Just a quick update on my Blue Lace after 30 hours. I am comparing it with my 4 year old Urushi Tsugaru which I extensively am familiar by now. The Blue Lace is a reviewer's delight, as I kept telling myself. It improved in almost all parameters over the Urushi. Soundstage, locked in imaging, separation of instruments (this is a great improvement), very natural balance from top to bottom frequencies, transparency (laid back sound virtually detached from the plane of the speakers), bass quality ( to me this is the most dramatic improvement of all - I never imagined my Quads to produce this kind of low notes with superb definition and tightness) , and overall, the BL retains the musicality that Koetsu is known for. The airiness is simply remarkable, giving it a very refined quality, specially in the highs and mids. There is no harshness whatsoever, and it is faithful to the recording. Glare in, glare out. Quite an accurate piece of transducer. Friends ask me how it compares to the Urushi, I can only tell them, I cannot go back to the Urushi anymore after listening to the Blue Lace.