Aesthetix Io Users Group

Im looking for a preamp for my Io phono.
Would be my possibilities to have a Callisto signatre preamp with two psu.
Would it be a good Combo? Any recommendation is really appreciate.
After listening to a Callisto 3 box and an Atma-Sphere MP1 with a IO 3 box for years, I finally settled on a Aesthetix Metis to accompany an Aesthetix Rhea Eclipse to satisfy my music playback. And this compo leaves very little on the table in juxtaposition. Plus logistically, I run three dramatically different cartridge/tonearm setups. Also part of it was the initial and ongoing expense, part of it was the rack space and heat, and part of it was the high tube count…. After talking extensively with Glenn Buckley at Aesthetix I came to the conclusion that the (newish) Metis Reference Preamp would accomplish my listening needs vs updating a Callisto to current spec, and maintaining the valve count was more than I wanted to take on. Valves are no mystery to me. My system currently has fifty-seven when running my MA1 monos and a Brinkmann RoNt II configuration. The Metis vs Callisto in my experience is a choice between relative equals sonically. Different certainly, but each have their own sonic virtues imho. Of course, anyone here is free to feel differently. I would highly recommend that you at least investigate the Metis possibility. You might be fondly surprised. Happy listening
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Lagonda, DetroitVinylRob

Thank you for your informations about the fees and about the experiences with other preamps. This was really useful for me.
There is a distributor in Hungary from whom I will try to ask a Metis for a few days for listening. Looks I can try the Callisto too.
I am anxiously awaiting the result.
My Io is back from repair again,again, again and sounding great ! :) Problems with both channels this time, the usual blown diodes and transistors. I suspect it just does not do well with high current, it is a 230 V model, but the 235-236 V average voltage at my house is maybe just to much for the poor sensitive thing, nothing else blows, just the Io :oops: I have bought a large isolation transformer that brings the voltage down to 216-217 Volt, the components in the Io are running close to max at 230V, let's see if that helps. No apparent negative effects, it runs a little cooler, but still sounds great. Stabil for about a month now :) I have played around with tubes a little, Sovtek LPS in V1 and V2, pulled some Phillips Minivatt and Brimars, just to soft for my taste . A perfectly matched quad of J.J. ECC 83S to soft too, super quiet but a little to dull for my taste . J.J. E83CC "Frame Grid" seems to hit the spot in V3-V6, really great sounding, dynamic with good extension in both frequency ranges, voices really beautiful with these tubes. I have ordered som gold pin version matched quads too, just to check the difference, but right now it really sounds great.:)
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My Io is back from repair again,again, again and sounding great ! :) Problems with both channels this time, the usual blown diodes and transistors. I suspect it just does not do well with high current, it is a 230 V model, but the 235-236 V average voltage at my house is maybe just to much for the poor sensitive thing, nothing else blows, just the Io :oops: I have bought a large isolation transformer that brings the voltage down to 216-217 Volt, the components in the Io are running close to max at 230V, let's see if that helps. No apparent negative effects, it runs a little cooler, but still sounds great. Stabil for about a month now :) I have played around with tubes a little, Sovtek LPS in V1 and V2, pulled some Phillips Minivatt and Brimars, just to soft for my taste . A perfectly matched quad of J.J. ECC 83S to soft too, super quiet but a little to dull for my taste . J.J. E83CC "Frame Grid" seems to hit the spot in V3-V6, really great sounding, dynamic with good extension in both frequency ranges, voices really beautiful with these tubes. I have ordered som gold pin version matched quads too, just to check the difference, but right now it really sounds great.:)
Glad you got it back and are listening to music again through it. I have been an avid user of the Sovtek LPS in V1/V2 for years. They seem to work just right there and I don’t have any fear about NOS tube going up in smoke or randomly popping. That’s been my experience with JAN, Mulllards, Siemens’s, and others. Just want to listen to music.

I hope you get to enjoy your Io for many many more hours and years.
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