Entreq Tellus grounding

my boxes will be here in an hour or two. The plan is to get a handle on the effect for power amps. I will do this by using one silver tellus and two Atlantis eartha cables, connected to each mono block's spare rca input. Once I confirm benefits or not, I will hook the other tellus up to my main pre and phono pre. I will chime in with more impressions tonight.
Dmnc02, in effect I'm going to end up w/somewhat of a mix of signal grounding (Apollo spade-xlr's/rca's) to Eera cdp and Audion dual monos, and chassis grounding (Apollo spade-spades) to Straingauge cart energiser earth post & Audion SET mono block spare spkr terminals & Zu Definitions 4 spkr sub amp ground posts, and am considering chassis grounding to the preamp monoblocks via ground posts. Then onto grounding the mains via Cleanus to my transformer and spade-spade Apollo from Cleanus back to S. Tells. And that'll be a wrap.
Christian, I'm confident you'll get great results grounding your mono blocks, you're well on the way to getting great results already.
my boxes will be here in an hour or two. The plan is to get a handle on the effect for power amps. I will do this by using one silver tellus and two Atlantis eartha cables, connected to each mono block's spare rca input. Once I confirm benefits or not, I will hook the other tellus up to my main pre and phono pre. I will chime in with more impressions tonight.

Why not connect to the grounding terminal on the back of the Xs150?

I have to admit, all of these different Entreq boxes and cables have got my head spinning. And my dealer, a Stillpoints dealer, still hasn't got anything in to try out. I'm seriously considering giving Miguel a call and trying the Tripoint route.
Frank, the complications of choice are not so different Entreq v Troy. Grounding boxes and ground leads, more than one variety of each. Both companies. Entreq traditionally grounds to signal plane hence rca/xlr terminated leads, Troy to chassis screws hence mainly spade terminated leads. One tends to choose one route over another. Had Troy been cheaper/more available in the UK, I may have gone down this route. As it was, Entreq was available, cheaper and made a massive impact, hence my happiness going w/them. I would say be patient re Entreq in the US, but it's been a long wait for you guys and I would understand plumping for Troy. But don't misapprehend that Entreq is more complex than Troy, that really isn't the case.
Why not connect to the grounding terminal on the back of the Xs150?

I have to admit, all of these different Entreq boxes and cables have got my head spinning.

Partly because he said he was only initially ordering earth cables with RCA terminations, so he presumably does not have a spade-to-spade on hand. But, more generally, and as much as this makes your head (and mine) spin, what kind of connection you ground to does make a difference. I confirmed this with input vs. output connections on my line stage and I will further check this in the next few days comparing RCA inputs to XLR.
my boxes will be here in an hour or two. The plan is to get a handle on the effect for power amps. I will do this by using one silver tellus and two Atlantis eartha cables, connected to each mono block's spare rca input. Once I confirm benefits or not, I will hook the other tellus up to my main pre and phono pre. I will chime in with more impressions tonight.

Look forward to reading how it goes and in particular whether the Atlantis earth cables prove to be a good match for the mono blocks.
Question for you Entreq users:

Are the Eartha cables shielded?

It does not look like they are, so I paid extra care in routing them away from power cords and digital cables.
Question for you Entreq users:

Are the Eartha cables shielded?
No, as indiciated by accwai.
The same applies to their other cables.
The major consideration is one must be careful of how they lay the cables.
Townshend also do a fair few cables without shielding and I must say they are pretty well received by reviewers.
And I can understand the pros/cons when it comes to RCA and shielding.

Why not connect to the grounding terminal on the back of the Xs150?

I have to admit, all of these different Entreq boxes and cables have got my head spinning. And my dealer, a Stillpoints dealer, still hasn't got anything in to try out. I'm seriously considering giving Miguel a call and trying the Tripoint route.

Strongly suggest u do that if cost is not an issue
I have to admit, all of these different Entreq boxes and cables have got my head spinning. And my dealer, a Stillpoints dealer, still hasn't got anything in to try out. I'm seriously considering giving Miguel a call and trying the Tripoint route.

Why don't you ask your dealer to order some for their own demonstration purposes ? As far as Tripoint goes, you are dealing with chassis grounding, not signal grounding plane. I am not saying their isn't grunge in the safety/chassis ground area, but imo, I think grunge in the signal is more important to deal with, hence the Entreq approach. Tripoint is now talking about the issue of grounding the signal plane. They seem to be late to the game (which I feel is a knee jerk reaction to Entreq). Their cables are beyond ridiculous from a pricing standpoint and now they have a big box that costs $70k(but you get a Steinway piano finish ;)). Of course the choice is yours. Entreq also has a box for the chassis ground called the cleanus. I may try that down the road. The Entreq product line is not that confusing. You need a Silver Tellus box and some cables. My preamp gets the biggest impact from this device followed closely by my phono stage and finally the amps. Anything now plugged into the preamp benefits (including digital). I am waiting a few more days before I post my latest impressions. They are very positive.
...Entreq...My preamp gets the biggest impact from this device followed closely by my phono stage and finally the amps. Anything now plugged into the preamp benefits (including digital). I am waiting a few more days before I post my latest impressions. They are very positive.

Great stuff...look forward to reading your impressions...
Anything now plugged into the preamp benefits (including digital).

In fact, in my system, with only the line stage grounded at this point (until I finalize the choice of cables), it is the digital that seems to have benefited the most, possibly because it is more sensitive to RFI/EMI. The effect is continuing to intensify.
In fact, in my system, with only the line stage grounded at this point (until I finalize the choice of cables), it is the digital that seems to have benefited the most, possibly because it is more sensitive to RFI/EMI. The effect is continuing to intensify.

'Intensify' is a good word for it...increased 'signal density' in my case is what i observe. I have no analog, but i can say my digital benefited greatly.
Why don't you ask your dealer to order some for their own demonstration purposes ? As far as Tripoint goes, you are dealing with chassis grounding, not signal grounding plane. I am not saying their isn't grunge in the safety/chassis ground area, but imo, I think grunge in the signal is more important to deal with, hence the Entreq approach. Tripoint is now talking about the issue of grounding the signal plane. They seem to be late to the game (which I feel is a knee jerk reaction to Entreq). Their cables are beyond ridiculous from a pricing standpoint and now they have a big box that costs $70k(but you get a Steinway piano finish ;)). Of course the choice is yours. Entreq also has a box for the chassis ground called the cleanus. I may try that down the road. The Entreq product line is not that confusing. You need a Silver Tellus box and some cables. My preamp gets the biggest impact from this device followed closely by my phono stage and finally the amps. Anything now plugged into the preamp benefits (including digital). I am waiting a few more days before I post my latest impressions. They are very positive.

Have you checked to see if your signal and safety/chassis grounds on are connected?

You'll need a multimeter.

A number of Devialet owners have posted in this thread about the benefits of connecting a Entreq Tellus to their signal grounds.

The signal and safety/chassis grounds on the Devialets are connected.
Why don't you ask your dealer to order some for their own demonstration purposes ? As far as Tripoint goes, you are dealing with chassis grounding, not signal grounding plane. I am not saying their isn't grunge in the safety/chassis ground area, but imo, I think grunge in the signal is more important to deal with, hence the Entreq approach. Tripoint is now talking about the issue of grounding the signal plane. They seem to be late to the game (which I feel is a knee jerk reaction to Entreq). Their cables are beyond ridiculous from a pricing standpoint and now they have a big box that costs $70k(but you get a Steinway piano finish ;)). Of course the choice is yours. Entreq also has a box for the chassis ground called the cleanus. I may try that down the road. The Entreq product line is not that confusing. You need a Silver Tellus box and some cables. My preamp gets the biggest impact from this device followed closely by my phono stage and finally the amps. Anything now plugged into the preamp benefits (including digital). I am waiting a few more days before I post my latest impressions. They are very positive.

That's great news.
Enjoy and please keep us posted
Soon to receive my extra Apollo rca-spade lead to ground BOTH my Audion Quattro true mono preamp. Christian's experience using a pair of leads on his preamp suggests I'll love the results. Then another 2 Apollo spade-spade leads to ground my Zu Definitions 4 spkrs sub amps.
Then a Cleanus/Apollo in the New Year to ground the mains transformer. Hoping/aiming that'll be a wrap!
Soon to receive my extra Apollo rca-spade lead to ground BOTH my Audion Quattro true mono preamp. Christian's experience using a pair of leads on his preamp suggests I'll love the results. Then another 2 Apollo spade-spade leads to ground my Zu Definitions 4 spkrs sub amps.
Then a Cleanus/Apollo in the New Year to ground the mains transformer. Hoping/aiming that'll be a wrap!

Sounds good!
All the logic says it should make a significant improvement and I look forward to hearing the results.

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