Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion

Im making a new model currently with a side firing 11 inch woofer ( upper woofer from the picture ), placed very close to the mid and almost on the same level as the mid as to create as much of a point source possible .
The XVX has an additional unit compared to the Alexandria XLF which makes it a to tall structure imo.
It stretches out the sound stage to much , the Alexandria was already borderline imo but worked quite well
That looks very good. The closer the tweeter and midrange speaker are together, the bigger the sweet spot becomes in the horizontal plane. That means you don't have to sit perfectly in the middle to enjoy the full potential of music.
The XLF simply didn't have enough innovation over the Alexandria X-2, the only difference being a new tweeter and a cabinet innovation.
If you’re truly interested in innovation and new technology, you should consider older Wilson models. Unlike the newer models, which market century-old technologies like silk tweeters and paper cones as “new inventions,” the older ones actually feature more advanced technology—at least more modern than what’s found in the current Wilson drivers.

However, if you’re solely focused on how the speaker sounds and aren’t concerned with the age or type of technology used, then it’s best to leave discussions of new technology and innovation out of the equation. In that regard, Rockport speakers undeniably have more modern and innovative drivers.

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