Hi @mulveling ,
I am comfortable with sharing the stats of the industry as a whole, but not comfortable with sharing detailed data on individual brands. There are a few reasons for this, but mostly because I know they all have tolerance challenges to greater or lesser degrees and picking on one would be a suggestion that others "are better". Koetsu has the same problems all the others do, particularly because of the type of stylus profile they have chosen for their cartridge. Yes, Gyger replicant styli are generally much better aligned (they are also FAR easier to image and measure!) than Ogura or Namiki profiles, but they have a downside: they degrade relatively quickly. Koetsu does not use Gyger for the top end cartridges - or any of their cartridges, as far as I know.
The other reason is that not all of my stats on individual brands have datasets large enough to be statistically significant. It would be irresponsible for that reason alone to share data that wasn't robust enough to be a reliable sample of the general construction quality. I have analyzed 33 or 34 brands by now but some of them have been seen only a small handful of times.
The only thing I am comfortable saying in public about the Koetsus is that they are doing a great disservice by "hiding" the cantilever. I measure the angular relationship between the body and the cantilever on all my analyses and I know that we cannot be aligning our cartridges by their bodies. Besides the bodies being TWICE removed from the part that matters (the stylus' contact edges), the bodies are rarely orthogonal to the cantilevers - not to mention whether the stylus contact edges are orthogonal to the cantilever.
At the request of a couple cartridge manufacturers, I have shared brand-specific data with them in an effort to help them make better cartridges, but I'd otherwise rather keep the data to myself for now. Sorry to disappoint.
What would you like Koetsu to do?
Not have their signature long rectangle body?
One would think the body shape and positioning of the motor/cantilever and stylus as part of their design and not designed to be a disservice to customers