I have no problem with your belief's my issue is with summarily dismissing something you have not tried. You made a big deal about the "product" doing something to the signal and that is why my comment on the network boxes on your cable.Elliot G,
Well, for me WBF means What is the best , but also a balance between Why it is the best and Wow, it is really the best!
You are free to believe I am wrong - than tell us why and I will be happy to learn. However there is public information accessible in the net, including detailed photos of the internals of the QX4 that seem to confirm my analysis. Besides I have owned Quantum products since long, even before they were absorbed by Nordost - my alternative reference power wiring should sum more than 100 feet of various Quantum power cables.
Although I can not see why my network cables come to this thread, I can tell you that many people have technically objected to them in this forum, mostly spreading false or outdated technical information about them and every time I patiently pointed the objective truth.
Apologies if my questions and doubts do not make sense to you - I hope that they will interest a few curious audiophiles who show an open technical mind, even in the very hard voodoo land of power devices.
These seems to be conflicting philosophies in my mind.
Do as you choose that is your right however if you haven't tried something I don't think you should be commenting on it. My thought period.
Yesterday my friend, an industry vet and a very experienced listener, heard my system with the only change being these products. He was amazed and wanted to immediately get his hands on the QX-4 and QB-8.
It doesn't have to be new or crazy priced to be good and sometimes we all find wonderful value items.