Hi Thomas,Japanese Western field coil replica was priced very favorably.
The shop owner recommend me to get the replica and then find original Western midrange and bass field coil drivers in due course.
He mentioned to me that power supply, bass box and treble horn of Japanese replica could be used for original Western drivers.
I could not make up mind this time.
But I will be back to Seoul April next year to see my newborn twin granddaughter.
Then I try to find best option with advice of Mr Chung of Silbatone.
Can you share more about what you are trying to achieve? When I was designing my vintage-modern horns (RCA 1443, Supravox, Fostex), I spoke to Mr Chung at Sibaltone when I was considering WE (original and replicas). To be honest, while a nice guy, I was disappointed with the amount of information he had (or was willing to share). The truth is, I suspect, that the WE stuff just doesn’t sound that great. There is a big following, for sure; but it’s not because of sound quality.
The GIP replica drivers are extremely expensive and they won’t even give you frequency response charts. You’re expected to buy ”blind”! The GOTO stuff is not nearly in the same league, which is why it’s less expensive. I was disappointed that none of these companies have any data to help you with integration.
You would be much better off with the RCA 1428/1443 midrange, what is considered by many to be the finest midrange ever made. The RCA was designed to outperform the WE, and they succeeded. The RCA 1428 on a conical wood horn cannot be beat. There is none of the coloration you get with most horns, and you have an essentially flat response from ~600-~10000. I can help you if you want to go this route…
While WE drivers have a ‘romantic’ sound, they don’t stand up to the best modern drivers. The RCA does, I do not believe it has been bettered. I compared the midrange to Wilson XVX and the RCA was better.
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