Melco C1 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable : the first in audiophile market

Amphenol SFP+ 10GbE direct attach passive copper cable (DAC), quad-shielded 30 AWG twin-axial SKEWCLEAR wire

13 Hours in and I am not regretting this upgrade one bit. 2M is the key I believe, more detailed, soundstage, depth, separation. This is a marked improvement over any of my SFP's from Finisar so far. More to come will continue the seasoning process. Next week will compare with the Melco DAC C1.
Amphenol SFP+ 10GbE direct attach passive copper cable (DAC), quad-shielded 30 AWG twin-axial SKEWCLEAR wire

13 Hours in and I am not regretting this upgrade one bit. 2M is the key I believe, more detailed, soundstage, depth, separation. This is a marked improvement over any of my SFP's from Finisar so far. More to come will continue the seasoning process. Next week will compare with the Melco DAC C1.
I have not compared the Amphenol SFP+ 10GbE direct attach with the Melco C1 DAC, however, the Melco delivers in spades on all of those improvements. Very nice upgrade! My original post months ago was met with much skepticism, so I'm happy to hear from others who have been as pleasantly surprised as me.
I have not compared the Amphenol SFP+ 10GbE direct attach with the Melco C1 DAC, however, the Melco delivers in spades on all of those improvements. Very nice upgrade! My original post months ago was met with much skepticism, so I'm happy to hear from others who have been as pleasantly surprised as me.
So far...
Well CK started this particular thread talking about the $1K Melco DAC cable.
But a month or so ago I began discussion (elsewhere) of the $40 Amphenol SkewClear-based cable that you are now enjoying. That was my (tongue-in-cheek) point. Saved you $960. You’re welcome. :p
No really was following the cue in this thread from Torben. Never did see your original post, so all the credit is going to my friend Mr Torben, not you. Thank you Torben.
Well CK started this particular thread talking about the $1K Melco DAC cable.
But a month or so ago I began discussion (elsewhere) of the $40 Amphenol SkewClear-based cable that you are now enjoying. That was my (tongue-in-cheek) point. Saved you $960. You’re welcome. :p

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Amphenol SFP+ 10GbE direct attach passive copper cable (DAC), quad-shielded 30 AWG twin-axial SKEWCLEAR wire

13 Hours in and I am not regretting this upgrade one bit. 2M is the key I believe, more detailed, soundstage, depth, separation. This is a marked improvement over any of my SFP's from Finisar so far. More to come will continue the seasoning process.

Same here :) THX for sharing


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