Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC

For Lukasz....
I understand the 6SN7s or small tubes and the pentodes of the Horizon will last a lifetime. But what about the rectifier, which run much hotter than output tubes on my GG2? I left my GG2 on all the time and my EML mesh 274 lasted about 6 mo. What should we expect for the life cycle of rectis on the Horizon?
Put in a cheap SS recti when leaving on. Rectis run full burn, but even then, the on/off does tend to shorten their lives.
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hm, not sure what is meant by the comment above. almost like a benign veiled threat. Of course the Horizon has garnered massive interest. And rightfully so. As I’ve said, I have fully committed to the Horizon, but I think it is completely reasonable to raise ideas, even concerns, to hear from others on the forum, even the product manufacturers themselves, as to the universe of variables involved with such a major purchase. Frankly, I see that as one of the most inherently valuable unique characteristics of wbf.
Not a threat, a fact. For the moment the queue is long and checked relentlessly by the buyers. Its like a popular concert line. U drop out and your place is eagerly taken. Just current circumstances...
Not a threat, a fact. For the moment the queue is long and checked relentlessly by the buyers. Its like a popular concert line. U drop out and your place is eagerly taken. Just current circumstances...
Precisely my point. A veiled threat. Cmon. Wisnon has it right on. If someone drops out the one behind him moves up. That’s no veiled threat. That’s fact. There will only be 400 of these ever built.
My bad for even trying to raise a concern/question on this thread as I try to understand the tube landscape currently and into the future, as a customer spending over $50k on the said product. OF COURSE I know the line is long and deep. C'mon. Sorry if you see my questions as 'second thoughts'. I believe folks considering buying this product deserve the respect to understand what they are getting into. How about respectfully responding to not only my questions, but others if you read back on this thread on this issue, rather than such a dismissive approach.
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Precisely my point. A veiled threat. Cmon. Wisnon has it right on. If someone drops out the one behind him moves up. That’s no veiled threat. That’s fact. There will only be 400 of these ever built.
Why the 400 limit? It's just a dac...
Why the 400 limit? It's just a dac...
Lukasz explained that the chipset for the Horizon is only 400 due to a combination of extenuating circumstances that he has explained There are no more of the chips for the Horizon. He has every one in existence
My bad for even trying to raise a concern/question on this thread as I try to understand the tube landscape currently and into the future, as a customer spending over $50k on the said product. OF COURSE I know the line is long and deep. C'mon. Sorry if you see my questions as 'second thoughts'. I believe folks considering buying this product deserve the respect to understand what they are getting into. How about respectfully responding to not only my questions, but others if you read back on this thread, rather than such a dismissive approach.
I don't think anyone was being dismissive. Chill. Its not that serious and yes, SW did try to answer many Qs all at once. That is courtesy. He could have ignored your Q.
1 every two days
5 working days per week
Should 400 in about 3 years.
Put in a cheap SS recti when leaving on. Rectis run full burn, but even then, the on/off does tend to shorten their lives.
So, is the question which burns the Recti out faster: leaving on 24/7 or switching out every day with a cheap Recti?
My bad for even trying to raise a concern/question on this thread as I try to understand the tube landscape currently and into the future, as a customer spending over $50k on the said product. OF COURSE I know the line is long and deep. C'mon. Sorry if you see my questions as 'second thoughts'. I believe folks considering buying this product deserve the respect to understand what they are getting into. How about respectfully responding to not only my questions, but others if you read back on this thread on this issue, rather than such a dismissive approach.
hey c, it is okay, you have to remember to duck occasionally :). you would think this thread is most likely a good place to ask any questions regarding this product.

So, is the question which burns the Recti out faster: leaving on 24/7 or switching out every day with a cheap Recti?
I thought you shouldn't handle tubes until they cool down. How do you swap out a red hot recti without turning it off, which then subjects the other tubes to an on off cycle?
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i meant no disrespect nor was there a veiled threat contrary to what ALF is trying to suggest

I have absolutely no control over sales or queue positions. I do know how many units have been sold so far and I also read how many finished product will be shipped weekly. I also know how anxious everyone is to get theirs based on all of the comments here. Almost everyone feels the vibe and as most are already Lampizator owners, the energy is great. All I was trying to say is that those who have ordered pretty much know in order when they will receive theirs Should someone drop out for whatever reason, those behind will be moved up and they won’t complain about that. That’s all I was trying to say. Short of that if you took offense I truly apologize

I would tell everyone who has ordered and has a general idea where they are in the queue to start searching out tubes and adapters if necessary NOW and to have a file for where to buy tubes. Check them every day because I noticed if you snooze you lose. They go quickly. I searched for quite a while to find the tubes in that famous post 44 Reputable dealers can put out feelers out for you if they don’t have them. What I discovered was the term “out of stock” does not mean “ not available”

I say all of this because I believe that once you find a tube set you like “ set it and forget it.“ in the user manual Lukasz makes a strong point to leave the DAC on because the common time for tube failure is power up and power off. I used to keep them at level 63 for a week and now I keep the DAC muted but on.
The other caveat I learned is the power draw from the DAC on is minimal. We have solar in my house and I can follow the hourly draw of the DAC and I also did it with my system on. The power draw was of course more but less than the Pacific. So when Lukasz gives a reason, I believe it worth considering. (FWIW all of my other tube electronics are off as the power draw in standby is high)

This is a fantastic thread to ask questions. I hope my
lengthy explanation has helped rather than hindered

I can also say that so many of the tubes sound very similar so if you can’t find the one you like there are so many others that will sound so similar that you’d be quite happy.

I’ve had an all tube system for at least 20 years and have never found a tube I couldn’t replace or make better with a different purchase

Why am I saying all of this …. simply put this is the best DAC I have ever heard. So if you’re in the queue all I’m saying but in the wrong way way ( number 8) is the wait IMHO is not only worth it but you’ll kick yourself for dropping out. You probably would get back in but the wait will be even longer

Also, search out tubes now. Remember Lukasz provides the very best of tube set he has at that moment. Those that he sent me we rolled during demo week and I can tell you the MELZ steel plate is very close to the 6900 as were others we tried. The differences truly are minimal. It’s finding the right synergy for your room and your ears. It’s tough to stop listening.

So @ ctydwn, once again no offense meant. This DAC has absolutely remarkable sound. As well Golum has started a Horizon tube rollers thread and I hope I’ve convinced everyone that the wait is worth it BUT the time to do due diligence is now
As for swapping tubes I watched Lukasz and Fred swap out the triode set with the DAC muted but on as well as the amps. When he changed the triodes my amps and DAC. were off.

I’ve never burned out a rectifier either
IIRC rectifiers were swapped with DAC and amp in but DAC muted
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So, is the question which burns the Recti out faster: leaving on 24/7 or switching out every day with a cheap Recti?
It's simple if you put this in perspective. Burn out or fail are not the same
Burn out is the tube still works but at a much lower spec if compared to new. Fail is no more
Yes tubes fail mostly on turn on a high in rush current due to low resistance . As the filament heats up it's resistance increases.this levels off at tube spec when a tube is burned out the same heater current gets low this causes less tube actions . In an output tube you hear this as low gain and so on. I'ma recti not so much . It has more plate resistance this can have many unknown effects until you compare old and new. Lukaz made a special delay circuit.for the gg2 and pac for this reason. I don't know what he has done on the H . for me tubes don't fail as much as slowly die lol . While tube makers give a on time of use I feel.irs half of what some makers spec them at.
We can't measure tube burn in but it's very much there . Only when tubes measure below specs do we know they are way rn out . I always bought two pairs of tubes I like . Burned both sets in , but do swap after a while to hear where they are .
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The recti can be swapped hot due to it's capacitive filter . It slowly gets lower if you don't install next one fast enough . For me I'm always a fan of shut volume down . My system has some 6000 watts to melt my speakers should things go wrong. lampi makes a very solid product do as master Yoda asks and all is well.
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It's simple if you put this in perspective. Burn out or fail are not the same
Burn out is the tube still works but at a much lower spec if compared to new. Fail is no more
Yes tubes fail mostly on turn on a high in rush current due to low resistance . As the filament heats up it's resistance increases.this levels off at tube spec when a tube is burned out the same heater current gets low this causes less tube actions . In an output tube you hear this as low gain and so on. I'ma recti not so much . It has more plate resistance this can have many unknown effects until you compare old and new. Lukaz made a special delay circuit.for the gg2 and pac for this reason. I don't know what he has done on the H . for me tubes don't fail as much as slowly die lol . While tube makers give a on time of use I feel.irs half of what some makers spec them at.
We can't measure tube burn in but it's very much there . Only when tubes measure below specs do we know they are way rn out . I always bought two pairs of tubes I like . Burned both sets in , but do swap after a while to hear where they are .

The recti can be swapped hot due to it's capacitive filter . It slowly gets lower if you don't install next one fast enough . For me I'm always a fan of shut volume down . My system has some 6000 watts to melt my speakers should things go wrong. lampi makes a very solid product do as master Yoda asks and all is well.
With a fast swap of the Recti for a SS recti, before the capacitance drains, is the inrush current to the tube avoided?

If so, it seems that would be the best way to preserve Recti lifespan.
On Balanced Horizon Output: Does Lampi Balanced support the AES 48 standard?
With a fast swap of the Recti for a SS recti, before the capacitance drains, is the inrush current to the tube avoided?

If so, it seems that would be the best way to preserve Recti lifespan.
no its the inrush of heater element on any tube turn on . a swap does not eliminate this , but if the tube is still hot when put back this helps . the filimnet increses in resistence as it gets hot so its self leveling in some ways like a tungston light bulb . i think we are putting too much into this over all . just know if on standby recti is off it does matter . i dont know what the new H dac does or has on a standby switch , all i do know if im using a 1k recti im not leaving it on lol . one more point never shake tubes especially if hot its just a bad idea period .

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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