Late to this conversation (as usual) but my 1.9 cents...
IMO - 2x, 4x DSD are at the point of diminishing return WRT sonic benefits. As some people on this thread have stated the recording technique is the vast majority of the equation. In my experience I have CDs that sound phenomenal so the # of bits and sample rate aren't necessarily overly important. That said, I do believe hi res and DSD can yield sonic benefits over redbook but at single digit % sonic improvements. The other big piece of the digital puzzle I believe is A->D and D->A advancements. We have seen tremendous improvements over the past ~10 years especially in digital performance/$, but it still has room for improvement.
As far as comments about not preferring newer music and primarily listening to tunes of the golden age - congratulations, you have officially become your parents!

There is so much great music and phenomenal musicians available at the tap of your mouse globally, it's a narrow view to be stuck in the 70s, 60s, (enter your musical decade or two here). We all identify with music of our youth; it holds a special meaning that biases our taste and preference. I will always have an attachment to 70s and 80s rock but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate and listen to everything from classical to Sonny Stitt to Tame Impala. Again, my opinion, not an attempt to insult anyone