Alsyvox vs. Clarisys - What are the Sonic Differences? Anyone Understand Design Differences?

I’d chose Alsyvox out of the two. The sound of Alsyvox is second to none, IMO. Don’t get me wrong Clarysis is very good, but just doesn’t make the top of the heap, IMO.
Are you able to be specific as to why?
The Auditorium sounded a bit weird to me at Munich, lacking life and dynamics. I didn't think the build quality was commensurate with the asking price. Over and over again I tried to like them. But nope, didn't work for me.

My impression is that the backing electronics completely and utterly determine the sound. As in if you want life and dynamics just use electronics and source that give that. They certainly seem on par for bass with anything like Wilson. Also they play fairly loud, so I am not sure why dynamics would be limited (I did not test their upper limits as I would not want to hear it) .

I may not be a panel person though, overall.

Your comment about aluminum spars makes no sense to me. For the frequencies played by the bass they are completely and utterly invisible to the wave form. That is basic physics.
You simply cannot be serious.

I took some mega close ups. I will post them and explain what I meant.
I'm also serious as I've been near them quite a few times and the build quality is exceptional on top of being built like a tank
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Just for some transparency. The Auditorium shown at Munich was our first Auditorium Prototype ever build. It was dragged in a trailer to Italy, Belgium, France, Switzerland. It was build up, taken down, torn apart and build up again. At the shows, we don't take brand new out of the box products, but now we do use series production. If you want to judge a final product, fly to one of our many customers, like Ron Resnick (owner of this forum) did recently. Munich is a B2B Show and for making business contacts, which we did quite successfully. Now, here is some food for thought. Soulution Audio bought the Auditorium outright, so did Lampizator (Minuet Neo) and so did Shunyata Research (Studio Plus). We als replaced other panel speakers with ours, already named on this thread including Apogees of course such as the Scintilla and Fullrange. Further brands we replaced where Alsyvox, Apogee, Magnepan, Von Schweikert, Boerensen, Evolution Acoustics MM7, Focal, Bayz, Rahido and more....

Have fun guys
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Claims OK .( any impedance graphs available ?)
Proof is in plunking the stuff down and hooking them up to something like a JADIS 30 .

Ceasar dismisses private set ups but thats where usually the best info comes from , hence audio forums being usefull.
Reviewer/ " expert " info is half of the time no more then them projecting their preference on somebody else .

Ceasar i did hear many MBL set ups over past couple of years , some quit good , but i d still take the mentioned panels over the latest MBLs , but thats just me
In contrast to all other manufacturers, I even measure the impedance response over frequency at the shows and show it to people! I am using a calibrated Clio Pocket from Audiomatica. We do run them on Jadis Defy 7, CAT JL7 and VAC 170iq, Aries Cerat, VAC (various models)
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I don't personally think the Auditorium's are even vaguely close to the Rafaello based on Munich 2023 show conditions.

I wouldn't swap my souped up Duettas for the Auditorium. However, I would swap my Duettas for the Raffaello plus a lot of cash, though not enough to reach the asking price.

The Auditorium sounded a bit weird to me at Munich, lacking life and dynamics. I didn't think the build quality was commensurate with the asking price. Over and over again I tried to like them. But nope, didn't work for me.

Another 500 hours on the panels and radically different driving electronics could sway my opinion but I'm unlikely to hear such a set up. I'd remove all the aluminium spars. Imagine them all stacked up at the bottom in the speaker and think about the loss of radiating area they represent.

I love the company for trying, though. I really do. Plus they provide Apogee replacement ribbons which is really cool and a good sign of respect for their forefathers.
Dear Zero,

I invite you to our Swiss showroom. A Duetta doesn't even come anywhere close to a Minuet, let alone anything else in our line up. Take up the invite and you can also enjoy my pairs of Apogee Grands ;-) while your here. I will gladly open up the speakers for you and explain and show to you the mechanical workings.



PS: Auditoriums are coming back in 2 weeks from the Roadtrip :)

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By the way, this is Andy (Former Technical Project Director of Apogee Acoustics) who wished we he could have done what we have back in the day. He is one of my audio heros and it was an absolute pleasure to have met him at Axpona :)


Here is the impedance response of the Minuet (most difficult to drive of our line of speakers). The respnse is unsmoothed! As you can see, the bass is 5ohms and the midrange/treble is 4ohm.


This is the Auditorium: (Average is 5.5ohm with treble or 6.5 with bass and midrange up to 8KHz)

-Red is bass: 9ohm flat (20Hz to 500Hz is the playing range)
-Yellow is midrange: 4ohm flat (500Hz to 8000Hz is the play range)
-White is the treble: 3.4ohm flat (8000Hz to over 20KHz is the play range)



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Strange the most impressive thing about Clarysis is its build quality , about as good as a panel can get ..

I couldn’t agree more. I find the build quality of the speaker and external crossover to be exceptional. We are not talking about a box speaker here with bolt in driver buckets—the build here is very different. They are weighty—mine are 300 lbs each. Whereas weight does not necessarily denote quality, it sure has an impact with these speakers.

I don’t think my Apogee Scintilla’s weighed more than 110 or so lbs. They use to wobble all over the place. My Maggie 20.1s would do the same. The Clarisys are eminently stable.
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Strange the most impressive thing about Clarysis is its build quality , about as good as a panel can get ..


I examined the structural integrity and build quality of Cyrus' Auditoriums. The whole thing is very heavy. The structure is very solid. The grills are heavy and beautifully-made. The exterior finish is very smooth.

Trying to rock it back-and-forth from the top it is more stable and less rock-able than any other 7 foot panel loudspeaker I have ever played with.

It feels built like the panel loudspeaker version of the proverbial brick s&@t-house. I have no concerns about build quality or about structural integrity.
You simply cannot be serious.

I took some mega close ups. I will post them and explain what I meant.
Seem several folks completely disagree with your "build quality" comments. Having owned numerous planers in the past, I would also love to see your photos and explanations.
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Just got home after a long session listening to Clarisys auditorium at Gary’s house , playing with 6 solid state monoblocks using the csport active crossover. Sounds fantastic . Deep soundstage that extends way behind the speakers, huge width on the soundstage ( a wall of sound) , very inviting takes you into the music . Great speaker and set up . Built quality imo is very good .
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Which models did you audition and which model did you buy in the end?
I listened to the Alsyvox Botticelli (Twice ) , the Clarisys Auditorium ( once ).I bought the Clarisys Auditoriums.
Wasn't even close IMHO, of course!
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I find Alsyvox more realistic, more life-life. That’s the sound I enjoy most. The mids are better in the Alsyvox and I feel bass in lacking in Clarysis. I’d much rather own the Alsyvox. But to each his own.
Thank you.
I listened to the Alsyvox Botticelli (Twice ) , the Clarisys Auditorium ( once ).I bought the Clarisys Auditoriums.
Wasn't even close IMHO, of course!
Are you able to be specific as to why?

Just a jump in here… I’m curious…
Would you ever consider to change your Pendragons to either Alsyvox or Clarisys ?

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Are you able to be specific as to why?
Hi Ron,

Please see post #28. I briefly explained why I chose Clarisys Auditoriums. I could go more in-depth but then the open can of worms starts.
Some prefer something different ( Alsyvox ) which is totally fine, my results are totally different.
BTW, I just went totally active with the CS Port ACN400, OH my Lord did this take the speakers / system to another level!
As another person who preferred Alsyvox over Clarysis in Munch, I'd be very interested in more detailed explanations. If anywhere is a place to open a can of worms, it is this forum. We're all the better for objective discussions!
I listened to the Alsyvox Botticelli (Twice ) , the Clarisys Auditorium ( once ).I bought the Clarisys Auditoriums.
Wasn't even close IMHO, of course!
May I ask where you heard those speakers and what electronics was used?
As another person who preferred Alsyvox over Clarysis in Munch, I'd be very interested in more detailed explanations. If anywhere is a place to open a can of worms, it is this forum. We're all the better for objective discussions!
Like you, I preferred Alsyvox in Munich and I also think exactly this one is the right thread to discuss differences between the two brands ;)
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