1. There is no best wine for everyone.
It depends on personal taste to choose favorite wine.
2. Law of diminishing return apply to both audio and wine.
100$ wine is not 10 times better than 10$ wine.
1,000$ wine is not 10 times better than 100$ wine.
3. You need experience to acknowledge good audio or wine.
I am not wine connoisseur.
But I could taste some nice wines through one of my rich friend who is willing to treat nice wines in his listening room.
He treated 700$ wine to me last year. It is the best wine I had ever tasted.
I had never bought wine more than 150$ myself, since I do not have confidence in selecting right one.
Some rich guy paid huge price for big audio system.
It plays loud but not in the balanced way or without any nuanced flavor of nice wines.
Money can not buy you nice system.
You need experience to match right components and cables.
4. One keeps looking for different flavor.
Most people do not want to drink same wine everyday.
They wish to taste different flavor.
Audiophile is looking for new flavor in their audio system.
They keep changing components every year or do some tweaks like cable rolling, tube rolling and power isolation.
Sometimes audiophile do sidegrade rather than upgrade.