Analog Magik

I [we] are hoping that JR [or someone else with the trusted credentials] will produce an album with the correctly aligned, recorded and pressed tracks [with documentation of tested angles etc.] that we can use [that may be accidentally corespondent to AM Software]...there is a fortune [sales would be huge] to be made here.........
@Frank is here , Sorry to be so dumb, but by this you mean during FIRST installation, not every time to use the software?. My V2 is arriving today..
yes......only when initial install... re ART drivers

AM V2 software can be used with V1 LP's [and visa versa] except azimuth.....AM V2 LP has a multi frequency recording for the combined azimuth test that I have not found on any alternative test album [propriety frequencies]....

I get big discrepancies between azimuth on the V1 and V2 LP's .......have advised Richard without an outcome...the software of both is accurate [tested with input of signals from generator] ......
after all my testing and the figures we are seeing from others it can be assumed that the LP's are out....we just don't know which ones are correct [amongst all test records thus my earlier comment re a new test record] as we are finding out in our testing [as per the comments and test by me and others]
0.2% 2Sigma wow can be very different from DIN weighted W&F. .
O.2 DIN is not good and easily audible on piano. A test tone with DIN 0.2 sounds very shaky. I will post a comparison of different WF number formats soon..
Depending on TT and record I get 0.045 to 0.07 with the AM WF calculation

Here are different W&F numbers compared against peak wow in test. This is based on Shaknspin tests, and omits effects of test record eccentricity. I find the DIN values suspiciously low ... but that is what the device gives. AM 30sec calulation will give hiogher numbers since som drift will be detected over 30 sec period.

The plot shows that a DIN W&F of 0.1% actually can have peak wow of 0.25% but it may be filtered out.. of all the turntables measured here(26) the highest filtered DIN W&F is 0.22% and 3 are between 0.1 and 0.2 DIN, the rest below 0.1%DIN. All are belt drive except for one DD

Does anyone wonder why Japanese TT use W&F WRMS for their spec?, it gives the lowest number...


This is a very good result, but still audible on a test tone

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AM 30sec calulation will give hiogher numbers since som drift will be detected over 30 sec period.
Excellent post.

AM conforms to the AES standard, AES 2008, if I’m not mistaken. IMHO, it’s a more complex test that detects speed deviations better, which is why it shows worse results compared to other simpler alternatives.

Good wow-and-flutter (w&f) performance is certainly audible and has a noticeable effect on the final sound. IME, any turntable with w&f equal to or under 0.06% using AM software and the AM test record is a great performer. With a better test record, it can go even lower, but for the sake of consistency, I use the AM test record. BTW, it’s better than the AP test record in terms of w&f.
Try to Center the record differently, if it is not very snug against the spindle you may push it towards 12-15-18-21 hrs and get different results. The difference may be recording 0.1 or 0.04 wow …
Ps I seem to misspell a lot , sorry
Here is a w&f measurement with AM V1 disc. It could have been a little better if I gave it a 30min warm up time. Frequency is not precisely 3150Hz cause I didn’t adjust it either.
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But installing V2 removed V1, desktop starticon is now V2 not V1. at least I cannot find V1 start file anywhere?
But installing V2 removed V1, desktop starticon is now V2 not V1. at least I cannot find V1 start file anywhere?
Reinstall v1 and make sure to use a differently named directory.
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Bingo, Two dfferent folders did the trick. I just had to make an extra manual shorcut to desktop to start each program
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I compared the V1 and V2 pink noise track, and the V2 pink noise/loading track is the most linear PN track I have seen among my 30 test records.
It can actually be used to judge cartridge frequency response, not many PN tracks are good enough for that. It also reveals problems with TT/arm..
Test record must be flat/ flattened by clamp to do the job in my opinion, my V1 records are perfectly flat as they are, so I prefer to use the V1 records where I can..but the V2 PN is better than V1



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Balle....have you tried your azimuth on the 4 LP's [V1 33/45 V2 33/45] for a previous mentioned ...for me V1 33 and 45 are similar 2dB dif but against V2 ....V2 discs are similar 3db dif but against V1 20dB one Chanel and 10 other.....

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