Thieliste's new Reference system

The level of clarity of this Jadis is insane with so much more density and fullness than the Vitus.
The mid range and trebel is leagues ahead of my Vitus in terms of emotion, liquidity and smoothness.
To sum up the Jadis sounds like real live music on my Thiels, SS don't even come close.

I am happy for you that this is such a successful swap!

(And this is why "tube people" love tubes, especially Jadis.)
Funny you should say that. The most I ever enjoyed Magico was when it was driven by Jadis. KeithR will remember this, too.
Interesting given today's discussions around Zanden monos...have heard some say their favorite with Magico Q7 was Zanden 9600 monos.
As some of you know Thiel speakers are pretty difficult to match with the right amp, they are ultra revealing, easily become harsh in the trebel if the amp is not smooth.
I have tried many SS amps and the only one that is really refined and musical with my Thiels is my Vitus SIA-025 Mk2.
This is definitely the most musical SS i have ever tried.
But i said to myself if i want to push further the musical engagement factor i have to try a good solid Class A PP tube amp.
I happen to live 3h away from the Jadis factory therefore it was easy fo me to get a unit in for audition.
The DA series is the best Jadis integrated series they have ever made therefore i asked for a DA88S, the most powerful one.
I was expecting a very high level of musical engagement but not the level of handling of my Thiels.
This Jadis handles my Thiels just as good as my Vitus if not better, the bass is not muddy at all it is fast, crisp and very solid.
The level of clarity of this Jadis is insane with so much more density and fullness than the Vitus.
The mid range and trebel is leagues ahead of my Vitus in terms of emotion, liquidity and smoothness.
To sum up the Jadis sounds like real live music on my Thiels, SS don't even come close.
I'm sure Jadis amps would also be spectacular on Magico speakers.
Hope that helps.
This does not surprise me in the slightest. Years ago I had Thiel 3.6 which were also a wicked load and which, according to reviewers, needed powerful solid state amps. I started with a Classe DR-10 and quickly upgraded to the Classe CA-300. With 600 watts per channel at 4 ohms, the big Classe would surely be enough, or so I thought.

After a couple years with the Classe, and just out of morbid curiosity, I hooked up a totally stock Dyna ST-70 to the Thiels. To my amazement, the ST-70 sounded significantly better than the solid state amps. Of course it wouldn’t play loud but at low to almost moderate volumes the Dyna sounded very good indeed. I suspect the Thiels would have sounded even better with some very high power tube amps but instead I opted to change speakers and go to even lower power tube amps.
This does not surprise me in the slightest. Years ago I had Thiel 3.6 which were also a wicked load and which, according to reviewers, needed powerful solid state amps. I started with a Classe DR-10 and quickly upgraded to the Classe CA-300. With 600 watts per channel at 4 ohms, the big Classe would surely be enough, or so I thought.

After a couple years with the Classe, and just out of morbid curiosity, I hooked up a totally stock Dyna ST-70 to the Thiels. To my amazement, the ST-70 sounded significantly better than the solid state amps. Of course it wouldn’t play loud but at low to almost moderate volumes the Dyna sounded very good indeed. I suspect the Thiels would have sounded even better with some very high power tube amps but instead I opted to change speakers and go to even lower power tube amps.
You are right I think some powerful PP tube monos on Thiel speakers would max them out with so much more refinement than any SS.
Jadis came up with brand new JA170 monos PP KT170 this year.
would love hear those.
Jadis - Copie.jpg
Jadis event a week ago.
Nuce. What did you think of the amps? Did you pick a good one out for your Thiels?
Nuce. What did you think of the amps? Did you pick a good one out for your Thiels?
I’ll be getting the DA88S in silver finish once my Vitus is sold.
Jadis house sound definitely best match for my Thiels compared to all SS amps I have tried to date.
I still do like my SIA-025 very much but if I get a good offer I will let it go.
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Well that's it guys my Vitus SIA-025 Mk2 has found a new home and i just ordered a brand new Jadis DA88S as a replacement.
My dealer has arranged a Jadis factory tour for the day my DA88S gets delivered to me, that's very nice of them.
Hope not to have to wait very long:p
Exciting! Congrats. When do you think approximately they will be ready?
Exciting! Congrats. When do you think approximately they will be ready?
Thanks, should be at least a month depending on how busy they are.
Well this is it guys, i finally have my beautiful Jadis DA88S in silver finish, it arrived yesteday.
Tubes are Psvane KT88, i wonder if i should upgrade to Genalex Gold Lion after burning in is done ?
Jadis 1.jpgJadis 4.jpgJadis 2.jpgJadis 6.jpg
Tubes are Psvane KT88, i wonder if i should upgrade to Genalex Gold Lion after burning in is done ?
Congrats on the amp.
I would maybe do it the other way around first - I don't know which input and driver tubes it uses, but if they are not NOS maybe trying to roll these first...
Congrats on the amp.
I would maybe do it the other way around first - I don't know which input and driver tubes it uses, but if they are not NOS maybe trying to roll these first...
Thanks Golum, they are ECC82 and ECC83 Electro-Harmonix.
Yes i was planning to try a NOS Mullard ECC83 in the center as preamp tube when burning in is finished
As power tubes i will also try Tungsol KT120s as this amp is optimised for this power tube in this Mk2 version.
Rabbit hole is always open with tube rolling options but if you dig out NOS KT88 I'm suspecting it will be a tough dried cookie for teeth of KT120 to chew.
New production EH are kind of meh so after burn in I'm quite positive you have a nice margin of improvement with NOS ones. Far away that I'm saying that even with stock tubes amp sounds amazing...
I'm afraid to lose musicality with KT120s just to get more power, clarity and bottom end but maybe i should compare.
SED 6550C probably even better than most KT88s ?
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I recommend replacing the KT88/120 with some EL34s for the most satisfying result.
EL34s are much more tubey and engaging than KT88/KT120s is that right ?
How's the bass with EL34s because with KT88 it is very impressive and deeper than most SS i have tried to date.
Which EL34 brand do you recommend ?

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