledge that we have built from our exposure to the sounds encountered in the world & how they behave. It's this internal model that we all compare a sound to & if there is anything unexpected found in this comparison our attention is drawn to this & we sense it as unnatural

I recently realised that this is very like how we learn to speak. We aren't schooled in grammar before we are able to form grammatically correct sentences. How does this work then? How do we learn how to speak in grammatically correct sentences? How do we internalise the "rules of grammar" without actually being able to state these rules?

We do so by hearing again & again, in the world, many different examples of how spoken sentences sound. At first we simply try to ape the sounds we hear & over time & many corrections later we have internalised this in some abstract model. It's to this internal model that sentences are compared to subconsciously when listening to speech (or forming our own sentences). It's not a conscious thing but when a word is out of place or a non-native speaker uses a slightly incorrect word, we immediately notice it.

This, I feel, is what's happening in our listening to reproduced music - it's being subconsciously compared to the "grammar of sounds" & anything which does not quite fit interferes with our sense of it being "real" & the more of these things crop up, the less "real" it is perceived to be & the "less satisfying" it seems.

I've been looking for a soundbite that explains these concepts & "grammar of sounds" is a good one :)


Seldom do I find myself agreeing with you. Since it is you and I.. then we must use modifiers.. "mostly", "up to a point"..etc. :D

Our internal model is likely the same..however we claim we hear differently, research shows that it is not always the case . ( Don't ask me to cite these, I forgot :) ) . Internally we may be wired the same .. Externally? The Nature vs Nurture debate comes into play. Our education, experiences, biases become factors that can be conscious, subconscious or all these. Examples abound in the literature where same listeners change their preferences when knowledge is removed. I know you loathe this kind of testing but haven't been able to propose anything better (Little jabbing in all good humor :D). So I will repeat that there is an audiophile aesthetic, it is learned and it can come to be an important determinant in our preferences. Once it becomes dominant, it regularly overcome the internal model. Once the audiophile knows then his\her preferences come to play, he\she is often sincere but the internal model is blunted. The best example is what happen once a person learns about an optical illusion, then it becomes easy to see what was up to then invisible. So, yes, there is a point where all of us perceive the reality of things. We need to remove the other biases for this internal model to become dominant. It seems to do in blind tests ;).
May I slice this debate a different way? We have at WBF two recent case studies. And both case studies have the same result.

Let's begin with the high-end audio objective of these two members. The objective of both of these members is objective 1) "recreate the sound of an original musical event."

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that Steve, who was all digital (plus a Studer RTR) for many years, and who spent years refining his system, adds vinyl and has rarely listened to digital since?

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that bonzo, who, having achieved happiness with his Lampizator is digital only, and who has no innate drive to dive into the cost and complexity and madness (ok, tweakiness) of LP playback, and who would have been delighted to conclude after all of his research that the Lampizator is better than vinyl, is pulled inexorably towards the vinyl abyss -- solely because he cannot deny how much more realism and enjoyment he derives from the LPs, rather than from the CDs, of his favorite classical music?

Because both of these members subscribe to objective 1) I think it is predictable that they prefer vinyl to digital.


Objective 1 in the abstract is the goal for many. The concrete is How do your define "Real"? id it what you deemed to seem so or? Is there a consensus ? A universally accepted set of criterion? Or is it all subjective? I and other do find CD as real as anything? Are we wrong? Why would we?

The examples you mentioned are occurrences on WBF. They could well be the majority here ( I doubt it). They are , again, preferences which could change. Too often the taste of some is seen as the absolute truth. It isn't so. For a large subset of WBF, which I think has been emboldened by this discussion CD (Digital) is the preferred medium , in my case I'd rather say Redbook since everything digital I have is on hard Drives. My analog are Vinyl not a large collection but 3,000 is more music than time to listen to it all. I
Again preferences, what we like to call subjectives cannot even be debated, they simply exist, mines your, everyone's. On the objectives side of things as it stands now and until proven of the contrary, CD (digital) is superior.

With all due respect Frantz, a strong preference for one or the other format IMO does not connote "absolute truth", certainly not for me. I have had a turntable now since last August and as I have said before I am listening to vinyl virtually 100% of the time. Does that make it the absolute truth or just a strong preference. I haven't read where vinyl lovers state it to be the absolute truth. Even members who don't own any digital components such as PeterA have given a strong support to the dCS Rossini that they heard at Goodwin's recently. You as well are a digital convert and so also have given strong preference to digital. Is that the absolute truth for you or is it just a stronger preference.

I've said before that I have both and enjoy both in my system, However I have absolutely no fatigue when listen to vinyl , something which I cannot say for my experience with digital.Does this make vinyl the "absolute truth" for me?

What you are doing Frantz is suggesting that for you digital is either the absolute truth or you just similarly have a strong preference. I see your argument the same as those discussing vinyl with the same amount of fervor

Objective 1 in the abstract is the goal for many. The concrete is How do your define "Real"? id it what you deemed to seem so or? Is there a consensus ? A universally accepted set of criterion? Or is it all subjective? I and other do find CD as real as anything? Are we wrong? Why would we?

The examples you mentioned are occurrences on WBF. They could well be the majority here ( I doubt it). They are , again, preferences which could change. Too often the taste of some is seen as the absolute truth. It isn't so. For a large subset of WBF, which I think has been emboldened by this discussion CD (Digital) is the preferred medium , in my case I'd rather say Redbook since everything digital I have is on hard Drives. My analog are Vinyl not a large collection but 3,000 is more music than time to listen to it all. I
Again preferences, what we like to call subjectives cannot even be debated, they simply exist, mines your, everyone's. On the objectives side of things as it stands now and until proven of the contrary, CD (digital) is superior.

Again our concepts of real are subjective, and readers can weight posts by statistics and the credibility of the poster. Fortunately the referred members have a long history describing their system, their listening opinions in many systems, the music they enjoy and their references in sound reproduction, and we appreciate debating their options and opinions.

IMHO if people take enthusiastic or knowledgeable opinions as absolute truths it is their problem, not ours.

Yes, objectively CD is superior. We are used to accept the objective superiority of even the nasty sounding CD players since long.
May I slice this debate a different way? We have at WBF two recent case studies. And both case studies have the same result.

Let's begin with the high-end audio objective of these two members. The objective of both of these members is objective 1) "recreate the sound of an original musical event."

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that Steve, who was all digital (plus a Studer RTR) for many years, and who spent years refining his system, adds vinyl and has rarely listened to digital since?

Is it not interesting -- and telling -- that bonzo, who, having achieved happiness with his Lampizator is digital only, and who has no innate drive to dive into the cost and complexity and madness (ok, tweakiness) of LP playback, and who would have been delighted to conclude after all of his research that the Lampizator is better than vinyl, is pulled inexorably towards the vinyl abyss -- solely because he cannot deny how much more realism and enjoyment he derives from the LPs, rather than from the CDs, of his favorite classical music?

Because both of these members subscribe to objective 1) I think it is predictable that they prefer vinyl to digital.

It is indeed interesting, but not surprising. They both visited ddk, David, and probably left that experience with a different view of audio.

I don't think a few test tone graphs showing a 12khz sine wave would have made the same impression. And the photo of a pretty girl putting pizza on a vintage turntable is nothing more than a distraction, though I prefer it to photos of Borat.

The proof, as they say, is in the listening, though I did hear some excellent digital at Al M.'s house yesterday and understand why he is so satisfied with his sound.
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