ddk offered all of us black as a choice for the AS2000, and I certainly preferred the machined finish myself. he had done a ton of investigations to find out how he could effectively powder coat it black. he was surprised no one chose it.
I owned the Rockport Sirius III, which was the most Darth Vader 'black' product......ever. so I've done that......and I now prefer the machined 'industrial' look I saw in ddk's room. I also think that the mass of 450 pounds of machined platter and plinth radiates this sense of awe and majesty. 'black' would actually take away from the visual impact and the viewer would not realize what he is looking at.
so aesthetics is more than beauty; it's also part of the equation of purpose. what should this thing do? what does it say?
I see pictures of particular tt's and I have to say I agree with Ked that the Garrard completely captures one 'vibe' perfectly; and the 124 is maybe a close second with that. there are other visual approaches. I find the Saskia II particularly beautiful.
and the super 'bling-bling' looking tt's are not my visual cup of tea......even though on some levels they are pretty. I tend more toward elegant (Studer A-820/Nagra T), or industrial (Ampex ATR-102).
of course; I have a dedicated room where WAF is not an issue, and no one is going to casually see it.
OMG. That is something else. It took me a while to locate the motor and belt. I wonder how much side force that belt places on the end of that long drive shaft and how it is counteracted.
Is this a commercially available turntable?
Come back to the Dark Side Mike!
Daytona, no disrespect to the good Fraulein of Lorricraft, but €80k is a crazy price for any tt, let alone an idler.
Agree £80k is crazy for a 21st century 401 which cost £50 new from comet/laskys
never seen the point in ancient classic TTs myself
Mike, in moving from belt, to DD Sirius and NVS, and now back to belt w the AS, would you have ever considered a new ground-up design idler?
I ask, because everything I hear from the designer about the Audiosilente Blackstone is truly amazing, incl all-graphite plinth, quartz analog servo speed control, uber high torque Papst 3- phase motor, and a few more things.
Simone Luchetti the designer feels his new design shows a clean set of heels to other idlers (incl the EMT927), combining high torque/moment of inertia AND vanishingly low noise (unheard of for any other idler I believe).
It’s certainly a design a guy like you wanting to stay at the cutting edge of vinyl would find a lot to like in.
I will write in more detail later, but the black stone is really good in terms if very low noise floor, pitch stability, dynamics, imaging, and detail, and general musicality. Unfortunately I cannot confirm if graphite has a color or not...i did not get the time to verify by separating out system color and TT color, but I am giving this caveat because I heard some color. That aside I enjoyed the session a lot, much better than his TD 124 in direct comparison and better than many belts I recently heard, this color caveat to be verified. Hope to do next quarter