Zu loudspeakers

Your not helping lol, I’m trying to save money.

I’m actually going to upgrade the 805s and 300Bs to Acmes and follow the stampeding herd to even better valve nirvana.

I will have to buy another SET eventually so will do some further investigationing again but have to say that the pre/amp combo I’m running with now just with upgraded caps and resistors is making me completely happy... will report back when the Acmes are installed.
Brad, take it up w Ked. For him it's spkrs first, then whatever amp drives them best.

For me it's horns for SETs. But I wouldn't choose compromised horns. I would use tannoys with some drivers, and while I do not know Zus, SETs sounds like a good idea but until I find out for myself I will defer to you, and then you can defer to me :)

I would never use SETs on stats or apogees. They might even sound better than some SS amp but there are many SS amps out there which would sounds better. Btw Justin has just got an SS amp to try on his duetta I will let him make the announcement
Ked, I don't know why you don't get Justin to set the SS up, leave you a kitchen stocked w food, send him out for the day, and once the demo is completed and he returns home, leave a post telling us how you both agree w your verdict.
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Hi Christoph,
I’d love some Lamms! Sigh.

At some stage I’m going to have to get more real world and get myself down to two sets of speakers... and the Maggies are technically the best speaker sonically and the Pap horns are clearly the best speaker musically with the Harbeth 40.2s sitting somewhere in the middle.

In the end it may simply come down to SET suitability to make the final decision.
I think I would ditch the Harbeth 40.2 instead of the Maggie 20.7. That would give me a more different flavour.
But if WAF and/or space is of concern, maybe the Harbeth is the more reasonable option... :rolleyes:
I would never use SETs on stats or apogees. They might even sound better than some SS amp but there are many SS amps out there which would sounds better.
I thought you loved Grant's Duettas driven by Tube Lab Amps :rolleyes:
Brad, take it up w Ked. For him it's spkrs first, then whatever amp drives them best.

Have to say I agree with that.

I don't think there's any one best amp anyway. There's vary degrees of usage when you have a few amp options at your disposal, and I like to have at least one solid state and one valve option available all the time. I just like to alter the presentation from time to time. It works miracles as over familiarity breeds contempt.

New (used) amp is a Luxman M-800A. 120 Watts class A into 4 Ohms. 280W into 4 Ohms class A/B.
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New (used) amp is a Luxman M-800A. 120 Watts class A into 4 Ohms. 280W into 4 Ohms class A/B.
And how does it work and especially Sound with your Duettas?
I think I would ditch the Harbeth 40.2 instead of the Maggie 20.7. That would give me a more different flavour.
But if WAF and/or space is of concern, maybe the Harbeth is the more reasonable option... :rolleyes:
Ha, I love all three speakers. I will probably change every other week what I will keep then keep all three. That said the horns are staying.
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I thought you loved Grant's Duettas driven by Tube Lab Amps :rolleyes:

Yes good point but those are the not SETs though. Those are quite special push pulls and I had the Lampi with 242 there. I did not like divas with AR 250SE at all
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Ha, I love all three speakers. I will probably change every other week what I will keep then keep all three. That said the horns are staying.
Why not keep all three if you love and use all of them ;)
You won't get proper money for those old used suckers anyways :rolleyes:
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I've only spent about an hour with it on so far...

Very, very, promising, though, for solid state.

At some point you will need to change your forum handle
So Justin, listen out for all those traits that provide the fatal atrraction of SETs. Are they there w the SS? Mids density, tangible substance, inner illumination, lack of overly fwd leading edge, holistic listening experience, absolute zero listening fatigue. If yr new SS can really tick the SETs preserve boxes, and bring more to the party, great.

If it can't...
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Put it this way Justin, I heard Trentmoller and Miles Davis "Freedom Jazz Dance" at yrs w the 211s. Whatever Ked might say about in depth compares, electronic dance and golden era jazz was enough for me to
1- fall in love w the Apogee sound
2- realise that SETs, when synergistically chosen correctly w the right spkrs and amp/spkrs/room interface, just maintain an extra level of magic and illumination I'm not hearing elsewhere
I truly do believe I'd struggle to hear this life affirming tone drenched naturally warm SETs signature w any SS
And so my message really is that Justin might on balance prefer this new SS to his 211s. But will his 211s really be beaten on those things that matter most in musical communication, even on power- and current-hungry ribbons, not normally the safe space of triodes.
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Just gimme more time to come up with some conclusions Marc.

Definitely quite different to the 211s but it isn't comparing like with like. Plus you did like my amps on the Apogees but they are PP. I can only concur they are my long term faves but they certainly are not the best in some areas.

TBH I have heard SET amps running 211s and to me the Audio Note Tomei especially shares a similar sonic signature. I actually think my amps are better for way less money, but hey!:)

SS can have some redeeming qualities.
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I thought we heard yr 211s that day? You were extolling the virtues of them prob being closer to 100-120W than the 90W specced, and insanely high, almost unique for tubes, current delivery.

Audio Austria? Not 211s?
Whatever they were, they nailed Trentmoller in an insanely controlled fashion, and were exemplary good on Miles. The sound was like a good steak sizzling on the griddle. FWIW, I would have expected that level of control from SS, esp at yr high volumes on insensitive ribbons. This break in expectation bias added a real thrill to proceedings, esp after the disappointment of other ribbons on similarly robust SETetrodes earlier in the day.

So, my request is a simple one, let us know if this SS grips yr Duettas even more, but at/not at the expense of the "breath of life" and realistic warmth and texture that imho I've never heard yet from SS.
I thought we heard yr 211s that day? You were extolling the virtues of them prob being closer to 100-120W than the 90W specced, and insanely high, almost unique for tubes, current delivery.

Audio Austria? Not 211s?

Yeah the Austria Analogue 211s. 170W peak nominal 80 Watts.

Great amps. But this Luxman is promising... really.
Justin, so not PP. You're confusing me.

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