Introducing the LampizatOr Poseidon DAC

I have Laszlo’s new twin mini tubes and adapters in my Pac2
They are an incredible improvement over my 6n1p

There is major improvement in
Air: both regarding venue & between instruments
Soundstage: width & depth
I have no experience with other 6n6p substitutions but these are amazing in my system and are a significant upgrade
For me, I like the E83F, prefer them to the C3G
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Sorry guys can we pls steer the topic back to Poseidon and relevant tubes for this DAC. There is plethora of threads releted to Pac, H, TRP etc.
I see a few posts in the thread, where people want to know how Poseidon compares to other Lampi models. I know most on this thread are familiar with this chart, but in case it is helpful to those that haven't seen it, here is a pixelated iphone pic of the comparo chart from Lampi:

Lampi Sound Quality Comparison.jpg
OK, getting a demo of the Poseiden sometime by the end of this month!
OK, getting a demo of the Poseiden sometime by the end of this month!
I'm extremely curious how the Poseidon compares to your Pac2 :eek:
Please let us know your findings.
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Sorry guys can we pls steer the topic back to Poseidon and relevant tubes for this DAC. There is plethora of threads releted to Pac, H, TRP etc.
Ain’t that the truth ;)
I will be ready to start tube rolling Poseidon soon, don't even know where to start haha there are so many options
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Please enjoy this interview with Lukasz discussing Poseidon versus Horizon, among other topics:

Here is a full set up for the Posseidon.
can you share more details on what I'm seeing? I'm new to lampi tube rolling so can't recognize anything here. How does it improve the sound in your experience? thanks!
OK my demo delayed for a couple of months
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can you share more details on what I'm seeing? I'm new to lampi tube rolling so can't recognize anything here. How does it improve the sound in your experience? thanks!

can you share more details on what I'm seeing? I'm new to lampi tube rolling so can't recognize anything here. How does it improve the sound in your experience? thanks!
Tungsram PV4200 rectifier, Tungsram El6 and double subminiature tubes instead of the 6N1P. All with our TP adapters. It will improve the sound in every possible way:)
The impact is huge! Almost a component upgrade.
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Tungsram PV4200 rectifier, Tungsram El6 and double subminiature tubes instead of the 6N1P. All with our TP adapters. It will improve the sound in every possible way:)
The impact is huge! Almost a component upgrade.
Which subminiature tubes are you using?
I can chime in and say that I was one of the original guinea pigs for the Poseidon tube rolling experiment. Laszlo was goodly enough to set me up with a set up TP adapters for both ECC40 tubes and a set of 4654 tubes and I can report both as being a very nice step forward.

When I directly compared the ECC40 tubes with the Soviet-made Reflektor tubes, which my partner uses in his Poseidon, the differences were subtle. Initially, I was inclined to prefer the more expensive Reflektors, but after level matching the volume, the distinction became less pronounced. The ECC40s, using TP adapters, delivered better bass and overall solidity, while the Reflektors had slightly more top-end sparkle and air. Given that the Reflektors cost over $1,200, the TP adapters with ECC40 tubes offer exceptional value.

Regarding the 4654 tubes, my comparison was limited to the stock Chinese tubes that came with the system. While these stock tubes are quite competent, the 4654 tubes enhanced the music with greater density, heft, and dynamics while presenting more apparent detail. The TP-adapted 4654 tubes particularly complemented my system, making the music bolder and more dynamic.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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