Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC

While depositing funds immediately on the Horizon as I love the Pacific and am a full believer of Lukasz’s creation, I posted a few weeks ago how I lament the seemingly most appealing vintage tubes have become rarities or bought up by collectors. Even Lukasz is lamenting this. Are there even enough to go around?

Again, Omg why am I investing in a DAC that thrives on or people seeking vintage tube and adaptor combinations that are not really easily accessible? I know, i know the new ones will be set and forget and sound fantastic. Just a bit confusing marketing. Perhaps I am not the only one trying to understand. And maybe I am buying the wrong product. That all said, I love my current Pac tubes which are not vintage but even they are now hard to find. Can a Horizon owner know in 3-5 years there will be incredible tubes still available?

I have full trust in whatever tubes Lukasz sends w my Horizon. Until then
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Indeed matey. For eg I see a bendix 6900 on ebay now for usd1200 , a single tube. It's harder to find as these are a finite resource. But with all the hoarding out there...believe it or not...there's probably enough tubes to go around for decades. So it won't be a matter of running out but rath3r just the cost.

If we can pay 10k for a power cable....perhaps in the future it is not unforeseeable that we will do the same for tubes then if the value of a tube goes up, so will companies in their efforts improve the circuits to protect tubes like what luksz is doing when he can advise to just leave the dac on and never power off.

On that last point i am many ppl actually do not power off their lampis??
While depositing funds immediately on the Horizon as I love the Pacific and am a full believer of Lukasz’s creation, I posted a few weeks ago how I lament the seemingly most appealing vintage tubes have become rarities or bought up by collectors. Even Lukasz is lamenting this. Are there even enough to go around?

Again, Omg why am I investing in a DAC that thrives on or people seeking vintage tube and adaptor combinations that are not really easily accessible? I know, i know the new ones will be set and forget and sound fantastic. Just a bit confusing marketing. Perhaps I am not the only one trying to understand. And maybe I am buying the wrong product. That all said, I love my current Pac tubes which are not vintage but even they are now hard to find. Can a Horizon owner know in 3-5 years there will be incredible tubes still available?

I have full trust in whatever tubes Lukasz sends w my Horizon. Until then
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While depositing funds immediately on the Horizon as I love the Pacific and am a full believer of Lukasz’s creation, I posted a few weeks ago how I lament the seemingly most appealing vintage tubes have become rarities or bought up by collectors. Even Lukasz is lamenting this. Are there even enough to go around?

Again, Omg why am I investing in a DAC that thrives on or people seeking vintage tube and adaptor combinations that are not really easily accessible? I know, i know the new ones will be set and forget and sound fantastic. Just a bit confusing marketing. Perhaps I am not the only one trying to understand. And maybe I am buying the wrong product. That all said, I love my current Pac tubes which are not vintage but even they are now hard to find. Can a Horizon owner know in 3-5 years there will be incredible tubes still available?

I have full trust in whatever tubes Lukasz sends w my Horizon. Until then
I also had some of these concerns switching from Pacfic , which I had plenty of tubes for . The Horizon is very special, it's almost impossible to make it sound bad . You can use a 20.00 tube or a 800.00 tube and it's not going to sound awful. In fact no matter what tube I installed so far to compare I lost focus and just got lost in the music .
I also had some of these concerns switching from Pacfic , which I had plenty of tubes for . The Horizon is very special, it's almost impossible to make it sound bad . You can use a 20.00 tube or a 800.00 tube and it's not going to sound awful. In fact no matter what tube I installed so far to compare I lost focus and just get lost in the music .
Rau what is the difference between the Pacific and horizon sound wise? Lots commented on and positively so but I still don't have a solid picture of what's different just that it's good different
Rau what is the difference between the Pacific and horizon sound wise? Lots commented on and positively so but I still don't have a solid picture of what's different just that it's good different
It clearly has a more solid sound stage , musicians/instruments are planted solid .
Width, Height, Depth increased . Very musical , day and night difference

like Steve mentioned it's hard to pull yourself away .
It clearly has a more solid sound stage , musicians/instruments are planted solid .
Width, Height, Depth increased . Very musical , day and night difference

like Steve mentioned it's hard to pull yourself away .
very nice:) definately something to look forward to:)
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While depositing funds immediately on the Horizon as I love the Pacific and am a full believer of Lukasz’s creation, I posted a few weeks ago how I lament the seemingly most appealing vintage tubes have become rarities or bought up by collectors. Even Lukasz is lamenting this. Are there even enough to go around?

Again, Omg why am I investing in a DAC that thrives on or people seeking vintage tube and adaptor combinations that are not really easily accessible? I know, i know the new ones will be set and forget and sound fantastic. Just a bit confusing marketing. Perhaps I am not the only one trying to understand. And maybe I am buying the wrong product. That all said, I love my current Pac tubes which are not vintage but even they are now hard to find. Can a Horizon owner know in 3-5 years there will be incredible tubes still available?

I have full trust in whatever tubes Lukasz sends w my Horizon. Until then

With tubes, people always focus on those which are deemed the "holy grail" versions. Quite often they are not, or another tube which costs significantly less money can sound almost as good.

I went through a period of almost a decade buying and listening to old stock 6SN7s and found there are so many which sound great. Even a $150 pair of Sylvania 6SN7SWGTs (brown base) can sound amazing. It just takes time to try a bunch of these. I am not putting down $2k on a pair of Bendix 6900s until I exhaust 30 other pair of tubes first.
Indeed matey. For eg I see a bendix 6900 on ebay now for usd1200 , a single tube. It's harder to find as these are a finite resource. But with all the hoarding out there...believe it or not...there's probably enough tubes to go around for decades. So it won't be a matter of running out but rath3r just the cost.
I don't understand the the psychology of the hoarder/collectors that collect 50 or 100 of the same vintage tube. For what purpose-- so they can line them all up and take a picture? Or I suppose they could be an investment. In any case, I'd rather see them glowing away in an amp (or DAC).
I don't understand the the psychology of the hoarder/collectors that collect 50 or 100 of the same vintage tube. For what purpose-- so they can line them all up and take a picture? Or I suppose they could be an investment. In any case, I'd rather see them glowing away in an amp (or DAC).
It could just be nutty audiophiles doing the deed. I know I end up hoarding a favorite tube for a piece of gear at any given time, and then I'm terrible at selling them off. I have got so many Sylvania triple mica black plate 5751's, and I might just have the world's largest remaining stash of Ei KT-90's (which would definitely try on the Horizon, should I end up pulling the trigger).
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To answer a few questions

1. I leave my Horizon on. This was Lukasz advice and it is stated in the manual. I do keep the volume at 00
I never kept my Pacific on. Lukasz stated that the power draw when left on is minimal and with most tube failures occurring with powering on or power off he suggests to leave on

2 as stated there isn’t a bad tube to be used. It’s the synergy of the tubes in ones system

3. Because of tube shortage Likasz says find the set you like and forget about them as they will last 10 years or more with power on

4 I too loved the Pacific. I kept asking Fred how Lukasz could better this. The reality is he not only achieved this but IMO the Horizon is in a league of its own The Pacific is wonderful but the sound from the Horizin is about as natural as I’ve ever heard.
5. As for the 9600 they will outlive the owner according to Lukasz

6. Now is the time to seek out your tube sets as who knows where everyone is in the queue and when I searched yesterday all of the top tubes are available. I know someone who just purchased a NOS set of 9600 two days ago

7. There will only be 400 Horizon ever made. IMO they will become lifers for the owner and will become collectors items

8. my bet is if anyone has second thoughts your position in the queue will gladly be taken by someone else

9. The Horizon is something I can listen to all day. You just can’t stop listening long as you're not making little outfits and hats for the tubes, and displaying them around the room, you're probably OK. You're not doing that, are you?
Oh, man! Now you've got me looking over my shoulder!!!
For Lukasz....
I understand the 6SN7s or small tubes and the pentodes of the Horizon will last a lifetime. But what about the rectifier, which run much hotter than output tubes on my GG2? I left my GG2 on all the time and my EML mesh 274 lasted about 6 mo. What should we expect for the life cycle of rectis on the Horizon?
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I don't understand the the psychology of the hoarder/collectors that collect 50 or 100 of the same vintage tube. For what purpose-- so they can line them all up and take a picture? Or I suppose they could be an investment. In any case, I'd rather see them glowing away in an amp (or DAC).
indeed wil - quite interesting but yet investment into your hobby as it were ( not for money).

it's easy to see that tubes will get more expensive not cheaper and nos do sound much better than new . the same laments on price now will echo the laments as to why ( the person) didnt buy the same tube 5 yrs or 10 yrs ago.

It is clear that tubes will always have a place in music - it is not going to go away and as tubes get worn used thrown damaged and more ppl realise how good tubes sound - the supply will get smaller and smaller with a higher demand. The ppl who hoard do so knowing that they love the sound of tubes and its better getting something now, rather than in the future where it is much much harder. After all with a nos tube that survived the last 40-50 yrs ; why wont it survive another 50? I just buy and lock it away for that day when i need it. When a new lampizator dac comes up asking for tubes i havent used before:)

Looks at the 2a3s ...a crappy tube but even they are worth a bit now

Where i am getting sound wise with tubes atm ....i will never find a ss system that can replicate. I think more people will realise this as time passes. haha hope its just not my fancy thinking.
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i have had 5 lampi dacs , before the pac and gg2 , one thing for sure is listen to lukaz on tube choices . he built me dacs based on particular tubes
, based on what i wanted in sound for my setup . just relax and let him do a bit of driving at least for a few moths to settle thing in .
regarding the recti i cant say on H DAC but all the rest shutdown the recti on standby . if anyone intends to leave the dac on not standby use a SS recti then when you do listen critical place your fav recti in place . on most all audio devices not counting the H DAC A RECTI burns at full throttle playing music or not . i make no claims to know anything about the H dac ansd if A SS recti can be used . lukaz or fred needs to weigh in , or maybe Rodny alias mr RAU LOL .
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indeed wil - quite interesting but yet investment into your hobby as it were ( not for money).

it's easy to see that tubes will get more expensive not cheaper and nos do sound much better than new . the same laments on price now will echo the laments as to why ( the person) didnt buy the same tube 5 yrs or 10 yrs ago.

It is clear that tubes will always have a place in music - it is not going to go away and as tubes get worn used thrown damaged and more ppl realise how good tubes sound - the supply will get smaller and smaller with a higher demand. The ppl who hoard do so knowing that they love the sound of tubes and its better getting something now, rather than in the future where it is much much harder. After all with a nos tube that survived the last 40-50 yrs ; why wont it survive another 50? I just buy and lock it away for that day when i need it. When a new lampizator dac comes up asking for tubes i havent used before:)

Looks at the 2a3s ...a crappy tube but even they are worth a bit now

Where i am getting sound wise with tubes atm ....i will never find a ss system that can replicate. I think more people will realise this as time passes. haha hope its just not my fancy thinking.
2a3 TUBES and and still are one of the nos jewels . but there heater voltage is very low so current is high . this makes them an unpopular choice to build with .
2a3 TUBES and and still are one of the nos jewels . but there heater voltage is very low so current is high . this makes them an unpopular choice to build
haha - ok let me redefine the word crappy, its just not as good i feel as the other nos tubes. heater voltage is too low for it. only exception might be the mono plate 2a3s
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i have had 5 lampi dacs , before the pac and gg2 , one thing for sure is listen to lukaz on tube choices . he built me dacs based on particular tubes
, based on what i wanted in sound for my setup . just relax and let him do a bit of driving at least for a few moths to settle thing in .
regarding the recti i cant say on H DAC but all the rest shutdown the recti on standby . if anyone intends to leave the dac on not standby use a SS recti then when you do listen critical place your fav recti in place . on most all audio devices not counting the H DAC A RECTI burns at full throttle playing music or not . i make no claims to know anything about the H dac ansd if A SS recti can be used . lukaz or fred needs to weigh in , or maybe Rodny alias mr RAU LOL .
I spoke with Fred about this couple days ago , yes the rectifier will run full throttle when leaving the Horizon on . Also from what I understand you can hot swap the rectifier so maybe a SS rectifier when not in use might not be a bad idea . Vac also told me leave tubes on since it's hard on tubes being powered on and off .
8. my bet is if anyone has second thoughts your position in the queue will gladly be taken by someone else
hm, not sure what is meant by the comment above. almost like a benign veiled threat. Of course the Horizon has garnered massive interest. And rightfully so. As I’ve said, I have fully committed to the Horizon, but I think it is completely reasonable to raise ideas, even concerns, to hear from others on the forum, even the product manufacturers themselves, as to the universe of variables involved with such a major purchase. Frankly, I see that as one of the most inherently valuable unique characteristics of wbf.
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I too have some good AU and AT tubes. The best will be the Japanese, but also certain UK and NL ones, plus the non Telefunken German ones/Certain Teslas are quite fine too. French ones and a few Italian ones are great too. French ones are hard to get.
Wisnon. -- Thanks for the information on adaptors. I have stated I am not a tube roller but I have so many choices. Once I get my Horizon I will use whatever Lukacsz provides me for a month and then I will compare to the following:
1954 GE black box plates 12AU7
1962 RCA 6189 12AU7 black plates
1959 Tung Sol 6550 power pentodes

Then if I do decide to tube roll I have the following:
Brimar 6060 Yellow T
Sylvania 12AU7 shiny black plate

Both of these tubes were demoed at Steve's house and Lucasz loved the Sylvania when he heard it.

I also have :
Brimar 1950's Black Plate 12ATZ
GE Gray plate 12ATZ
Sylvania 12ATZ Black Plate
Toshiba ECC82 12AU7
Electro Harmonic - 6922
RCA Clear Top 12AU7 and Black Plate
Seimens ECC 81 from the 60's

Why do I need all of these tubes? I don't and I do not collect them. I basically was gifted them for my last amplifier. Needless to say, I will never need another tube in my lifetime. The reason I am not a tube roller is that it is just too hard to get to the DAC once it is situated. In my Pacific, I have just used the PK25s. I tried the RK 242's for about 10 hours and just went back.

Prayers to Ukrainians

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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