I think once the price was set at $400k the opportunity to hear this was reduced no matter where. Highest end Asian systems are no less accessible than western ones. I doubt these tt’s will sit lonely in a room not played. Only that non-English speaking forums are not familiar to us here. The high end Asian community might even provide more access to this top level, not less.
I’m glad the means and desire exists to support products like this.
Mike, I understand the desire to support these products as SOTA and pressing the envelope- unfortunately I also believe the focus on these types of products basically has led to a much smaller, less diverse hifi community.
@213Cobra said more eloquently on the Zu thread:
"The most vibrant audiophile community in many parts of the world, and certainly here in the US, is the head-fi movement. High end hifi continues to make itself ever-less-relevant by taking the lazy path of selling goods to a very wealthy few, at very high average unit prices, instead of actually doing the work of creating a constituency for accessible products built to a high standard, that the great middle can afford and imagine being interested in."
While you and Phil grew up in the 70s and I did not, what i've heard is that it was a far more accessible time for hifi. That even spread into the 90s when I began my audiophile journey and Sony, Citation, Proceed, Pioneer, and others (Cary, CJ, Audio Physic, Triangle, etc at the smaller end size hifi) were making unbelievable product for the middle $ (SCD-1 anyone?). There weren't $10k cables, $15k cartridges, $250k amps, and $400k TTs. In fact, I heard HPs "Super System" in 2001 at the Stereophile show - and that system cost far less than $500k (it also sucked, as most in the room agreed) but perhaps it kicked off the chase for uber hifi.
As far as the Zero, I was also alluding to the fact there is a much bigger analog presence in Asia than the US and that this product was clearly designed for Asian buyers, yes, including the price. While the forum loves to chat about analog, it just isn't that big as digital here. I'm sure MSB will sell many more Reference and Select dacs here than Techdas at any price point?
One of the things I thought the vinyl resurgence would bring about is millennial analog systems - but from dealers I've talked to, that just hasn't been the case. They mostly buy TTs on amazon for $299. As a result, analog manufacturers shift to the uber high end only continues chasing far fewer, mostly Boomer audiophiles.
Anyways, just my 2 cents and i could be wrong