Vinyl used to have Quad recordings, and CD used to have dts 5.1 surround sound (remember those, I have some @ home).
So in the regular CD you can have dts 5.1 and then it's not only restricted to stereo.
You just need a player that can play dts CDs (most do), and a receiver or pre/pro with a dts decoder.
Of course that is if you have more than just a pair of stereo loudspeakers. But then, with Quad vinyl that was the same; you needed four speakers and a TT that can play those Quads (cartridge & headshell with six connectors?).
And a phono preamp with a Quad decoder, voila, I think. Because I never had any of those Quad decoders from yesteryear, in a receiver?
Is a Quad turntable different than a stereo turntable?
Anyway CDs are versatile too; stereo, and dts 5.1 ?
I only mentioned this to expand on the CD versus vinyl conventional stereo sound. Just to add more versatility to the two music mediums we were born with, live to love, grew up with, still living with today.
Now, I have a question, a serious question, very.
If CD may actually sound better than vinyl, and that is still a "if" because ...; then why so much lovin' for the music format we love/ed so much when we were kids and that we still love today...what is the power of vinyl...what is the power of love?
It's a serious question because the importance that we attach to our music in life has no borders, no limits, no constraint.
It just don't matter if CD may actually sound better than vinyl; what does is the choice we make and the respect to the choices others make.
The true importance is life's happiness. And that, is each one of us own zone of comfort.
I looked @ the trees, @ the mountains, @ the lake in front and the ocean in back, I look @ the eagle atop the cedar tree in my front yard, @ the flowers blossoming everywhere, @ life on this beautiful environment of this beautiful planet, and the wind I can hear sounds magnificent, natural, accurate, without any distortion, full dynamic, and not only that but I also feel it in my hair, on my skin.
Of course I'm outside on my deck as I am typing this, and all is real. I just talked to my neighbor and we talked about life's importance and iTunes and iPods and Bose speakers that his beautiful daughter just gave him recently. And now he's back into painting with the door of his studio wide open and the smell of the flowers impregnating him all around his soul.