This is sth that doesn't make sense to me.
I can understand parts selection. Afterall, in real life, components never measure the same (be it capacitors, transistors or even resistors), so within the very same components batch, there always will be comonenst that measure slightly better, and slightly worse.
If you are a manufacturer, you can hand pick those that measure best and put them on a side for your 'super project'. This is what Philips was doing for years with their 1541 chips, which came as a regular, Crown and Double Crown variants (the last one never comercially sold AFAIK). The hand-picking process is always very pricey, as it is very labour intensive, so the $32k extra MSB was charging for their 2014 DAC IV Select over a regular DAC IV Diamond ($75-$43=$32), made sense. The best parts went to the Select, those slightly worse to the Diamond. MSB DAC IV Select was their 'super project' with very high price tag and very limited supply (due to the rarity of 'super parts').
They are now claiming, that the new DAC V Diamond will employ all the elements of the 2014 MSB Select DAC plus some extra technology recently developed.
So is safe to assume, it will also employ those 'super parts'. But how they can put those 'super parts' in ALL of their DACs ? What happens with the regular parts (which would probably be 90% of those incoming) ? Would they end up in the trash bin ? In DAC IV days, they could at least re-use the rest in the Diamond. What about the extra costs associated ? How sth that used to cost $33 last year, could be given free of charge now ?
How they can offer DAC IV Diamond to DAC V Diamond upgrade for only $7k, and include new box and new hand picked Diamond DACs ? Anyone who ever upgraded from Signature to Diamond knows that the DAC modules itself (regular Diamond, not Diamond Select !) cost double that ! And what about a new box ? What about the 'new technology' ? Where is the dealer markup in all this ?
As I said - it all doesn't make any sense.