I use a Koetsu Blue Lace Agate Platinum with my SME 20/12 turntable, mounted on an SME V12 arm. After years of suffering through Lyra etc. cartridges and their hyper elevated piercing treble, I’m entirely satisfied with the sound of Koetsu. One key reason is that unlike every other cartridge manufacturer, Koetsu’’s roll off the treble. This is a beautiful decision, because it’s in the high treble that moving coil cartridges have their highest distortion, usually around 10%-20%. Check out this review in Hi Fi News, one if the very few magazines that actually measures the response curves of cartridges. Every Koetsu has a similar profile of a rolled off treble. I like this sound. It’s what I prefer as opposed to the hyper elevated treble of Lyra, van den Hul, and Ortofon who have nasty treble peaks, making the distortion much worse.
Lab Report A schism is widening in the world of pick-up design. On the one hand there are brands pushing at the edge of suspension design, generator efficiency, low tip and moving mass, while employing sophisticated yokes and body materials. Recent examples include the Ortofon MC Anna Diamond...
Compare this response to the elevated treble of the Lyra Etna. Lots of people like this hyper brilliant sound, possible because they like hyper bright metallic tweeters. I don’t. It makes me run out the room with my ears closed.
This 'naked' but rigidly-constructed cartridge offers just about the best combination of extended response, low distortion, generator uniformity and trackability that I've measured in years, if not decades. Its 285µV output (re. 1kHz at 5cm/sec into 50-200ohm) is on target and the stereo...