Another Apogee thread? You bet!

I am not ddk, but IMO a substantial difference will be seamlessness through crossovers and the apogee seeming more like a single driver. The ribbon midrange. And I have heard the X1 only once, in Italy with an ML 32 pre and the 33 power, and that system was extremely dark. Rolled off, more so than latter day Wilsons including Alexandria, sophia, Sasha, Alexia, etc. Whether it was his speaker or system I do not know.

It's not the Wislons Ked, you're describing the 32 and Levinsons were always dark on top even the 33 to a certain degree and MIT cables I had at the time made everything even darker.

Dave, my Duettas experience from 4 days ago was the greatest thrill ride re bass I've experienced in the high end
I thought Wilson Watt/Puppies from three decades ago was the best (well, i WAS an audiophile virgin then ), but this was something else
I can only envy those who get their FRs sorted, that wall of bass must be like listening to music for the first time, over and over
Hi Lloyd,

The X-1s are wonderful speakers very versatile and easy to drive with a lot of different electronics and the bass is always impressive but the way that Diva panel, a gigantic full range driver comes to life and moves air with enough power behind it is not like nothing else I've experienced.


Thanks, David...will keep that in mind.
Dave, my Duettas experience from 4 days ago was the greatest thrill ride re bass I've experienced in the high end
I thought Wilson Watt/Puppies from three decades ago was the best (well, i WAS an audiophile virgin then ), but this was something else
I can only envy those who get their FRs sorted, that wall of bass must be like listening to music for the first time, over and over

I'm not surprised the Duettas were the same design as the Divas and would expect nothing less from Justin's pair with all he's put into them! Watt Puppy 3's were excellent speakers just didn't like Krell, Spectral or MIT!

Thank the Lord my descending eaves precludes FRs and Divas
I couldn't take the pain and the ecstasy
. . .
The room trumps all tweak considerations . . .

I agree with this, too. The room is the most important (or certainly the second or third most important) "component."

I have had the perhaps unusual experience of having the exact same stereo system in three significantly different rooms. No component change or tweak to the worst of the three rooms would ever have allowed the sound from that room to match the sound from the best of the three rooms.
You're not joking Ron
On firing up that first cd after 12 months w'out music, and a fortune spent on wrangling the new room, w power thru cheapo Chinese power cords out of the house sockets, I was floored by the results
Every parameter was transformed
Marc, in 10 years plus experience with the Divas in many different settings my conclusion was that if the room is good for dynamic speakers then it's good for Apogees too and vice versa. They're no more of a challenge to the room than any other type of high-end speaker and had I not changed over to SETs & horns I might still probably be living with them!


While I certainly don't have as much experience as David, I totally agreed that a good room is a good room, no matter for panel or other type of speakers. Only that, in my experience, a large, multiways, horn system, may need a longer speaker-to-audience distance for sound to integrate together.
Anyone with a hole in their pockets itching to own a pair of super Duettas getting as close to no compromise as can be done should give Graz a call.
Anyone with a hole in their pockets itching to own a pair of super Duettas getting as close to no compromise as can be done should give Graz a call.

He needs to send it to me first for a review.
Just wanted to clear up the Diva demo Marc has talked about. The crossover Rich sent with the Divas with a foil only midrange were way out of whack. I went back and with a combination of measurement and by ear modified Rich's crossovers to get the sound EQ-ed correctly. The owner agreed for me to build complete new crossovers of high spec similar to what he had with his previously owned Duettas supplied by myself.

Delivered them yesterday and the speakers now sound like they should. Left the crossovers un-potted as they change a bit with to run-in and the tweeter circuit might need a small adjustment, going back in a couple of weeks to finish, upgrade the pigtails and change to the more protective screen mesh.

Pity you couldn't hear them yesterday Marc, would have given you a much better impression of what Divas are capable of.
Maybe if a return visit is ever offered
Apologies if I came off as a bad guest and was a bit literal in my criticism
They seemed brilliant re speed and slam, and width
Just had no warmth or humanity
Moot point for me personally, only Duettas will fit into my space
But I'm glad you've got a happy customer and yr efforts deserve to be praised online as I've tried to do on the other Duettas-centered thread
Just wanted to clear up the Diva demo Marc has talked about. The crossover Rich sent with the Divas with a foil only midrange were way out of whack. I went back and with a combination of measurement and by ear modified Rich's crossovers to get the sound EQ-ed correctly. The owner agreed for me to build complete new crossovers of high spec similar to what he had with his previously owned Duettas supplied by myself.

Delivered them yesterday and the speakers now sound like they should. Left the crossovers un-potted as they change a bit with to run-in and the tweeter circuit might need a small adjustment, going back in a couple of weeks to finish, upgrade the pigtails and change to the more protective screen mesh.

Pity you couldn't hear them yesterday Marc, would have given you a much better impression of what Divas are capable of.

Is that because the new Graz ribbons for Diva needs a different crossover to the original?
Maybe if a return visit is ever offered
Apologies if I came off as a bad guest and was a bit literal in my criticism
They seemed brilliant re speed and slam, and width
Just had no warmth or humanity
Moot point for me personally, only Duettas will fit into my space
But I'm glad you've got a happy customer and yr efforts deserve to be praised online as I've tried to do on the other Duettas-centered thread

Thanks Marc, I'm sure you would be welcome to a return visit, Kim will want to hear them again also.
These Divas have a 0.2 ohm foil only midrange vs the standard 3 ohm 3-element kapton backed standard driver. For some reason I can't explain Rich only made a minor adjustment to the crossover.

Is this foil sounding as pure as the Scintilla foil?
0.2 Ohms
Is that as brutally demanding as it sounds?
There certainly was a magic in the mids speed that day
Have NEVER heard King Crimson "Discipline" sound so kinetic w true speed in counterpointed twin guitars
Breathless stuff
Just struggled to breathe w the lack of warmth
Solved now?
Same foil as Scintilla mid just 25mm wide vs 50mm wide.

There is 1.4 ohms of padding in the crossover so the amp "sees" around 2 ohms, still a fairly punishing load.

Warmer, yes
more resolved and deeper bass - tick
transparent effortless mid - tick
clear pure treble - tick
open 3D acoustic on live material - tick

More importantly for me is the gut reaction test, does it give me goosebumps in the first few bars of a song - tick

Forgot to add, the last thing the owner said was "even makes Bob Dylan sound good", that is tongue in cheek btw, no offence meant to Bob Dylan aficionados, lol
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