I must say that Emile/Taiko Audio is the pioneer, applying Direct Attach Cables in their CAS products.
Ben Lau, the Taiko dealer in Hong Kong tried several IT industry DAC cables in the Taiko CAS connection and they gave different sonic performance. It's fun!
Here comes the first DAC cable from the CAS audiophile brand of Melco : Melco C1 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable (called Dela Audio in Japan domestic market).
The build looks very nice.

A Taiwan audiophile who employed MSB dac tested the cable and gave his views here, pls read with google translate :
The Melco C1 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable is only available as parallel import in Hong Kong currently.
I will audition it once it is available officially at dealers.
Ben Lau, the Taiko dealer in Hong Kong tried several IT industry DAC cables in the Taiko CAS connection and they gave different sonic performance. It's fun!
Here comes the first DAC cable from the CAS audiophile brand of Melco : Melco C1 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable (called Dela Audio in Japan domestic market).

The build looks very nice.

A Taiwan audiophile who employed MSB dac tested the cable and gave his views here, pls read with google translate :

[心得] Melco C1 SFP DAC 簡易心得 - Audiophile板 - Disp BBS
*此DAC非彼DAC* (melco官網還沒更新蠻奇特的) C1 - DELA - 日本の高級オーディオ機器の技術で開発された唯一のストレージ&ネットワーク製品ブランド オーディオ専用に開発されたS

The Melco C1 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable is only available as parallel import in Hong Kong currently.
I will audition it once it is available officially at dealers.
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