I've mentioned this before:
IF I work hard at doing my best and then give it away...you know what?
Nobody shows up.
The ones who DO show up tend to be the type who whine and want an even better price, even though you are already killing yourself in that given product at the given price.
Pardon me, I'm a bit bitter about the idea of there being a reward for those who do their best.
For I've never seen it, after many a try.
It's that line, 'no good deed goes unpunished'.
So instead, It is just normal pricing for the products in their respective quality class.
For example, twice now, I've heard back from differing retailers (depending on the business I'm involved in that is being spoken of) that some established companies have delivered direct threats to their retailers, if those retailers should try and sell or stock the given product that I'm involved in. The bargain vs quality is perceived to be enough of a threat (market disruptor) to the given market model and established companies ...that they threaten their own retailers.
The retailers, many time, also agree. They want to sell expensive established items, within that given market category... that have good solid return....due to high margins and due to market perception. They do not want to rock the boat of their own customers and go from a "pull market" (customer comes into buy and spend) to a "push market" (customer has to be convinced to buy). It is tough enough to make a living in this environment.
Thus, human perception and human mental position, and motion through life... is screwing over the very core of what you are proposing with this thread. Lord knows I've tried and all I ever managed to get out of it is starvation, market rejection, and marginalization.
You are talking about fighting the city hall that is built in the core of the vast majority of people, as they exist and integrate in this market and world of audio. It matters not that it will run off a cliff, it will regardless of what anyone says or does. Like a heart on a decapitated body, the last beats will be the same as the prior beats....excepting that those last ones will be the most desperate and strongest.
The only way it is ever going happen, is that you are going to have to hold the market down, as it exists today ---and punch a knife through it's heart. Good luck with that.
Human nature.