@TRHH Sorry for the redundancy. I recognize some listeners have cited strong opinions about specific SFPs. I have noticed some difference, but not night and day. Perhaps SM over MM is the most noticeable (to me).
To me, the best usage was with SFP+ transceivers. You likely already know, SFP+ fit into the SFP "cages." There is sometimes chatter about them not being compatible, but they are, all other variables being correct (wavelength, etc.).
I have used the three below to good effect, including my original MM 10G Tek module, although the others were better. I bought 10G Tek FMC and SFPs to test proof of concept a few years ago (cheap).
Currently, I am back to ethernet, as Emile at Taiko reported testing with their machine to favor copper over fiber. However, I was on fiber for a few years, and also have an audio-only fiber ISP to the house
IMO, my "best" ever optical set-up was:
--ISP Fiber modem on LPS
--Router on LPS (copper from modem to router)
--Buffalo switch modded w/PinkFaun OCXO (copper router to sw.)
--Sonore OM (SFP+ in switch and OM, SM cable).
--10meter SM fiber into Extreme server.
--Network gear on dedicated line, opposite phase from audio.
--Corning fiber cable.
I tested SFPs and SFP+ modules both in Extreme, OM and PFBuffalo switch. Theoretically, the more precise electronics in SFP+ "should" be better, but the difference is minor re: SQ. To me.
I am still a fan of fiber, but now only have the MSB ProISL converter into their Ref dac.