I was initially going to just hit the 'like' for my reply but then paused...In another thread (https://www.whatsbestforum.com/thre...syvox-visits-rhapsody-audio.29601/post-948259) Robert Harley does a brief interview with Daneile Coen of Alsyvox and details some design aspects of the Alsyvox speakers wrt ribbon design, magnets, efficiency, etc.
I represent Rhapsody.Audio in the Pacific NW, so is my opinion only, I find aesthetically the Alsyvox are far more appealing having seen the big Clarysis seems like a linebacker vs ballerina. (A ballerina that can ROCK!) Sonically I won’t comment my words would be discounted due to my affiliation . When I heard the smaller Clarysis last year @ Axpona I thought they were good, but very small room and too loud volume.
I have very little (1 exposure) experience listening to any Alsyvox model. The heard the small Clarisys in 2 rooms at Axpona 2023. I heard each room 3 times over the course of the show. Overall, the speakers were better represented in one of the rooms than in the other room, IMHO.
That said, I came away from both rooms with a lingering impression of the bottom octaves not integrating well. In one room, I agree with Bobvin's too much volume comment.
I listen to large panels in my own main system and can't escape the integration issue I heard with the small Clarisys. Still, I'd like to hear them again to help sort out if they suffered from show room issues or if something else is going on.